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12 Jul 2020 @ 10:39pm

Lieutenant Kragg

Name Kragg

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Klingon
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 6"7
Weight 280
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown


Spouse None
Children None
Father Doesn't Know
Mother Doesn't Know
Brother(s) Doesn't Know
Sister(s) Doesn't Know
Other Family Kilahy Vron-Bajroian Guardian

Personality & Traits

General Overview A loud typical klingon who makes his voice known and don’t get in his way. He is loner and doesn’t like it when people try to change that. Due to being raised with a Bajorian woman he has a fondness and for the Bajorian Culture and people.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Knowledgeable, loyal, dutiful, prompt
Weakness: Looks for a fight, cold, arrogant
Ambitions To command a starship
Hobbies & Interests HOBBIES: Battle Simulation, Klingon and Earth Weapons
LANGUAGES: Federation Standard, English and Klingon

Personal History Kraag was born on Qro’nos. His father and mother were warriors during the dominion war and served on the IKS Kahless. The ship was destroyed with all hands. This occurred at a very young age. Kraag was then sent to live with his grandmother, Kracia who died of old age when Kraag was 6 years old. She had a friend by the name of Kilahy Vron who was Bajorian. She took him in and raised on Bajor until age 15. At that point she took him and went to Qro’nos to learn Klingon Ways. When he reached the age of 18 he applied to Starfleet. He was accepted. His first year was rough since he had very little experience with humans. In his second year he didn’t know what field he wanted to be placed in and wondered from field to field. In his third year he found that he enjoyed and was good at Operations. He finished the academy with honors in Engineering and Security with a minor in Operations. He then was assigned to the USS Draconis as Assistant Chief Operations Officer. He served that tour very well, but everytime he went to engineering he wanted to stay and learn more about engineering. He was then assigned to Engineering on the USS Solice a Sovereign Class starship. He was able to learn engineering under the instruction of the Chief Engineering officer. He was obviously drawn to the weapons systems. He liked to see the phasers working at peak effenecy. He was able to get a lateral transfer to Engineering and transferred to the USS Solice a Prometheus Class vessel. He loved the design and the set up and the multi vector assault mode. He made sure that the weapons on each section were ready at a moments notice. He moved all over the ship. He learned the engineering information quickly. He then was assigned to USS Leaf a Nebula class starship. He liked the compact design, once an engine test was being run and he was burned badly from the injectors and he needed treatment. He had to take a year for the burn to heal up, he was then assigned to the USS Maryland a Galaxy Class vessel. He was made the Assistant Chief Engineering Officer of that vessel and he was able to save the ship during combat and get the impulse engines working as they needed for the ship to be able to maneuver and to that end he was then assigned to another Prometheus Class the USS California and he was the bridge liaison from engineering, he was also made a Lieutenant Junior Grade and able to link the systems together. He was also the Engineering Officer the middle section of the ship should she separate. A few tests were run, but no combat. During this time he had been brushing up on his qualifications as a Security and Tactical Officer. He was then promoted to full Lieutenant and made Chief Engineering Officer and assigned to the Prometheus Class USS Ardeshir.
Service Record USS Draconis-Assistant Chief Operations Officer-Ensign
USS Solice-Engineering Officer-Ensign
USS Leaf-Engineering Officer-Ensign
USS Maryland-Assistant Chief Engineering Officer-Ensign
USS California-Assistant Chief Engineering Officer-Lieutenant Junior Grade
USS Texas-Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer-Lieutenant Junior Grade
USS Ardeshir-Chief Engineering Officer-Lieutenant