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12 Jul 2020 @ 10:39pm

Lieutenant Roge

Name Roge

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Nuvian
Age 30
Languages Nuvian, Ferengi, Risan, Federation

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 205 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Roge is an average humanoid stature at first glance; the pronounced forehead slightly more ‘v’ shaped than a Romulan facial feature. The most significant difference is the 24 digits ; 12 per hand, with 4 opposing thumbs on the forth place in the hands with thumbs on both ends and two evenly spaced off center.


Father Shantar
Mother Molie

Personality & Traits

General Overview Roge is a man of some contradictions; while he has a strong will it stems from the defiance of a slave mentality. For centuries his people were enslaved and sold Like Orion females. Their emphatic touch made them a valued commodity. Yet ingrained in that past came a will to survive and not lose their culture. The Nuvians are very affectionate as a people; known now for the kindly massage therapy and how the body’s nuances seem an open book to a Nuvian’s touch.

Roge is among the few that actually studied more than just the exterior anatomy of humanoids; he studied the Xeno-Biology as he says ‘to me all are alien with few exceptions so I am in constant study.’ and his work ethic supports that part of his persona. Though it is mixed with a knowing that his own body; while humanoid, does get many glances at his unique hand of 12 fingers per hand, 4 opposing thumbs in the hand in strategical placement. He tends to hide this a much as possible socially.

Nuvians are affectionate and tend to hover on the edge of personal space; Roge enjoys the touch of others; to help them relax as tensions are what most of his people sooth over. Being a doctor he is one to heal and that desire is a large part of his persona. He is like an Old Earth Country Doctor.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Touch sensitive
+ Caring persona
+ Xeno- biology specialist
+ excellent Observation skills

+/- Strong willed

- Self-conscious of his hands
- Can be stand-offish about conclusions
- Hates non medical opinions of his wo
Ambitions To give aid to all he is able to.
Hobbies & Interests Plays a banjo
Has a love of ‘Finger painting rather than by brush.’
reading of the Medical field advancements
The wonder of other cultures philosophy.
Sculpting, mostly in clay.
Fine dining.
Distance swimming
Dek’Nar style Klingon blade fighting
Black Smith
The feel of a woman relaxed.
Earth Historical Tall sailing Ships.

Portray a Sea Faring Adventuerer

In a tournament of dwindling Blade fighters with others via subspace or Shore Leave. Only one will win, it is based on Good versus evil and once eliminated there is no restart.