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Mother Load

Posted on 29 Jun 2020 @ 11:46pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Commander Dante Ambrogio & Lieutenant JG Cleopatra McCaine PhD
Edited on on 30 Apr 2022 @ 3:21am

1,084 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M-17: Blood Moon Rising

H-ral scrambled up to the bridge as fast as he could once her mate had cried out over the com. Pushing through the other crew that had also wanted to get a look she looked out on the scene before her. Floating out in the middle of no where was a completely intact vessel and a second ship that was beyond repair but would bring a good haul...they were salvagers after all.

Looking out the window their partner ship she saw her first mate looking her way with a huge smile on his face. They were close enough that she saw him reach for ship to ship and his voice rang out. "Well Cap looks like your hunch was right...again."

From behind her, and though the open channel there were shouts of celebration... "The Captain ALWAYS knows where the big hauls are." "The Cap never fails." "I'd trust her hunches over the best sensor probe any day or night!"

Grinning she let them carry on for a time but had to interrupt. "All right, all right. Any life signs?"

Her pilot looked back with a smile. "Not a one, and the engines are all cold."

She raised her hands to quiet the new shouts of excitement as they started. "We got work to do people. J-lal, G-zan, T-rew, K-jon, K-dow and D-pek suit up and round up the larger debris and stow it in the cargo bays. After that we will tractor the ships and head home to the salvage station. Once underway we can transport over and begin inventorying. I want full scans for any hazardous material and everything done before we get to the station..."

That meant lots of work and long hours for everyone and she had heard the muted grumbling. "...I don't want us to have to do anything but put our feet up and watch the station's knuckle draggers offload while we sip Velosian ale and count our pay...and the first round is on me!"

Within the hour the debris had been swept up by the EVA teams and secured the cargo bays of the two salvage ships. It wasn't long after that the rest of their haul was tractor in and they were underway.

[Cargo Bays]

The ships were both on a preprogrammed course while everyone got to work. Some of the debris had remains of biomatter that had gone dormant in the vacuum of space. Now that it had been exposed to an oxygen atmosphere than things began to happen as a black slime began to congenial here and there on the debris.

K-dow and D-pek were busying themselves looking thought the various chucks of debris on their respective ships as G-zan, T-rew, J-lal and K-jon had gone over to the prizes they had in tow to appraise their values.

[Yvern's Cargo Bay]

It was K-dow that first noticed the slime, nothing more than a thin spotting on a what had once been an engineering console. He'd written it off as random contaminant until he spotted it on more chunks of flotsam. "Hey, Cap, what you think of this?

H-ral had come down to look at the collection herself and came over to see for herself. Picking up some of the debris to inspect it she dropped it as it seemed to move towards her hand.

[Team 1]

J-lal and K-jon moved from area to area looking for items of value but stopped cold as they turned into the next corridor. Blood splatters and drag marks went the length of the hall. "Holly Mother...happened here?" He looked to J-lal to say something but was interrupted by a sound from up ahead. He turned with a start but nothing seemed to move.

And then the sound came again. Soft. Oligenous. the sound glistening oil might make as it slicked a dirty puddle. It felt organic, and implied pulsing. J'lal looked at her companion, then down the corridor again. "Is anyone there?" she called out, not really wanting an answer. "Do you need help?"

K-jon worked his light back and forth down the corridor. He had expected decompression damage, scorch marks from weapons fire, conduit ruptures...that kind of thing but their was body parts, blood splatters, and blood trials up th next bulkhead. "I'm not hearing anything. Let's find what we can and get out of here."


Ooc - here's what we've knocked out so far....

For referance see this earlier post:

Crew 1 aboard the Yvern
Captain: H-ral (F)
G-zan (F), T-rew (M), K-dow (M)

Crew 2 aboard the Ydobu
1st Mate: R-paj (m)
J-lal (F), K-jon (M), D-pek (M)

Their locations:

G-zan, T-rew, are on one over recovered wrecks while J-lal, K-jon are on the other

H-ral and K-dow are going through the debris in one cargo bay and R-paj and D-pek are on the other scavenger ship doing the same.

Those on the scavenger ships will get sick and mutate where as thos on the wrecks will get hunted down...

Sarah- Alright so mutatations on the actual Scavenger ships themselves; is there any particular form they take? I know you have kinda mentioned Star Trek meets Dead Space which I have to admit gave me nightmares initially but I love the idea.

As for those who get hunted down, how exactly do the mutated creatures hunt? Are they pack hunters or do they hunt solo? Is it possible some of those who are on the wrecks (not mutated) band together and end up coming across a couple creatures that are battling for territory but their arrival interrupts that battle?

They can see and hear, and depending on the mutation possibly for multiple sides. They are mutated and reanimated corpses, reshaped into horrific new forms by a recombinant extraterrestrial infection. The resulting creatures are extremely aggressive and will attack any uninfected organism on sight.

Once they consume/infect enough life they will converge into larger organisms. During the final mission of the series we will find and face gigantic space-faring versions, believed to be the final life cycle stage, which are discovered to be the source of the EM signals that are actually controlling the lower versions . This signals have long believed to be simply a part of the background EM spectrum...Oooooo

As to who plays who:

Rico - I will take H-ral, T-rew. & K-jon
Sarah - I'll take G-zan and K-dow

That leaves...

R-paj (m)
J-lal (F), D-pek (M)

I'll take those then. ready?


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