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15 Jan 2021 @ 6:15am

Lieutenant Commander Dante Ambrogio

Name Dante Aldo Ambrogio

Position Guest

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Half-Vulcan/Human (Genetically Engineered)
Age 34
Languages Italian, German, English

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1"
Weight 160lb
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Emerald Green
Physical Description Dante has always worn his Raven Black hair about shoulder length so that it conceals heavy scars around the base of his neck. He has a jagged scar that cuts across one cheek just below his right eye and he has a little bit of a haggard appearance.

Physically he appears to be the perfect specimen of Humanity with slightly above average height and musculature and radiant skin and hair, though on close inspection he does seem to be a little bit pale.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Dante Ambrogio is an illegally Genetically Engineered member of society that for all intents and purposes appears to be the perfect specimen of Humanity. His parents are the ones responsible for his genetic engineering and he has a dark secret that he conceals from all but those who absolutely need to know... those individuals being his Commanding Officers and the Chief Medical Officers at his postings.

His family comes from Italy on Earth though one of his parents is Vulcan and both of them were scientists that worked in a Starfleet Intelligence Black Site working on various gene therapies.

Dante has been on the command path for as long as he can remember and that is a very long memory indeed, long enough that he has in fact forgotten large chunks of his earlier life.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
- Confident
- Quick Thinking
- Above Average Strength
- Higher Intelligence
- Loyal
- Reliable once his trust has been gained
- Tends to deal with insubordination a little harshly at times
- Requires a daily intake of DNA via Bloodpacks
- Severe Countenance
- Often reserved
Ambitions He wishes to one day have his own Starship and has worked his way up through the ranks, constantly being careful not to draw too much attention to himself if he can avoid it.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies:
- Writing & Reading
- Histories
- The Fine Arts
- Ancient Earth Cultures (especially Celtic, Norse, and Greek)
- Extinct Alien Civilizations
- Medieval History

Personal History Dante, being the result of Genetic Engineering, has always had to be careful in his postings. For most of his adult life (which has been longer than he can actually remember at this point) people like him have been forbidden from even being in Starfleet, let alone from holding Rank and he has had to prove time and time again that it is not just his Genes that have earned him the right to the positions he has held. As a result of that constant fight he often deals with insubordination harshly.

He holds himself to even higher standards than he holds other Officers however because he knows that he can do better and that he should. He conceals a dark secret from his fellow officers, revealing it only to the Chief Medical Officer at each of his postings and then to his Captains once they have earned his explicit trust; this secret being that he requires a daily infusion of DNA (both Vulcan and Human) via the ingestion of Bloodpacks due to a flaw in his Genetic Code that makes his DNA rapidly decay and age him if he does not receive these infusions.

He scored top 2% of his class at the Academy and would have been Valedictorian had it not been for the realization halfway through his final year that he was beginning to draw too much attention from the wrong eyes to himself and making the decision to tone his efforts back to try and lose that attention. From graduating the Academy in 2240 he has served on a plethora of starships throughout the Fleet, even serving a stint in the Vulcan Science Directorate as a liaison and ambassador of sorts.

He has lived a lifetime that has been extended multiple times through repeated Gene Therapies done by his parents until their sudden and tragic passing in the year 2366 after they had been recalled to active service in the Fleet during the Borg Invasion. He is now trying to live his final extension to its fullest and make the most of his remaining time.
Service Record 2240-2247: U.S.S. Xavier; Attack Class Escort; Operations Officer
2248-2260: Starfleet Security Deep Space 12; Security Officer
2261-2270: Starfleet Security Deep Space 12; Head of Security
2271-2272: Deep Space 12; Operations Officer & Head of Security
2273-2280: U.S.S. Abbé; Security Officer
2281-2285: U.S.S Abbé; Chief Security Officer
2286-2315: Liaison and Ambassador to the Vulcan Science Directorate; Several ships including the V.S.S. Kir'Shara, V.S.S D'Vahl, and V.S.S. T'Pau
2316-2325: U.S.S Andromeda; Operations Officer
2326-2330: U.S.S. Andromeda; Strategic Operations Officer
2331-2336: U.S.S. Aries; Chief Strategic Operations Officer
2337-2345: U.S.S Asgard; Yeoman
2346-2350: U.S.S. Asgard; Chief of the Boat
2351-2356: U.S.S. Aurora; Chief of the Boat
2356: U.S.S. Aurora; Demoted and Stripped of Rank after Command Incident concerning his heritage
2357-2360: U.S.S. Aurora; Security Officer
2361-2364: U.S.S. Ariadne; Security Officer
2364-2367: U.S.S. Ariadne; Chief Security Officer
2367: Received the Federation Medal of Honor for actions during the Battle for Wolf 359
2368: Transferred to the U.S.S. Armstrong as Chief Strategic Operations Officer to help get the ship back on its feet. Rank partially restored.
2368-2370: U.S.S. Armstrong; Chief Strategic Operations Officer
2371-2374: U.S.S. Apollo; Chief Strategic Operations Officer
2375-2379: U.S.S. Archer; Yeoman
2380-2384: U.S.S Arcadia; Chief Strategic Operations Officer
2385-2387: U.S.S. Odyssey; Chief of the Boat
2388-2390: U.S.S. Odyssey; Second Officer
2391: Transferred to the U.S.S. Arcanus as Second Officer
2391-2393: U.S.S. Arcanus; Second Officer
2394: Transfer to the U.S.S. Pheonix
2394-Current: U.S.S. Pheonix; Executive Officer