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Change in Position

Posted on 31 Jul 2020 @ 8:42pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Commander Dante Ambrogio & Lieutenant Kragg
Edited on on 30 Apr 2022 @ 3:17am

531 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M-17: Blood Moon Rising

Rico led the way as the meeting broke; he wanted to grab Heather and head over to sickbay before they arrived at the last known coordinates of the trade ship. As he stepped onto the bridge he took a breath as he took in the view, a view he never got tired of. Turning back his XO, "I think you are right, let's get a better look of what's out there. Send out a series of probes so we can update the data we currently have."

Kragg saw the empty Chief Security Officer chair and wondered where the Security Chief was. He then turned back to his panel and looked over the instrument readings to see the status of the ship. She was in good shape and ready for anything.

Dante nodded quietly in thought for a moment before speaking. “My suggestion then would be to send out a nonstandard array of probes, saves us probes for later scans but at the same time fills the same if not better coverage... I will show you... As I recall these Prometheus class starships have something similar to the NX class Enterprise except holographic”

After scratching his chin in thought he strode to the XO console at the back of the bridge and then began laying out a display of the probe layout he was thinking, it formed a rough diamond shape beneath and below the ship, using 5 probes that would boost each other and ensure that they would all have constant communication back to the ship until they were well beyond normal probe range. After it was complete he pushed it to the main view screen and strode to stand just a bit behind the Captain's chair.

“Captain, this array and layout will work best and conserve both time and energy. We will have to stay stationary until their scans are complete but if we calibrate them for full level 6 scans as they go we will be leaving our position will full charts of everything around us out to about 1.5 times their maximum range”

He stepped back, a soft but severe smile on his face as he looked around the bridge and noticed the shifts in positions from his earlier foray onto the bridge to meet the Captain.

Rico looked at the display nodding, "Deploy the..." Stopping himself he noticed Lieutenant Kragg hovering about. "Lieutenant, did you have something?"

"No, Captain. I couldn't help, but notice that the Chief Security Officer's chair was empty that's all. The ship is fully operational, sir."

"Yes our former Security Chief had to leave us, family emergency, and took a shuttle to the Dilithium station at Teralis.
Which reminds me", glancing back to Dante, "we need to fill the position and I just don't Ltjg Th'kaviq is ready to head a Department."

Kragg leaned forward to the CO and said, "Sir, I'm qualified in security as well as engineering."

Dante looked Kragg over and then looked over to Rico. "As I went through the personnel files last night Sir, I believe that Lieutenant Kragg would perform well in Security. If I am not mistaken do we not have a new transfer that is qualified in Engineering?"


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