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What to do - Part 3

Posted on 23 Apr 2016 @ 3:12pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Commander Samuel Killpatrick & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Captain Korra Wen & Lieutenant Diranne Ogar
Edited on on 23 Apr 2016 @ 3:14pm

1,588 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time

Da`nal listened carefully but that last bit of information sparked an immediate response. "Monitor the gravitational effects. What were to happen if the anomaly, wormhole...whatever we are going to call it, were to destabilize?"

Alanna was a second ahead of the Captain. When she heard about the dust, she went to the nearest console and checked the sensor data. "If it destabilizes, we'll be trapped her, sir," Alanna said. "Unless we can recreate it." She began a detailed scan of the dust and the wormhole so she could get more information.

Karina had been clandestinely observing the various theories and discussions and decided to contribute. "That's not quite correct Commander, and I'm afraid the creation of the portal is my fault."

Da`nal was immediately on alert, his hand moving to the blade at the small of his back. "Identify Yourself!"

"I mean no harm to you or your crew. I have been examining your database and if I had I found you to be affiliated with the ships that had attack me, I would have destroyed your ship."

That made perfect sense to Alanna, and once she finished setting up the scan, she turned to pay attention to the AI.

Garibaldi raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. He'd had the feeling he was being watched, but had shrugged it off. Now he knew better.

Sam raised an eyebrow, true AI were very rare, but he'd had the pleasure of communicating with a handful of them over his career, the thing you needed to get straight was that they were sentient just like a biological, and they had their own personalities and reactions to the events that happened around them.

Addressing the voice Da`nal spoke again. "And how did you get aboard and override our systems with detection?"

"The power transfer that was set up allowed me to gain access. No insult intended, but you computers did stand a see by your calendar my programming is nearly one hundred year more advanced than yours."

Da`nal lowered his hand and straightened, it seemed they were currently at the mercy of a Future A.I. and no blade would help in such a battle. "Well as you already know then, this ship is equipped with holo-emitters. Show yourself."

"As you wish...” Using the emitters her physical form took shape at the end of the conference table opposite the Klingon Commanding officer and gestured towards him. "...please have a seat Commodore and I will tell you what I know."

For a moment he remained still by slowly he stepped around from behind the chair he took a seat. As he moved he regarded the hologram, obviously a female form but not a representation of flesh but of semi-transparent energy that had a slight glow. "You have our attention."

Karina laid out the history of the situation. How the Terran Empire had somehow entered their universe and captured their ship. She explained how she had been unable to function until the automated repair systems had repair enough of the damage to allow her to take control of the ship and rescue her shipmates. It was at that point things got complicated.

"You see your ships counterpart was creating a dimensional rift to return to its home reality with my ship in tow as some kind of trophy. It was then, after rescuing those I could, I used our subspace weapons and we ended up here."

"Do you have data on the dimensional rift and the weapons so we can understand what happened?" Alanna asked, ever the scientist.

Smiling. "As to the how, you already have the answer to that. You already know that they possess a dimensional transporter. That device allowed them to infiltrate your reality to apprehend people and steal technology. They have managed to integrate that technology into their ship's systems to allow a vessel to pass from reality to reality. The weapons," she looked down...dejected, "well that was my fault. The exchange of fire during our escape attempt, destabilized the portal, and altered the destination."

There had been talk in the scientific community about the dimensional transporter. "We didn't know it had been integrated into their systems," Alanna admitted. "And we don't know what effect your weapons had on the transporter. You said it caused the ship to go off course. I assume you have the specs on the device and how it was integrated?"

Karina shook her head. "I hadn't the time or opportunity to get that information, as my focus was on the rescue of my people and our escape; though your answer may lie in the smaller vessel you are currently investigating. What I am sure of is that passage from my time to your time without the dimensional shielding from your counterpart killed the very people I had rescued and those that took part in our capture. I failed them..."

Alanna didn't think the AI failed her crew, more that she encountered an unfamiliar situation and dealt with it as best she could. It was a very human reaction.

It was strange, Da`nal could feel it's...her loss. The memory of his roar echoing in sick bay as he stood over Anita's lifeless body with one of his newly born children in his arm; of his brothers blood on his sleeve and the heat from his pyre on his face, of his father murdered before his eyes and the rage that set his blood to boil. "There will be time to avenge their deaths and regain your honor; if that is something you seek. However the Terran's will no doubt come looking for their prize."

Standing he looked to his assembled staff. "Commander Stone, Garabaldi, Mr. Himars, Mr. Hamilton, I want ALL ships readied for battle." Pointing out the view port, "Strike the Terran emblems and name from that ship. It shall be renamed the USS it is life rising from death. Have our guests vessel towed out of the area and secured. There are temporal prime directive issued to be considered."

Garibaldi nodded, all business. "Roger that."

"That's a good copy, sir" Himars went to work getting things complete

Shawn nodded his head. He didn't have to say a whole lot as master of the engine of one of the fleet’s best ship. He did as ordered and preformed what he could with what he had.

"Commander Killpatrick, I want you and you best people to go through the Phoenix's computer, code line by code line if you have to, I want to know everything the Terran Empire is up to."

"I already have two teams on standby; they'll leave as soon as flight-ops clear them." Sam could have transported them over, but he wanted a method of escape for his people if the shields came back up unexpectedly, so they were being transported across, "I've got two temporal investigators with them to oversea and ensure they don't touch anything they shouldn't." It had become Starfleet practice to include designated temporal investigators with every Intel team some time ago; their job was to ensure that any Intel team didn't break prime and temporal directives while doing their job. They weren't members of temporal affairs, but they were essentially deputized by temporal affairs to act in their place. "I'd also like to have a conversation with," Sam paused looking at the AI, "I'm sorry I don't believe you said your name."

Pleased that she was being addressed as an individual and not a thing she smiled. "My name is Karina."

"Thank you," Sam said to Karina, "I'd like to have a small conversation with Karina, see what Intel I can develop, and then I'll write up some notes on strategic implications and imperatives for you." Sam said to the Commodore.

Nodding his approval, "Very well.

"Captain Wen, after informing Major Sharpe that I want the Marines on full alert and stationed throughout the group in case any vessel is boarded. Have strike teams ready for our own boarding operations."

"Yessir." Korra replied. "I will also suggest to the Major that the Marine starfighter wing be placed on high alert."

Diranne quickly broke in with “Rogue and Hammer Flights are already on deck ready for launch with Cobra flight in reserve and their opposite numbers from Starfleet are the same. Phantom and Spartan flights are currently down for R&R but if needed can be in air in 30”

"Excellent!” Though young he was pleased with his choice and wing commander.

“Commander Wells, after I have a talk with our guest, I want the two of you to find a way to close that rift."

Alanna nodded. "Yes, sir." She began to make mental notes of what she would need to first find the information and then close the rift.

"Doctor's Grange, Frece, & Williams, your roles are obvious."

Williams glanced to the two senior medical officers and then to the Commodore. He had heard of his record and knows that if needed, would push anyone to and past their limits. He just wasn't looking forward to having to pick up the pieces when the limits pushed back.

"Aye, sir." Doctor Frece stated quickly.

With everyone having acknowledged their assignments he set them to their tasks, "Commander Killpatrick get your people on the job then join us in my ready room. "Dismissed."

As everyone filtered out to see to their duties he looked to the A.I., Karina as she called herself. "I would speak with you."


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