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01 Feb 2016 @ 4:36pm

Lieutenant Diranne Ogar

Name Diranne Ogar

Position Wing Commander - CAG

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Joined Trill
Age 36
Languages Federation Standard, Trill Common

Physical Appearance

Height 5′ 2″ (157 cm)
Weight 120 lbs (54 kg)
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Petite, average female Trill


Spouse None at Moment
Children None at Moment
Father Todzin Etahn (80yrs, Retired, Trill)
Mother Vidzia Etahn (75yrs, Retired, Trill)
Brother(s) Solel Etahn(37yrs, Teacher, Trill),
Olal Etahn (29yrs, Teacher, Trill),
Dorin Etahn (24yrs, Teacher, Trill)
Sister(s) Zara Etahn [Doula](42yrs, Doctor, Trill),
Samza Etahn (32yrs, Teacher, Trill),
Vanna Etahn (28yrs, Headmistress, Trill),
Idrisse Etahn (18yrs, Starfleet Officer, Starfleet Academy
Other Family None of Note at Moment

Personality & Traits

General Overview Diranne comes across as a calm and quite person, her idea of a good time is for a few friend to come around have a bottle of wine and talk or to curl up with a good PADD. Diranne is not academically competitive but get her in space or in the air and that changes fast.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
Natural pilot
Calm under pressure

Not a good teacher
Can be too competitive with other pilots
Ambitions To one day make it to CAG or to command a small hull starship.
Hobbies & Interests Aero Racing, Holo Novels, Reading and Traveling

Personal History Diranne was born 16th September 2356 on Trill at the family's private school, her father delivered her. Diranne was born to Todzin and Vidzia Etahn, who at the time had only 2 other children of their own, by the time Vidzia retired from being Headmistress of the school she had 8 children in total, 3 Boys and 5 Girls. Growing up for Diranne was strange she never left “home” to go to school, from preschool all the way up to the end of High School she was surrounded by family, Etahn Boarding Campus, a School that had been run by the family for close to 400 years.

After Diranne saw the change that being joined had on her sister, she unlike the rest of her races did not want to become joined.

She also had no interest in the family business, after finishing High School she difted around the Federation for a few year trying to decided what she wanted to do, in that time she qualified for her Private Shuttle Licence just as the Dominion War broke out, by the end of the war she knew what she wanted to do, join Starfleet.

It was during the war that something happened to Diranne that she never thought she would agree to, a symbiote was being transported after Trill was evacuated but it's stasis bowl was damaged and she was the only available host. The only reason she agree was her parent had instilled in her to not turn your back on another life when it’s in your power to do something about.

The symbiote was a new symbiote no previous hosts and so Diranne Etahn became Diranne Ogar.

After the war Diranne signed up, she wanted to be a pilot, it was during the first year that she found what area of Flight School she wanted to go into, Fighters, but she found that they were only an elective for second year. after that it was onto Starships but she found that she could direct her third and fourth year with elective and so picked small hull piloting and group formation tactics.

Diranne was no-where near top of her class this was reflected in her being posted as a shuttle pilot and not to a fighter post as she had requested. Five years onboard the Seleya saw Diranne transferring anything or anyone from simple cargo to Planetary Leaders, finally she got a transfer to an Akira class ship, USS Katana, and a move to being a Fighter Pilot. Eight years and one promotion and Diranne made Lieutenant Junior Grade and Squadron Executive Officer she had seen some combat this time around.

Well Diranne has just put in for a transfer to USS Achilles and hope to take over one of the squadron there.
Service Record 2375 - 2378 | Starfleet Academy
2375 | Year 1 General Studies
2376 | Year 2 Flight School (Shuttles w/ elective in fighters)
2377 | Year 3 Flight School (Spaceships w/ elective in small hulls)
2378 | Year 4 Flight School (Spaceships w/ elective in group formations)
2379 - Promoted to Ensign
2379 - 2384 | Assigned to USS Seleya as Shuttle Pilot
2384 - 2389 | Assigned to USS Katana as Fighter Pilot
2389 - Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
2389 - 2392 | Assigned to USS Katana as Fighter Pilot (Squadron XO)
2392 - Promoted to Lieutenant
2392 - Present | Assigned to USS Achiles as Squadron Leader