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What to do - Part 2

Posted on 23 Apr 2016 @ 2:53pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Commander Samuel Killpatrick & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Lieutenant Shawn Hamilton & Captain Korra Wen
Edited on on 23 Apr 2016 @ 2:55pm

1,820 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Observation Lounge

"From what we've patched together so far, is that the new captain of the ship was the same as ours. Not so much as to how he found the alien vessel, but, he sent my double over and a team over and from there. It's a blank. We're working the memory banks, but, it's like a person with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) or dealing scramble eggs. The short of it, it's going to be at least a few days to get any sort of order. I do have computer techs and so Operations guys here working around the clock piecing together some sort of order that will explain what the Terran Empire sees in the other ship, other than the new tech. If any of you have the time after your shift, the computer guys can use the help or have anybody on your staff that's computer friendly, the same request. It'll cut down on what the Terran's were up too and anything else for that matter."

Shawn finished his statement, though he was still figuring out the alien ship and had nothing. Of course, he wonder how the alien ship would react if he beamed over after dealing with his double.

"As for the alien ship, sir. We're trying to make heads and tails out of the lovely lady out there and A.I. is way out in left field then what most of my guys know. So if any of your staffs has an understanding to AIs can you have them help me and my guys out with a crash course of AI?"

"I know computers and AIs," Alanna said. "At least from a scientific and historical perspective. I've encountered two AIs before. One was there to help run a city's infrastructure and the other an historical database, but the basic premise is similar."

"Well, Ma'am, from where I sit at you're the expert on AI. Most of guys know computers, but A.I. is a little bit left field for them. So in other words, ma'am, you’re our pitch hitter and if you don't mind, me and the gang would like to have a sit down chat to pick your mind on the subject in which you know, so we can figure out the Lady of the Alien ship. That's if you're not overly busy with work that is?" asked Shawn to Alanna

"I'm not too busy," Alanna assured him. "We'll set something up after the meeting."

Shawn nodded his head to Alanna.

Korra listened closely to the discussion, not sure what she could add. She was here on behalf of Sharpe more than anything else. Her company had not even visited the vessel. Based on what she had read and heard from other Marines, the Terrans were hyper-aggressive. She wasn't sure they used any real planning in their attacks aside from the "kill them all, God will sort them out" approach many militaries had used in the past. There was something downright terrifying about fighting an enemy with so little actionable intelligence. Fighting known enemies was complicated enough. Fighting the unknown was even more sobering. That was why she and the rest of the Marine Detachment were here though: to not only fight the unknown, but do so successfully. The secret seemed to lie in cracking the computer logs, and that seemed as good a priority as any at this point. She pulled up the Marine Ground and Command element rosters and scrolled through them until she found the handful of Marine Intelligence Officers assigned to her company. "I can assign some of our Marine Intelligence Officers if you'd like. They're trained more for tactical intelligence than strategic or operational, but they have a background in SIGINT."

Sam spoke up, "I've also got a few analysts and operatives who might contribute well to the investigation." he said, "Even if they can't add anything to the investigations themselves, I'd like to see them gain some experience working with AI's, as they offer unique situational constraints." he said in addition to the Marine Captain's offer. "As to my end I have a few points I'd like to raise, from both the Intelligence and Strategic angles." Sam took a brief moment to organize his briefing, "From what I gather, reading over the reports from encounters with the mirror universe, there seems to be a great deal of inconsistency in regards to what exactly is happening. Incidents have occurred between the federation and what appear to be counterparts in the mirror universe. However the outcomes of such meetings differ wildly in tone and setting. Actors from the mirror universe can often present with wildly differing character and this inconsistency has led to significant concern within the intelligence and temporal research communities. I won't bore you with the range of theories available right now, as they are essentially irrelevant, to the situation at hand, however I will caution against jumping to conclusions as to the motives of the actors we encounter during this period."

Sam took a brief look at his notes then continued. "That being said, from a strategic point of view, this location and anomaly is of critical importance to the safety of the federation and their allies. A toe hold here by the Terran Empire could provide a base of operations for further operations into known space that could jeopardize the integrity and safety of shipping, intersystem relationships, and political stability in the immediate area, and even all the way back to Earth." Sam took a breath and continued, "From my previous statements on the differing stories relating to interactions with the Mirror Universe it is fairly evident that they are experiencing some form of temporal imbalance that is affecting their timelines drastically. Whilst historically we have experienced temporal stability due to our separation from such divergences as the Mirror universe, the possibility remains that refugees or aggressors from the mirror universe could conceivably have an impact on our own temporal stability through their very presence. Given what we do know of the situation, it is imperative that we take care not to jeopardize the Federation or for that matter the temporal integrity of the area. However, due to the apparent instabilities that have been observed I would urge caution in dealing with this situation to avoid getting stuck in the mirror universe or some form of splinter timeline." Leaned back allowing that to sink in. Whilst Strategic Operations hadn't been his primary course of study at the university, his background in Intelligence meant he could fulfill the role quiet well when required.

To Alanna, that meant that they had to move quickly, be careful and make sure they had an escape plan -- which fit in surprisingly well with how many scientists approached their work.

Himars jotted down what the new CEO stated, let alone what CSTO and CsciO stated as well. The Bajoran/Klingon dwell more along the lines of Ship status and the escort vessels then the two vessels and the anomaly. He didn't have anything that the captain and XO haven't already read of his report of the status of the small fleet. So he remained silent as he listened to the others.

Shawn listened to both officers. They had a good point on the tactical side. He looked at them both and merely stated "If you need us engineers you got it"

[Alien Vessel]

The power transfer between the ships had given Karina an irresistible opportunity. By using the link she had managed to gain access to the capital ships computer and now knew who these people were, what they were doing here. After combining that information with the data she had managed to glean from the "mirror" ship she had all the answers she needed.

Karina needed to transfer herself to this USS Achilles and inform them of her findings.

[USS Achilles - Observation Lounge]

As usual Da`nal stood behind the chair and listened to all and nodded at the discussions, making a mental note to find out why Captain Wen had come instead of Major Sharpe. He agreed that the situation was vital but they needed to deal with the ships, warn the Federation to what the Terran's were up to, as well as deal with the anomaly.

"What is the status of the ISS Berlin and how soon can it ready to get underway?"

Hamilton looked to the captain rubbed his chin, recalling certain elements of the ship "we can bring that beast of a ship up and running in four, maybe two hours for you, sir"

Da`nal continued his questioning. "Commander Wells. What are the findings on the anomaly?"

"It appears to be man-made," Alanna said. "My current theory is it was the alien ship that created the anomaly in order to get away from the Terrans. I need to have another look at the alien ship to verify it, but I'm fairly certain, based on what we have so far."

"Ma'am, are you saying that ship can generate wormholes. Just like that" Shawn snapped his finger. He read a few reports from several notable scientists on opening and stabilizing a worm out of then air but those are theories of the day. "Also I don't blame the ship either. Some of those weapons on the ISS Berlin can do a ton of damage"

"I'm going to bring up the elephant in the room, but we did also pick up temporal signatures as well. We should be involving DTI before someone comes back and slaps us on the wrist, or worse." Travis pointed out.

"Yes, I believe the alien ship created the wormhole," Alanna said to Shawn. She turned to Travis. "Probably. Unless we can clean this up without causing any further damage to our own timeline. From what I've read, DTI is not always the best option."

Having had his own dealings with the Federations temporal affairs he would like to avoid that if at all possible. "Agreed. If we can handle this and seal that rift a report to the Federation will suit me just fine. Let them send a ship of their own if they want."

"I think we'll be alright, sirs" Himars looked up to his screens and touched a few keys on the screen directing toward Travis, Shawn, and the queen of Science "We'll no doubt get an ass chewing from them, that's a given."

The Operations chief smile didn't fade as he directed his next comment towards the Admiral "The fleet status is FMC, my lord. Status on the opening stable and no detection of any ship entering or departing. No cloaks detected. Gravity in the system remains normal. However, you might find this interesting Commander Wells; the opening is having an effect on the dust in the area which is currently swirling. Drawing it towards the rift, similar to stars that create a planetary system. "




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