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31 Dec 2016 @ 5:24am

Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells

Name Alanna Marie Wells

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Betazoid
Age 32
Languages Standard, Vulcan, Betazoid, Romulan. Can read many ancient languages

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 4"
Weight 115
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Alanna is petite and on the slim side. Still, she is curvaceous and can't quite manage skinny, although she occasionally wishes she could.

She is usually smiling and cheerful and will occasionally sing while she works.

Her hair is worn loose or pulled back in a ponytail while working.

Alanna is petite and on the slim side. Still, she is curvaceous and can't quite manage skinny, although she occasionally wishes she could. She is usually smiling and cheerful.

Her hair is worn loose or pulled back in a ponytail while working as she doesn't take much time to fuss with her appearance.

She likes to dress casually and comfortably when possible and wears jeans and blouses when off duty.


Father Marchal Wells
Mother Lareena Maolin
Sister(s) Kiley

Personality & Traits

General Overview Alanna is generally perky. She has an impish nature and loves puns and word plays.

Although generally cheerful, she is also studious and intelligent. She is a hard worker and dedicated to doing her best.

During college, she would often stay inside to study rather than party with her classmates. Because of this, she gained a reputation as a nerd and spent much of her time alone. That hasn't changed much since.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Intelligent, hard working, cheerful, kind. She tends to see beyond the obvious and understands how history and archaeology connect with modern civilizations. She can be diplomatic and a peacemaker.

She tends to have a "Robin Hood" complex. She tries to help people she feels are in need of saving. She doesn't like large social gatherings and will avoid them when she can. She will defend the underdog and can occasionally walk in the gray areas.
Ambitions After she gets her wanderlust out of her system, she wants to settle down, raise a family and teach. Especially if she can work on archaeological digs during the summers.
Hobbies & Interests Alanna loves the outdoors. She enjoys walking and hiking, camping and fishing. She is also an avid tree climber.

To help stay fit, she enjoys swimming, gymnastics and yoga.

She loves to learn and spends a good deal of time reading and studying.

She also enjoys playing the guitar and making pottery.

Recently she has begun to practice using a whip.

Personal History Born June 21, 2360 on Catalan Colony.

Alanna was born on a small Betazoid colony in the Catalan system. It was a forest planet and she spent a lot of time outdoors. She loved making forts and huts out of tree branches and vines when she could.

She learned to live off the land and knew which plants were good for food and medicine.

When she was a teenager her family moved to Earth where she became enamored of ancient history. She spent much of her time indoors reading as much as she could and talking her parents into taking her on trips to visit numerous sites.

She went to Cambridge to get a degree in history and archaeology. During her summers, she worked on various digs around the galaxy to gain practical experience.

Not satisfied with teaching, she then joined Starfleet so she could travel the galaxy and continue learning.

While attending Starfleet she worked on her masters, finishing both about the same time. She was assigned to work at Starfleet Command, which allowed her to get her PhD from the University of Paris.

She was then assigned to Starbase Olympus
Service Record Graduated from Cambridge in history and archaeology.
Graduated Starfleet and got a masters from Princeton in history and archaeology.
Assigned to Starfleet Command in science. While there, completed her doctorate from the University of Paris.
Assigned to the USS Ticonderoga as Alien Archaeologist.
Assigned to the USS Blackhawk as Assistant Chief Science Officer.
Assigned to Starbase Olympus as Chief Science Officer.
Currently assigned to the USS Achilles as Chief Science Officer.