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19 Jul 2016 @ 11:58pm

Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D.

Name Doctor Alex Frece , M.D.

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species 3/4 Betazoid; 1/4 Human
Age 31
Languages Klingon--Federation

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1"
Weight 136 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Frece is tall standing at 5'9. He weighs 130 lbs which he thinks is skinny. His Black eyes clash with his brown hair. It has a little of Blonde in it though. His crisp tan skin is that of all is fellow Betazoids and or humans.


Children One, Sherry Frace. She was adopted because he got lonely.
Father Alan
Mother Janet

Personality & Traits

General Overview Alex is a respectful young man. He is nice and kind. He can not tell a lie as it is unbecoming of his species. Well, at least his Betazoid part. The doctor has always been honest and truthful. His loyalty always goes to his CO. The man tries be a responsible man; however, sometimes, he isn't. Alex has lost a couple of things.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Good under pressure
+Can't tell lies
+Respectful to his superiors.

-He gets a little wild at parties.
-He lacks a good companion

Ambitions One day, Alex hopes to become an XO. After that, his hopes are to become a CO of his own medical ship. Finally, he wants to earn the rank of fleet admiral. Alex has always went for his ambitions. During his years, Alex hopes that Star Fleet and the Romulans become allies.
Hobbies & Interests His hobbies include playing tennis. Alex loves to play it on the holodeck with a real person. On the other hand, His interests include women. He doesn't have a wife.

Personal History Alex was born to Alan and Janet Face. Alan being a Betazed and Janet being a human. Alex grew up on a Star base where his parents were Commanders. At the age of 15, Alex decided to join Star fleet.

He went to the academy as a medical student. During his years there, he had several girlfriends who dumped him because he could not throw a good party. After 8 years, which is typical for Medical students, he graduated and was gave the rank of Lt. Jg because of his good grades through the academy.

During Alex's childhood, he was know for his studies. That is just about all he did. He never had any girl friends that maintain a more that two year relationship with him. He hated it. He loved studies, but wanted a girlfriend. So, after having about ten of them, he gave up. It was decided that he couldn't hold one. The reason, because he was an Ensign concentrating on star-fleet.

He was then placed on the Starship Luna where he served as the Gamma shifts head medical officer. After two years there, he adopted Sherry. Three days later, he transferred to the Gauzy. He served his time there as a Lt. After it became decommissioned after two years, he got a position on the Dalton. He stayed there for three years.

After his daughter came and said that she didn't like it there, he requested a transfer to the Xanadu. On board, he was to serve as CMO. However, he was only in that position for 6 months. He was then promoted to Lt. Cmdr and XO. After being on the Xanadu for a year. Alex decided it was time to leave. He transferred to Atlanta Colony as Executive Officer.

Originally, Alex was against going to a colony. However, when he arrived, he was stuck by its beauty. He fell head over heels in love with the place. Following a promotion, his captain left. Alex decided he didn't like the new captain. Therefore he was transferred to Starbase Keystone.

After about six months, he was sent on a mission by Starfleet Intelligence. The mission was****** Withheld by Starfleet Intelligence*****. Alex liked it so much, he decided to be an intel office. However, there was one condition. He was to be demoted to Lt.CMDR Why? ****Withheld by Starfleet Intelligence****

Alex was put on the USS Niagara as its intel officer. Alex didn't particularly like his Commanding Officer. He was a rather rude and harsh fellow. After two months on board the starship, he requested a transfer to the USS Achilles as Chief Counselor.

--Portions of this may have been withheld by Starlfeet Intelligence for security purposes

**USS Luna--
-- He served as the Gamma shifts head medical officer.
--He adopted Sherry
-- Transferred to the Gauzy.
--Ensign/ Lt. JG

**USS Gauzy--
--He was an Assistant chief medical officer
-- He served his time there as a Lt..
--Decommissioned after his two years
--Transferred to the Dalton

**USS Dalton--
--He stayed there for three years.
--He held the Lt. rank.
--The CMO was his position.
--After his daughter came and said that she didn't like it there, he requested a transfer to the Xanadu.

**USS Xanadu--
--He was a CMO for 6 months
--Lt. at the time.
--Promoted to Lt. Cmdr
--Then took XO position
--Promoted to Commander

**Altanta Colony--
--Stayed for one year.
--Loved the place
--Captain left
--Alex left

**Starbase Keystone--
--Six Months
--Demoted to Lt. CMDR and transferred to Intelligence

**USS Niagara--
--Lt. CMDR
--Chief Intel.
--Two Months

**USS Achilles--
--Current Position
Service Record **USS Luna--
-- He served as the Gamma shifts head medical officer.
--He adopted Sherry
-- Transferred to the Gauzy.
--Ensign/ Lt. JG

**USS Gauzy--
--He was an Assistant chief medical officer
-- He served his time there as a Lt..
--Decommissioned after his two years
--Transferred to the Dalton

**USS Dalton--
--He stayed there for three years.
--He held the Lt. rank.
--The CMO was his position.
--After his daughter came and said that she didn't like it there, he requested a transfer to the Xanadu.

**USS Xanadu--
--He was a CMO for 6 months
--Lt. at the time.
--Promoted to Lt. Cmdr
--Then took XO position
--Promoted to Commander

**Altanta Colony--
--Stayed for one year.
--Loved the place
--Captain left
--Alex left

**Starbase Keystone--
--Six Months
--Demoted to Lt. CMDR and transferred to Intelligence

**USS Niagara--
--Lt. CMDR
--Chief Intel.
--Two Months

**USS Achilles--
--Current Position