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What to do - Part 1

Posted on 23 Apr 2016 @ 2:16pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Robert Williams & Lieutenant JG Lauren L'Vor & Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Commander Michael Garabaldi & Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Commander Samuel Killpatrick & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Lieutenant Shawn Hamilton & Captain Korra Wen

1,421 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: USS Achilles - Observation Lounge


Now that the away teams had returned and a crew had been sent to the ISS Berlin to begin to digging into its computers to see just what the Terran was up to. The other issues at hand were the discovery of an AI on the other vessel, the fact that every biological organism on both vessels was killed by their passage through the anomaly, and the status of the anomaly itself.

Da`nal stood on the bridge, forward of the view screen, and was looking out the portal out over the massive saucer section. To the left us the undulating rupture that had deposited the other ship in their universe. He wanted this time to himself but knew he would soon be notified the senior staff was assembled and ready. His eyes fell onto the unknown vessel that was now being fed power by a power transfer.

[Observation Lounge]

Operational chief duties were various and numerous. He sent out his department to help the others departments. For they had their collective hands full with data from Terran ship, the Alien ship, and Anomaly. He also, had teams working throughout the Achilles with minor repairs, readjusting sensor arrays for science and tactical, and a bunch more to keep the big girl afloat. Krodah, entered the Observation Lounge with a data PADD in hand and took a seat.

Travis came into the Lounge, and did not look happy. Nodding politely to the others present, he went back to his PADD and was occasionally heard making muttered comments about inefficient bureaucracy, temporal affairs, and fleet regulations.

Alanna was fascinated by the AI and the society that created it. She'd done a little research on the ship and the former crew, but wished she could spend a day or two on the ship looking through the records. She knew that was not likely, under the circumstances, but her curiosity was piqued. She hoped this meeting would shed more light on the ship and where it came from. She smiled at the others and took a seat.

Sam strode to the Observation lounge, he had briefly visited his two offices to gather reports and was busy quickly skimming them to get a better idea of the situation. When he entered he caught Travis's eye and headed over to him, he handed over a report he felt would be of particular interest to the Executive Officer, and kept reading.

Williams entered the lounge to several glances and moved to an empty seat to review his notes. The CMO had been called into surgery so he had been sent to fill in. There were still several questions as to the direct cause of everyone's death; they knew everyone and everything organic had aged to an extreme and at such a speed that there had been no reaction. The question that remained was what had caused that aging. Looking up from his PADD he swallowed, and rose to get drink from the replicator.

Data from two ships, one unknown and another that was known but totally different, was the rage for Shawn and his engineering staff. The Man from Hooker, made a report on the Terran ship, which wasn't a whole lot. For it had the same type of equipment, just slightly different. As for the Unknown ship, he was having a hell of time making heads or tails of the thing. Sure, some of it looks like things his team knew and worked with, but, it ended up not being that. Plus, the AI and other computer system, was having an equal amount of problems as well. Which, reminded Shawn of tales of when horse were replaced with gasoline or Diesel engines at the turn of the 20th century?

Entering the lounge, with two set of data PADDs in hand, the Chief Engineer went to an empty seat and sat down and once more reviewed the two ship data.

Korra entered the Observation Deck feeling decidedly out of place. She preferred to avoid senior staff when possible. That might get her noticed. The Marine Captain had no interest in a fast-track to seniority; she was very comfortable where she was. Well, as comfortable as a single mother with twins could be. That her son had somehow gotten his head stuck through the backrest of a chair two days ago reminded her that life not only had a sick sense of humor, but more than a few curve balls on hand. She took a seat at the table -in place of Major Sharpe- and dug out a well worn PADD, decorated with scratches, dings, and small crack on the lower right corner of the display screen. Once situated, she focused her eyes on the battered PADD and willed herself to blend in with the chair.

Michael strolled in and sat down at his customary place, noting the new Marine captain and nodding in her direction. With the images of those long-dead crewmen still fresh on his mind, he didn't feel very social.

Sam rose an eyebrow at the entrance of the young marine, he recognized her, she was no his list of preferred marines, that is a list of officers he felt, based on their Records, would make good field commanders in some of his more, inclusive, operations. Many of the officers on the list were not always amongst the favorites of other Starfleet officers, but Sam felt that either a lot of Starfleet officers were either deluding themselves as to the nature of war, and the organization of which they were a part, or were completely deficient when it came to the correct operation of a military force. You needed officers who were adaptable; you also needed officers who were willing to stretch the rules to achieve the objective. The young captain was one such officer, here ability to utilize guerrilla tactics was of specific use to Sam, as much of the time, he was required to undertake operations that required deniability of senior officers. He was positive he could work with the captain, and would have to schedule an opportunity to meet with her.

The computer cut the music she’d had playing as she was working out in the gym, she called out “Computer, time?” at the computer’s response she swore at herself and made a dash for the gym’s sonic shower, and managed to make it to the door of Observation Lounge with seconds to spare, taking a quick breath before moving into the room, she nodded to the others before making her way over to the only seat left.


Staring out the portal he heard the familiar footsteps of his yeoman coming up behind him. "Well my old friend, I assume everyone is assembled?"

Lance smirked giving his head a subtle shake. "How do you do that?! I've served under your command a long time and you still know it's me every time."

Grinning Da`nal turned to face the man that kept his life in order. "There's really no trick, you have a heavy footfall and...well I'll keep the rest to myself. You don't expect me to reveal ALL my methods now do you?"

Lance's grin widened. "Not at all sir...not at all, but you are right. Everyone is waiting in the observation lounge."

L'Vor looked up from her station, as the Commodore passed, and returned to her monitoring and analysis of the anomaly.

[Observation Lounge]

Da`nal entered the lounge with Lance in tow and took his position behind his chair. "So what have we learned from the Terran ship. Do we know what they were up to?"

"No good, apparently," Alanna replied. "We think they were after the technology on the alien ship."

Michael spoke. "It looked pretty ugly over there, sir. Resistance was zero, since everybody we encountered was pretty much dust, and crumbled at our touch... No signs of combat... took a little while to get power restored..."

"Sir, I gather that there a lot here that meets the eye. One, the Terran systems are like our own, but, aren't like ours. Like Commander Garabaldi stated it took the Engineering team to get the ISS Berlin back up and running. Some of that tech is a mix match of known tech here. Romulan, Cardassian, Klingon, Federation and a host of others. Also, we're trying to get into the ship main and secondary computer to determine further information. However, Engineering teams have found out that Commander Wells, is correct."




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