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Mirror Gorn

Posted on 15 Apr 2016 @ 4:46am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Ensign Karrak

1,302 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: ISS Achilles Brig

The Mirror Karrak paced the brig. Stupid! Why did he allow himself to be captured? He had a great career as a pirate with the others. And he was skilled in keeping the Imperial Fleet at bay, striking, then seemingly vanishing to another location. He had learned much from a Ferengi in being a pirate, and his skills were superb. So why did he have a leave of his senses in getting captured???

He had helped the Klingon alliance as well, as he saw in them a kindred spirit. But how to get out?

He thought back to his pirating days, how he struck without warning. The Ferengi helped him out much, as he rewarded them greatly. But with them, it was important to be the highest bidder for their services. That's how he got captured. Evidently, the Empire had a better bid. How could he have missed it? "Now to get out of here. There are Klingons I need to meet." he said.

As his boss passed the cell opposite him Maxin shook his head as he recalled the events of their ordeal.

The tip had been right on and the information they had been given had been spot on...and that was what had made him nervous. There Ferengi sources had given them the coordinates of the transport, the time table of the patrols, even the codes to dismantle the ships shields. It was supposed to be a simple snatch-and-grab.

Yeah right... No sooner had they siphoned off the tri-lithium resign and transported the ships cargo then the Empire showed up.

Looking through the containment field to his boss he replied. "And what good will that do?! Do you think they will help a few strangers, a group of honorless thieves? And even if we do get out, we are in the middle of one of the Empire's newest, biggest most advanced and most heavily armed warships. How are we going to get off the ship? Where are we going to go?"

Karrak grinned. "Honorless? But then we are all in the ssame boat, as humans are fond of saying. The Klingonss have long been robbed of honor in being sslaves of the Empire." What Karrak had said was true. The Gorn had mostly chosen to die as a race rather than be enslaved by the Empire. Some of them had chosen to flee the quadrant, and had run right into the Borg. There were few who had survived that encounter to tell the tale. Most had been destroyed or assimilated. Karrak had been one of the few survivors, and had attached himself to a band of pirates who raided Empire space. In this warped galaxy, one had to get tough or die.

In some of his forays, he had freed Klingon slaves, and they owed him. There, he had doubled as a freedom fighter, an unlikely one as a pirate. He had succeeded where Orion pirates had failed.

"Jusst wait and ssee how we get off the sship. And then," his grin got even wider, "I have ssome plans, but not yet."

Maxin smirked and shook his head again. They had no allies here, no contacts, no means of communication, no way to bribe anyone aboard...and even IF they got out they had no means to get off the ship or even a ship anymore. Whatever plans his boss had, in his opinion were pointless. It was every man for himself.

As he shifted in a vain effort to try and get comfortable the doors to the brig opened and three imperials entered. Maxin was now on his feet as he watch them drag one of his fellow pirates tossing her bruised and beaten into a cell. Spouting his contempt, "Took all three of you to do that?! Big bad Terran Empire...hiding behind your weapons, numbers and agonizers. Bet you wouldn't last a minute in a real fight!"

"Let's find out. He's next!"

One of the sentries slammed a panel outside Maxin's cell and he was immediately jolted with electricity and things went black. As he was dragged unceremoniously out of his cell, his fellow pirate was dragged in and tossed into her cell.

Reva had been oblivious to the events that just took place as she tried to move. She would have screamed at the pain even the slightest movement caused but all she could do was moan as she rolled onto her back.

Karrak had something, but not yet. He bided his time. He needed some information. "Reva, are you in any sshape to resspond?" he said.

She forced herself to rollover on the bed and she gasped haltingly as pain shot through every fiber of her body. However she replied with her typical sarcasm, "Oh I'll be fine...I'm just gonna lay here and die."

"You better not." said Karrak, following up on her. He knew her sarcastic nature, and went along with it. "I don't want to eat you."

Even in her current condition she couldn't help but reply with her usual innuendo. "You never might like it." She coughed several time when she started to laugh at her own joke, only to wrap her arms around her midsection as her muscles screamed in pain.

It was then that the doors to the brig opened and Da`nal walked in. The guard turned, "What are you doing here dog?"

Cocking his head slightly the Da`nal looked, only slightly defiantly, "Taking care of the pets. The Captain won't be able to get the information he wants if they're dead. And I was told to tell you that the Lieutenant wants with the one they just took to interrogation. Apparently he is giving them a some trouble."

"Do you take me for an idiot?!"

"No, just a fool. You know perfectly well that we have no access to the control systems, beside you can just lock me in here until you return."

Stepping from around his console. "Careful Klingon. You may be the Captain's pet but even that has limits."

Curling his mouth at the bravado, "Well you'd better go help your friends. Seems they can't handle one little human smuggler."

His hand on his weapon, "Be very careful...the Captain will not always be Captain; and when that happens I'll just have to pay you a visit."

Da`nal raid brow, "Sorry. I already have a mate."

The blow was expected and he allowed himself to be turned for added effect but made no other move as the guard left. Once gone he looked back to the door and spat.

Karrak grinned. "I knew you would be here ssoon." he said. "And you have a plan for usss?"

Knowing the room was monitored Da`nal said nothing at first. Opening the hatch to the Orion's cell he placed the tray with her rations and a medicinal tea that would help with the pain. Once he was finished there he took the tray to the Gorn's cell, eyeing him with a snarled grin as his eye darted to various locations within the brig. "And what makes you think I would help a dishonorable band of pirates like you. Even now your own crewmate is selling you out."

He repeated his task of placing the tray in the food slot before securing it again. Not another word was spoken and Da`nal turned and left.

Beneath the water on the Gorn's tray was a simple hand written note....Be Ready.

Karrak lifted the glass and found the note. He didn't want to see anyboy noticing it, so he pretended nothing was happening. He wasn't a skilled pirate for nothing.


Mirror Da`nal, Klingon Slave

Mirror Riva Madhava, Pirate

Maxin, Pirate

--Played by Da`nal

Mirror Karrak, PIrate
Played by Karrak


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