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Posted on 08 Jan 2015 @ 2:24am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Elas Vonti

1,122 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Starfleet Medical - Paris

"...our deliberations were brief, given the nature of your recent past behaviors...."

The Tribunal had gone far worse than he had imagined it would. Two Admirals from Starfleet Medical had grilled him in his "professional assessment" that had returned the Achilles to Da'nal and also lead to its destruction.

"... pattern of flagrant disregard for command structures and authority..."

There was no denying that Elas had essentially handed the ship back to Da'nal which had allowed it to be stolen. The Admiral... Commodore now... had interceded on his behalf but it appeared to have done little to change the trouble he was in. His only thread of hope was that there were in fact violations to Regulation 619 being invoked without proper preamble or follow through. Intent was the name of this game however and the prosecutor had proved her point well.

"...It is the decision of this Tribunal that you are found guilty of conspiracy to mutiny, complicity with theft of a Starship, and Violating your Oath to Starfleet Medical. However, courts greater than this one have announced all charges are relieved in lieu of prosecuting Former Admiral Da'nal...."

The prosecution had proven Elas had intended not to protect the integrity of the command structure, but to abet the theft of a Starfleet vessel to further his own personal ambitions. His actions during the affair had remained largely undisclosed by the Commodore, but the violent use of his abilities had sealed the coffin on his ever returning home. It would be apparent to any of his people, and they would fear the power and euphoria that might cause them to turn deviant. They were roasting him over the fire for releasing the command codes but he idly wondered what they would think of him pulling mission information unwillingly from the handful of people they had to crack along the way?

"Your Professional License is hereby revoked. Prior to discharge you are to be reduced in rank to Ensign, this is not punitive, but a reflection of you rofferable skills to a patrol on a Starfleet Vessel. Your service to Starfleet Medical is ended effective immediately. The Embassy on Ullia has announced their refusal of jurisdiction, which is enforced for Federation law as well. Returning there will be an unlawful act which will result in arrest by local or Fleet Police. As the charges against the crew were dropped the Advocate Generals office decrees that the crew be allowed to remain in Starfleet, you are to report to Starfleet Headquarters for re-assessment and deployment...."

Hours later, and much hand wringing elapsed, Elas sat outside the columned steps of the massive building. The view of Paris was a soothing sight which helped ease his discontent, but he couldn't help but feel that all was lost. He sat in dismay, the shock of how his life had been so thoroughly ruined still keeping him from processing the reality of what had happened to him. He felt the hoplessness that he was bound to follow this violent path to his own bitter end, to become a monster, something Ullian children would be taught as a lesson.

It was in this shocked state he felt he barest brush of another mind against his. Reaching out, Elas found the source easily, it was nebulous but coming from a definite source and he felt the rush he always did when making a connection.

>Do not speak aloud or move Elas, There is much to discuss, your abilities have attracted notice and we have an offer for you.<

Elas was definitely intrigued, >Who is we?< The Question was asked without words, the intent conveyed efficiently.

It came all at once, Elas nearly fainted. A torrent of images and emotions, cascading into a collective consciousness of being. It was old... an organization of the gifted that had operated in secret since before Human or Ullian had become aware. Distance was immaterial, the members could communicate over the vast divides, some could even travel, or project their awareness... Their information network was vast, Elas gasped at the abundance of sheer presence. Anyone with telepathic ability and like-minded sentiment was invited, and this secret society made big moves.

>A Voice... we will contact you personally soon<

Elas felt the mental presence withdraw, the chill in his bones remained for a good deal longer. He found it utterly terrifying he couldn't phrase the words in his mind to describe what he had seen, as if the ability had been suppressed or denied to him suddenly. His credibility was shot, the logic of how Medical had been so damned punitive made sense now. He was being burned in ever capacity so that he would be desperate to belong to something, and if Starfleet Medical was bent to their whims, Elas had no idea who to trust.

That wasn't true however... there were a few people actually, one man would believe him possibly... Suteyo. The Capellan could sniff out dishonesty in a single tone of hesitation, a quickening of the pulse... Suteyo had even spent his last year chasing down the conspirators hounding Da'nal.... The thought of Admiral Da'nal made Elas sit upright. Klingons werent bent easily, and if anyone was free from this voice it was him. Elas felt better, he had two potential allies, but knew this was just the beginning. First he had to convince them of something he could barely describe, and Da'nal was not exactly a friend though with what had happened there was a certain mutual understanding in effect. Elas kept his distance from Ayren despite his abundant desire to see her, she was safe and wanted nothing to do with him. Elas could respect that wish for her, it was the least he could do.

=/\= Vonti- to Orbital ...1-b13 request site-to-site transport to Starfleet Headquarters."

Elas stood still, awaiting the confinement beam which was not coming. After a moment, his commbadge chirped

=/\= Access Denied. Insufficient Clearance for Emergency relocation, re-state authorization access codes."

Elas swore under his breath, he was ensign now. He looked for a sign to direct him to the transporter center, a quarter of a mile away. He took off in a run, there was no time to waste.

Da`nal materialized on the platform and stepped of. He could have beamed directly to Starfleet Medical but he needed the time the walk would provide to think. As he exited the transport center he was nearly ran over by the last person he expected to see. Steadying his former ships counselor as he nearly lost his balance from the collision. "Mr. Vonti, I see you are in a hurry but I want you to come see me when you can. I have an offer for you."



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