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We stand alone

Posted on 27 Aug 2014 @ 1:45am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Robert Williams & Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Commander Karen Myles & Lieutenant Elas Vonti & Major Richard Sharpe & Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu & Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius & Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert & Lieutenant JG Tobias Todd & Ensign Tomek Dardos

2,533 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Timeline: MD 5 - 0012

Upon entering his ready room he sent orders to Star Fleet to immediate send additional starships to the sector. He had planned on meeting with Isha on the surface this morning at 1000hrs but events that unfolded have changed those plans.

"I'm troubled that you appear to be keeping Q'nos time rather than observing the local convention, Da'nal," Isha said. In these troubled days she rarely made it to bed before two, but he didn't need to know that. It was an easy matter to set aside her documents and open the channel.

While he awaited the arrival of his exec, the channel opened and he noticed that she didn't have the appearance of someone that had been awaked. More likely than not she was up late just as he was. Normally there would be sparing or the trading of barbs but now was not the time. "Whatever warships you have available or can get sent to this area do it now. I have already called for additional starships. Whatever supplies we had got ready for the camp here on Cariel is being beamed down as we speak. Once completed I will be taking the Achilles into Klingon space to delay the fleet currently on its way."

Isha reclined, one of the rare moments her spine touched the back of a chair. "You're leaving us so soon," she said - exaggerated wist in her tone. "I take it the fleet you are about to greet are not here by your invitation?"

Ana tapped the door chime with a yawn. She could do with some rest, it felt as if she hadn't sat down in ages. After everything that had happened though, Ana had a feeling nobody would be sleeping soundly anytime soon.

Opening the door and motioning Ana in as his brow curled. "NO it is not here at my invitation!"

looking up at the obviously tired Commander. "I want a standing Yellow alert and all senior officers to the bridge." He pause a fraction of a second. "Belay that take us to Red Alert and prepare for battle stations."

Ana nodded and carried out the Admiral's orders as she turned back to the bridge. ==All Hand Red Alert...Senior Officers to the Bridge!"


Tuning back to the monitor and Isha, "I have information that one of the Great Houses of the Klingon Empire means to invade the border systems. They plan to strike, and hold an area well past this place. If they succeed the High Council could very well order a full scale invasion. So unless you want to die reclining in that chair I suggest you do as I say!" With that he slapped the comm controls on his deck and made his way to the bridge.

Isha bristled at his exit. Only a fool turned his back on her, even at a distance.

"Da'nal, you're as much as an idiot as you always were," she said to the blank screen, "and you can't do this alone."

He had not been the only one who had roused commanders from their beds,

"Tr'Vek, T'Phet, prepare to follow these co-ordinates. Rh'Vaurek," she hooked her arm around his trim waist, "you're with me. Have the Dhelan prepared in ten."

As he inclined his head he also whispered in her ear, "I love it when you get authorative."

[USS Achilles]

Back aboard the Achilles, Sharpe was roused from his sleep by the red alert klaxton and the XO's sharp orders over the comm. He dressed in a hurry, and was quickly out the door, doing up his jacket and racing down to deck twelve. He needed to make sure that the detachment was ready, then he'd report to the bridge. His place wasn't there - at this moment in time. As he arrived on deck twelve, he was greeted by one of the senior non-coms.

"Cap'n, all sections are up and ready. Third platoon has scrambled to red-alert positions in accordance with the security protocols. Weapons have been released from the armory, and are being distributed as we speak. Sergeant Major Valez is prepping the team leaders now." Gunny Sanders reported.

"Good work Gunny, where's my side-arm?" He asked.

"Right here sir." Sanders replied, handing the MCO a marine issue phaser pistol, complete with tactical holster.

Sharpe fixed the weapon to his right thigh, and moved to his office. Once inside, he removed a Sig Sauer from the display case, and after unlocking one of his desk drawers, he removed five clips of 9mm ammunition. He fixed the Sig in a tactical holster to his belt. It wasn't standard equipment, but he'd been through enough special forces training to know that sometimes you needed a backup to an energy weapon that didn't rely on power-cells.

"Gunny, tell the Sergeant Major to keep all teams on alert, and that he has command down here. I'll be on the bridge." He said, as he finished dressing in his tactical gear, and jogged to the turbolift to take him to the bridge.


Karen's eyes shot open as the red alert sounded, only having fallen asleep twenty minutes ago seemed to make both the siren and the Executive Officers orders sound all the louder. She jumped up off her couch, the padd that had been resting on her chest flew across the room. Pulling her lab coat off the back of a chair she pulled it on and tapped her comm badge. "All medical personnel this is Commander Myles, report to your assigned areas immediately." She continued to talk as she walked out into the main hallway. "Prepare for triage protocols, ready the surgical bay and activate the emergency medical hologram, Myles out." She had learnt the hard way it was better to be over prepared than to hope for the best and be caught out.

Her hands reached and she ran them through her hair as she stepped into the turbolift. "Main bridge."

The EMH swirled into being. The damnable automatic phrases had been removed, allowing for a contextual based greeting. Dignity was being granted to AI these days.

"What is the nature of the Medical Emergency?" It sounded so much better that way, a world fo difference from the simpering "Please state the nature" As if there were time for pleases and eloquent construction in an emergency.

Dr. Myles was not present and the crew was in bustle all around. Ships data reported Red Alert ordered from the Bridge, but it seemed their were no wounded left. With Dr. Myles absent he assumed the Primary Surgeons role, preparing for a full sickbay. Blood packs were ordered, and placed on racks in the bay, cardiac units and trauma kits ready for nurses and damage teams to deploy to areas... The EMH was a hive of function and multitasking ability, coordinating across departments in the time it took the turbo-lift to deliver Dr. Myles to the Bridge.

Wallace burst into the sickbay and began prepping the main surgical bay while noticing that Lt. Cmdr Kelan & Lt. Tambor were no longer in sickbay. While understandably curious he had things to do.


One thing Cammy noticed about emergencies was that they always happened when people were trying to sleep. It was a fundamental law of the universe, and the bane of any Starfleet Officer’s existence.

Cammy sat up and groaned. ~Whoever invented the alarm klaxon truly despised all living things. Some men just want to watch the world burn with the added benefit of a bloody great noise~ She quickly got out of bed and got into her uniform. As with all proper emergencies that involved her, Cammy slipped into a ‘relaxed rush’ state of mind; rapid, prudent action tempered by clear thinking and sharp focus. Content that she was sufficiently in control, she headed to the Intel Department to retrieve her field equipment and, hopefully, learn what was going on.


Though still not totally sure how she managed to pull the short straw and get put in charge of Operations right now, Kassi had not long been asleep. Mostly because she'd brought her work home with her and passed out asleep reading the reports to try and catch up on a few things. It was those PaDD's that went flying as she jumped and half fell out of bed when the alarms went off!

Scrambling to get dressed, she was still working to put her shoes on as she went racing down the hall. Long blond hair was pulled back into a slightly crocked ponytail as she reached the bridge, and only after a moment’s hesitation did she step in and move towards her place on it.


To Tobias the red alert happened maybe a nanosecond before the klaxon reached his ears. All the ships systems were made ready and were buzzing with activity. "Computer, continue data input and send the results to the bridge science station." As he left the holodeck, the corridors were equally busy with activity as personnel moved to their stations. In the turbolift to the bridge he checked the time. It had been several hours since he talked to Commander Myles and several more since he slept or his last meal. With a heavy sigh he rubbed the slight burning out of his eyes. This was going to be a long day.


Giada was awake at first sounding of the alert klaxon. She had learned early on in the war to take sleep when offered but at the same time be listening for any alarms. Donning her uniform, Giada put her hair up in a quickly ponytail before exiting. Picking up a phaser from a Petty Officer manning the nearest weapons locker, Giada then took the turbo lift to the bridge.


Suteyo had spent the night in the lounge to date, talking with Capim at length about the finer points of Capellan cuisine. Suteyo had been chasing a particular flavor for some time, a unique dish he didn't have a recipe for just a vague idea of ingredients and preparations. It was a fairly simple meal, but one he had grown up on and loved. Capim ladled a small amount into a bowl, it was the third night they had attempted this over the last few weeks, and Suteyo had lost hope it would ever happen.

For Capim it was a challenge of the highest honor. The Capellan wanted a reminder of home but had forgotten much of the details to time. Capim hoped to stir the memories, to bring back the dead for a time. The man had a brutal past and deserved some happiness. Tonight's attempt was a Coconut milk curry sauce over a type of pheasant that was in ships stores. He did his best to look elsewhere as the large man tried the meal, but he couldn’t help but beam in delight when he saw the look on Suteyo's face. A single nod from Suteyo confirmed it was close enough, so when the Alert went off Capim cursed out loud as Suteyo dropped the spoon and bolted to the door.


[Marine Country]

Velez stood by as the Marines darted in and out grabbing gear and weapons before rushing to their assigned stations throughout the ship. He followed the last Marine out and proceeded to the Marine Command Center to coordinate things until either the CO returned or orders from on high were issued.

Red Alert. The sound brought Eirias right out of an almost dead sleep and onto his feet in less than a heartbeat. The call was to battle stations, so he quickly got dressed for duty. It took less than three minutes for him and the others in his fireteam to gear themselves, and he noted that once again he was on the Assault Weapon for a primary with a carbine as his backup. Once geared and ready, the fireteam took their position up, and started the endless 'hurry up and wait'.


Tyce wrestled to remove the stubborn piece from the housing. A simple diagnostic switch that should have taken a few moments became an epic struggle to simply remove the damned power supply. The Jefferey's tube was hot this close to the impulse manifolds, but so long as the doors were open on either side a breeze could flow and made it tolerable despite the cramped conditions. Red Alert sounded, a panic shot through him for a moment but he had to at least get the piece back in so power would flow before getting to station. When the doors shut on either side of him the temperature instantly began to climb. Tyce swore and had to climb a little and so kicked the cylindrical device back into the assembly slamming the panel shut. His size made moving in the tubes problematic but he shimmied at top speed.


Elas was still too afraid to sleep without his sedatives. His telepathic walkabouts had done enough damage, and the haze he felt upon waking so suddenly was an acceptable consequence for the moment. His mind and body were numb and he found standing upright to be a swirling sensation. It took a full five minutes to get his uniform on and made his way out the door, fighting the effects of the sedative. By the time he made it to the bridge he felt awake but the haze still surrounded him. Elas went directly to sciences to observe the console, avoiding Da'nals gaze by staring at the screen a moment later when he emerged onto the bridge.


[Science Division - Xenoarchaeology Canisters]

Tomek jerked awake, startled by the red alert klaxon, slamming his knee against his desk in the process. The next alarm klaxon drowned out the steady stream of expletives as he groaned and clutched his temporarily numb limb. Once the pain subsided, he stood up, stretched in no particular hurry, and opened up the computer terminal to see what was going on. He was, after all, at his post, or so he hoped. He had never really received specific instructions for what to do in a red alert. Tomek shrugged and took his personal tazer out of his desk and put it into his jumpsuit. Supposedly for subduing unruly specimens, in reality, it was a personal defense and capture weapon for Tomek. He jogged over to where the full-cover bio suits were stored, and began putting one on...



SSgt Frey stepped out onto the bridge in his combat gear. While he hadn't been officially ordered, it had been implied that he was now the Admiral's bodyguard in dangerous situation and a red alert was definitely that. He knew that he would be in the way so as soon as his boots hit the deck he stepped to the side and stayed out of the way.

Da`nal emerged from his ready room near the front of the bridge and crossed to his command chair. The crimson glow of the lights indicating the ship being at red alert cast a dark glow across the room and Ana rose vacating the chair at his approach. He turned to face forward. "Helm break orbit and set a course for the Klingon space, heading 287 mark 032, speed warp 7."


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