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I Can Build It

Posted on 21 Aug 2014 @ 5:44pm by Ensign Tomek Dardos & Civilian Capim Jothy
Edited on on 22 Aug 2014 @ 1:59am

1,394 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Timeline: Back Post - prior to alert


Tomek took a sip from his cold vodka martini. Sitting at a small, two person table, he waited for his accomplice: Tyce Backo, to come to meet him. In the meantime, he was busy staring at an attractive security officer on the other side of the room. The woman caught him staring, frowned, and turned back to her friend, obviously creeped out. Tomek shrugged and looked at his watch. Tyce was slightly late, although it wasn't a problem. He opened up his pad to review his building plans for the hidden space they would make in his laboratory. It seemed to work fine, although he needed the expertise of an actual engineer to double-check.

He had forgotten about the meeting in his rush to get things put away. He had been working on a way to broadcast a confinement beam through a nadion interference signal. If he did it, it would mean they could beam through weapons fire and other interference with minimal signal loss, something Tyce felt would save many lives. It was also time for him to surrender the holodeck to the next guy and he was way late much to the chagrin of the Parisses Square team looking for practice.

Tyce had made friends with Capim in the lounge, he slapped his badge "=/\= Capim, sorry for the drama, can you let Ensign Dardos know I am on my way? We had a meeting I am way behind for, use my credits to get him whatever he wants, thanks!" As Tyce made his way across the ship, he made little thought to the unusual nature of the request.

Capim heard the request well enough, but was busy in a meal, so he sent Arran. The large Apparition approached Tomek at the table, "Tyce sends his regrets at being late. Is there anything we can get you while he makes his way here?" Arran stared at Tomek in abject boredom.

Tomek nodded, and pointing to his drink, asked, "Yeah, can you get me another one of these?" Tomek then turned away, to undress yet another woman with his eyes.

Tyce walked in briskly, he hated being late but so often was. The Vista of the forward lounge was that of a dark oceans horizon, he could smell salt in the air even. Arran was delivering drinks, so Tyce went to Capim at the bar who simply pointed to Tomek. Capim had a tendency to know what people wanted. He went to the table catching Arran's eye who nodded in passing. Tyce had a drink he always chose, Arran knew and would bring it. He slung a leg over the high end of the chair and sat down.

"Ensign... my apologies for being late. I understand you need an expansion to your suite, or along those lines?"

Tomek grinned, at the arrival, saying, "Please, Mr. Backo - call me Tomek." He stood up to shake the other man's hand, and offered him the remaining seat. Tyce took it, and they both sat down across from each other. "On the other line, you are completely correct in your statement about my expansion. We can wait for our drinks, and then we can get right to business."

Tyce got his usual, Capim had it on its way already so it was a short wait. "Ok Tomek, I'm assuming you called me cause you need a little more than walls and bulkheads to be moved?"

Capim was arguing with a man at the bar who had said something out of line, the other officers stared in approval as Capim had Arran materialize and pick the man up toting him to the door. A few people laughed, and Capim called out, "This is why Romulan Ale is illegal, some guys cant handle it!" There was laughter and business returned to usual.

Tomek saw the psychic projection manhandle the drunk without a problem, while Capim had handled the crowds and kept things going. It seemed they were autonomous when Capim wanted them to be... This was a fascinating prospect, Halanan Telepathy was an untapped frontier in the research of telepathy. Tomek found himself wondering what the differences in the prefrontal cortex from Betazoids or Vulcans would reveal, only a vivisection could tell. Yes... He would have to think of something to get his hands on a specimen like that.

But back to the matter at hand. "Yes, you would be correct there, my friend." Tomek brought up the schematics on his pad, and slid it over to the other man. "Can you handle that?"

Tyce looked over the lengthy schematics, the programs and equations were from several fields a few of them outside his comfort zone. He recognized a static warp bubble equation when he saw one though. The implications were staggering but after the poor USS Hera it was thoroughly tabled for the time being in Federation research. The device was a modified trionic initiator attached to what Tyce could only assume was a micro warp core. Both of these things were unbelievably dangerous, a micro warp assembly could also be called a matter-antimatter subspace explosive device. The implications however...

"Tomek... Give me time to study this. I don't think I understand how it works just yet, but when I imagine what this means..." His imagination ran wild, they would have their own universe to play in, a whole twinned Achilles for him to tinker on and experiment with... He started to get excited at the route this was going.

Tomek nodded and smiled at the other man's excited response. His prediction must have been right. He would do anything for the opportunity to tinker freely, to do whatever he wanted with his own ship. Tomek reassured Tyce, "Take your time, my friend. I would rather have it done secretly and precisely rather than rushed and sloppy. Unless there are any other concerns of yours, I think we can finish off here?"

Tyce considered it carefully, there would be caveats, and this was something that would never be approved. He was essentially going in on an unsanctioned experiment with this officer but for Tyce it was the nature of the cheallenge that made him get up and go in the morning. This would be a whole new world of technology, it would change how ships are run, the physics that are employed...

"Tomek, I'll help you, but this is going to take time, and effort. It will also require we do this without supervision or we will never be allowed... I'm not advocating dereliction of duty or lying to anyone, but this needs to stay between us okay? I can probably get the warp bubble large enough to surround the whole ship, but the problem is the power. If we put the power source inside the universe we create as it is created, it stands potential to explode catastrophically. We will need a start-up power surge and then we can safely power it from the inside. We got another changeover on the CEO so I can work on getting that added to our science task list. This is in the name of science, and changing the Federation I'll remind you. So... yeah let's meet tomorrow and see where we stand. I'll arrange for a locker in Cargo bay 1 to be allocated for the project, we can store the supplies there until we are ready.... Anything else for now?"

Tomek smiled back at the man. "I don't think so, Mr. Backo. It was a pleasure doing business with you."

The two men stood up to shake each other's hand, and then Tomek sat down as Tyce walked out of the bar. Tyce was already a light year away in his thoughts, building the machine in his mind. He knew it would be a problem if they were discovered but many Federation scientists had gotten where they were by pushing the bureaucratic limits. The program and equations would work, his part was the mechanism, Tyce bet he could get it to be a portable device... possibly bionic...

Tomek watched him go. He seemed like the type of man who would keep his mouth shut if he got what he wanted. He nodded once, perhaps reassuring himself, and went back to nursing his drink.


ENS Tomek Dardos

Tyce Backo
Asst. CEO

LT Tyce Backo
Asst. CEO
USS Achilles


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