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Into the fray

Posted on 01 Sep 2014 @ 2:30am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Karen Myles & Lieutenant Elas Vonti & Major Richard Sharpe & Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius & Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert & Lieutenant JG Tobias Todd
Edited on on 01 Sep 2014 @ 3:10am

1,316 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Deck 1 - Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD 5 - 0045

Da`nal, followed by the XO entered the observation lounged to see most of the senior staff already assembled and he took position behind his normal seat as he awaited the arrival of the others.

Karen Myles followed closely behind, she had waited until the last second to enter preferring to spend the time monitoring preparations in sickbay. It was after all a completely new staff for her to be working with, she didn't much enjoy not being down there with them. She took a seat at the far end of the table and waited for the briefing to start.

Giada had yet to receive much information on what situation they were facing. Considering the current political climate, she expected the Klingons were making an aggressive move against the Romulans. Taking a seat facing the door, the security officer awaited the briefing that was soon to start.

Suteyo was two steps behind Giada, he had been bucking for promotion to Asst. Chief of Security since the position became open, he had hoped to speak with her before the meeting but others in the corridor forced him to wait. He resigned himself to waiting until after the meeting. He strode in, selecting the chair at the corner to see everyone's face.

Sharpe was already in the conference room, having come into the room from the bridge. He took his place down the end of the table, given that marines were lower in the pecking order of ships officers than he would've liked.

Elas came in with a group of people, comparing notes with his assistant. He didn't take a seat immediately as he was in conversation and issuing orders. Fortunately a quiet hum told him the meeting hadn't begun yet and he finished his orders walking briskly to his seat.
(OOC: Is Ayren and Alan back from sickbay?)

Part of Tobias' mind was still lingering on the program running in holo deck 3 as he followed the rest of the senior officer into the observation lounge. As soon as he took his place he made sure he had access to the necessary data should he need it. Waiting for the briefing to begin, he turned his chair towards Da'nal.

Malone arrived last, having come from engineering, making sure that everyone was at their duty station, and that all provisions for the red-alert were put into place.

Now that everyone was present Da`nal began his briefing. "As you all know the ship is on alert and as usually happens its never at a convenient time but doing one's duty has no timeframe. For sometime now there have been rumors of random raids into Romulan space and these raids have only emboldened those watching the situation. One of the Empires Great Houses has gathered a large force and intends to strike deeply into Romulan territory. The size of this force is currently unknown but is no doubt significant."

As was usual for Da`nal he began to walk the room. "Some of you may be thinking, 'So what...Let the Romulan's fight their own battles'; and there are those that may agree with that...myself included. It is no secret that the Romulan and Klingon Empires have been at each other's throats for longer than anyone one of us have been alive. My own House has, until 5 years ago, been in a blood feud with a Romulan House and whether that truce will survive is unknown. However if this attack takes place Federation supply ships, starships, citizens will fall. This attack could lead to a war a war between the Empire and the Romulan Empire backed by the Federation.

"I have called for additional starship to be set to the area and I have called on the Romulan leadership in this area to ready their of ships. While these forces gather we are going to intercept the Klingon fleet."

"Admiral, are we going to attempt to negotiate with the Klingon force? Perhaps they could be persuaded to turn back." Malone suggested.

Taking a deep breath. "When a Klingon fleet sets out it sets out for battle...not to talk."

Sharpe, being no stranger to conflict, was immediately clued up on what the Admiral was talking about. The potential for a full-out war between the RSE and the Klingon Empire was not a prospect that would bring stability to the region. The Federation would be dragged into it, whether it liked it or not, simply by proximity. Other third parties would become involved, either through arms shipments to the combatants, mercenaries or simply trying to profit from the war. If this ship were to go into combat, his marines would be a vital weapon in her arsenal, should hostile boarding actions be required - or even ground support. "What are our options, Admiral? We can't open fire on anyone. Starfleet General Orders strictly prohibits our direct involvement in the affairs of other space-faring civilizations unless specifically requested. Even then, it would take an act from the Federation Council for our forces to become militarily involved, unless acting in self defense."

Having trickled in with the others, Kassi was quietly taking all in. Tapping some notes on her PaDD at times of things that would need to be dealt with. Her focus stayed on those that spoke, especially the Admiral as she let the knowledge that they would be getting involved in a war sink it. Brows furrowed some as she waited to see what the answer to that one would be.

As they were already assisting the Romulans, on the surface it seemed that Starfleet had already taken sides. However, Giada was sure the reality of the situation was more complex. It was possible that a strong showing by Starfleet and what remained of the Romulan military would convince the Klingons to back off. On the other hand, it seemed equally plausible other groups would take advantage of the situation to get their revenge on the Romulans.

As much as he didnt want to speak up with Da'nal in the room, Elas was obliged to share the information he had just received as well. "Starfleet Medical just upgraded mine and several other doctors clearances in the area for information on Star Empire intelligence in response to this it seems. Mostly plans for a mass evacuation from the Hobus relief zone... they aren't good. Twenty percent are expected to die during the transition from camp to camp if relocation is mandated, not to mention additional losses from any unforeseen complications or military engagements. Evacuation is out of the question."

Da`nal looked to the office at his statement and was silent at the uselessness of the information. He didn't care what access the counselor had or thought he had...the man was luck to even be alive at this point. "Evacuation is not even being considered and not logistically possible. We will move to intercept and buy whatever time we can for our forces to gather. This ship is no stranger to battle, nor battle against larger forces. However if buying that time means or lives, we shall..."

Da`nal was cut off by an call on the ships comms from the bridge, =^= Admiral, we have detected a distress signal from a border planet that held a large Reman refugee camp. =^=

"Understood." Looking out to those assembled. "Stations."

Seeming to have taken a lesson from the Marines, Kassi was up and heading for the door. Of course she hadn't been one that enjoyed sitting around thinking about things, she preferred to be up working on fixing things. Quick steps had her heading out to her Station.

Karen stood up and quickly left, she had remained silent, there was nothing relevant she could have added to the briefing anyway. The job of the medical department would be to patch up the wounded, it went without saying that they were ready for that.


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