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Posted on 18 May 2024 @ 10:13am by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Crewman Sizia Sh'velihr & Lieutenant Commander Aiden MacMahon & Lieutenant Jason Mitchell & Lieutenant Kole & Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome & Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt M.D.

894 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: USS Phoenix - Conference Lounge

:: On ::

Rico walked into the conference room with Sizia in tow seeing his officers and the XO from the Granger were already assembled. "My apologies everyone I was speaking with Starfleet Command about our little situation here and I they are awaiting the update as soon as we are finished here so let's get right to it shall we."

Looking to his Engineer and his the Granger's Operations officer, "Lieutenant Kole. I realize we haven't officially met yet and that you had to get right to work but do you and Lieutenant Mitchell stand with repairs to the Granger?"

"Captain," Kole greeted. "I'll leave the hardware side to my colleague, but computer systems are functional... and I must stress functional. We've only been able to restore a handful of backups, so the sooner the Granger can make it to a Starbase, the better."

Jason brought his PADD up and handed it over to Rico. "Full list of the repairs we were able to do. Can't promise more right now than they have basic systems back and life support on all but two empty decks. That ship is going to be space-docked for a while as it undergoes repairs, and I would almost recommend a full rebuild." The look and tone on his face was both sadness and concern. Jason never did like leaving a ship in a damaged state.

Rico scanned the list before handing it to Sizia to take down the Commander Tirado. "I'm sure you and your teams did their best. Unfortunately the Phoenix isn't equipped to make major repairs." Looking down the table, "Starbase 514 is already making arrangement for you and had a ship standing bay to help bring the Granger in if needed."

"Thank you for the help Captain," Tirado replied. "Honestly, I don't think we would be standing here if it wasn't for you."

Moving down the the table Rico nodded to their new CMO. "Well Doctor, you've had one hell of a transfer as well. Hopefully things go smoother from here on out but what is the status of the Granger's wounded?"

"Thank you Captain; that would be welcomed. First of all, I would like to extend my sincerest condolences to Commander Tirado and his crew on the loss of their Captain; his body was transported back to the Granger this morning. All others of the Granger's crew have been treated and have returned with the exception of Lieutenant Tavana due to the extent of her injuries" Rhineholt concluded.

Tirado gave him a polite nod.

Sizia had been dutifully taking notes and preparing the update for Starfleet as the various officer discussed the situation. As the reports concluded she stepped up and handed a padd to the Captain.

Smiling Rico too the padd and look down the table to Commander Tirado. "Just one other bit of business. Computer, open a channel to the USS Granger for a ship wide announcement."

"Channel open."

"Attention crew of the USS Granger. I know this is sorrowful time for you all and each of you will deal with your loss over the coming days. I only remind you that your Captain lives on, not only in your hearts and memories but in the memories of his symbiote who is living on in its new host. That said, I have an announcement that will, hopefully give you all something to celebrate.

"By order of Starfleet Command as of this date Commander Tirado is promoted to the rank of Captain and awarded command of the USS Granger. Congratulations."

Rising from his chair we walked over the new Captain, the padd and his hand extended. Congratulations...Captain."

Tirado stood there a little in shock. "Well, I wasn't expecting that." he said. "I can't replace Captain Leon. But I will make sure the ship continues." He added.

Shaking his hand firmly. "I'm sure you will, Captain. I hope your trip is uneventful, and to help with your crew I am sending Lt. McCaine along with you. This type of event is traumatic enough but the added loss of crew and Captain...I'm sure you could use an extra counselor. We can pick her back up when we pass back through along our patrol route. Best of luck to you."

Turning to the rest of his crew. "Everyone, we need to get back under way. XO, once the everything is set, resume course."

"Acknowledged," Aiden said to his captain. "Congratulations, Captain," Aiden said to the newly promoted USS Granger Captain. "All the best with the job," he said as he shook his hand and made his way to the bridge.

Before Doctor Rhineholt returned to sick bay he wanted to have a word with Tirado figuring this man could use all the morale boosting he could get his hands on. Walking over "Captain Tirado, congratulations. I'm sure your crew will appreciate having a captain they already know; good luck Sir" Jason stated as he shook the new captain's hand.

Tirado sighed. "Not how I wanted it, but I will do my best as the new commander of the crew," he told them all.

:: OFF ::

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Lt Cmdr Aiden MacMahon

Crewman Sizia Sh'velihr
Yeoman - NPC Played by Montoya

Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt, M.D.

Lieutennt Jason Mitchell

Lt. Kole (Departed)

Cmdr/Capt. Tirado
CO USS Granger - NPC Played by Yaotome


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