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Posted on 21 May 2024 @ 4:54pm by Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt M.D. & Ensign Samantha (Sam) Emerson

1,171 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: Deck 7 - Primary Sick Bay
Timeline: Current

Ensign Emerson was up early, showered, and dressed for the day in a clean crisp uniform partaking of a light breakfast just to have something in her stomach.

First order of business for the day was a meeting at zero eight hundred with the CMO to go over and explain how she had setup the department. This was the first time they had spoken since that embarrassing diner together where she had managed to plant both feet firmly in her mouth; hopefully she could redeem herself.

Sam entered primary sick bay at exactly zero eight hundred noticing the CMO already in his office. Knocking on the door “Good Morning Doctor Rhineholt, when would you like to meet” Sam inquired with a smile.

Looking up from some reports he was going over “Good morning to you as well Ensign, I’ll meet you in your office in let’s say five minutes”Jason replied returning a smile.

“Sounds good Doctor” she commented then began to turn “By the way you do know where my office is located don’t you.”

Jason grinned “Yes, it’s next to the morgue correct?” Sam gave Jason a thumbs up before leaving and proceeded getting the lights on and her terminal online so she’d be ready for their meeting.

The Doctor walked back to the morgue area; seeing Sam’s door open knocked.

“Please come in Doctor” Sam commented and stood out of respect for his rank.

“Please as you were Ensign and you don’t have to stand since this is your office” Jason stated with a grin “So what do you have to show me” as Jason pulled up the extra chair by her desk.

Being in such close proximity to her new boss was a little flustering but Sam managed to keep her wits about her and started in a professional manner. “I’ve gone thru and created multiple folders for such things as department financials, medicine and equipment orders for each sick bay and inventories the same way. Also a staff folder with seniority and preferred days off as well as any special assignments assigned by yourself; like the MVAM ones. Any questions so far?” Ensign Emerson commented.

“No not really you’ve explained things quite well” Jason replied noticing how nice her perfume smelled.

“Good then we’ll continue. I’ve taken the liberty of creating a folder to keep track of the traffic flow for each one of the sick bays; with primary being the most active of course. All of these folders will appear on your terminal under the administration tab which being the CMO you have full access to and I’ll update those weekly. I still have to update the Crew’s folder which I hope to have finished some time this week. Lastly there will be a folder with your name on it so anything I think you need to be made aware of will be placed in there for you to look at. Any questions or recommendations” Sam concluded with a smile.

“Well you certainly have done an outstanding job getting this department organized and no I don’t have any questions at this time” Jason replied then paused “But I do have a couple of recommendation however.”

“Sure, what would they be Doctor” Emerson answered wondering what was on his mind.

“First of all if you need more time to be a Yeoman please let me know and I’ll drop you down to one nursing shift a week. Secondly I’d like to have your office moved. Captain Montoya’s Yeoman has her office just off his own. So since I have this huge office I’d like to take some of that space for your new office so your in closer proximity to mine just to save us both time and steps” Jason explained.

Sam thought for a minute “I’m fine with my shifts the way they are currently but if I feel I need more administrative time I’ll certainly let you know. As far as moving my office that would be very helpful; thank you” she replied with a smile.

“Good. Since you have a nursing shift tomorrow I’ll see if Operations can make the switch and get your new office setup so your not inconvenienced” Jason replied “So you see I’m really not an asshole after all” as he just grinned.

“I guess I deserved that one after the diner we shared” Sam answered grinning as well, hoping she wouldn’t be reminded of that unfortunate misstep again.

“Sorry but I couldn’t resist” he commented “But to be fair I think you’ve more than redeemed yourself by the great work you have done and are doing.”

== Two Days Later ==

Ensign Emerson walked into primary sick bay, after working a nursing shift yesterday, seeing the Doctor standing in his office doorway wearing a big smile “Good morning Doctor Rhineholt, how are you today” Sam inquired.

“Good morning to you to Ensign and I’m doing fine; thank you for asking” Jason replied “So would you like to see your new office.”

Sam was a little surprised her new office was done already “Sure, that’d be nice” she answered.
“Right this way” as Jason led the way to a new door. Stopping he keyed in the security code then opened the door as the lights automatically came on. Turning with a smile “After you Ensign.”

Sam walked in trying to take in everything at once. This office was much larger than her old one. Not only did she have a bigger desk but also a small round conference table to one side with three chairs. Also she noticed a large screen on the front wall “So what’s the screen for Doctor” Sam inquired.

“If you have others in your office and you want to show them something on your computer you can throw it up on the big screen so everyone a can view it at once; sort like the other day when you were going over how you reorganized the department” Jason explained.

“Thank you, that’s was very considerate of you to think of something like that” Sam replied very impressed with her new work area “And look I even have my own replicator as well.”

“You’re welcome. Anything I can do to make your job easier and more productive; thereby making mine easier as well” Rhineholt answered with a chuckle.

Samantha became quite serious “That’s my job Doctor Rhineholt… take the administrative things off your shoulders so you can do what you do best…be a Doctor” then she paused “And from what I’m hearing a damn good one.”

Jason was a little shocked by the Ensigns last statement “Careful Ensign that almost sounded like a compliment” Jason commented teasingly.

Sam just grinned “Don’t get used to it Doctor.”


Ensign Samantha (Sam) Emerson (NPC by Rhineholt)
Nurse/Medical Yeoman

Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt, M.D.


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