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18 May 2024 @ 10:13am

Lieutenant Kole

Name Kole

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bolian
Age 30
Languages Bolian, Federation Standard

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 187 lbs
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Kole is tall and fit, with light blue skin and a bifurcated ridge that runs vertically through the center of his head and body. Most often seen wearing a friendly smile. Off duty, he prefers billowy, colorful clothing with the occasional coordinated turban, scarf, or hat. He only wears closed-toe footwear when in uniform and otherwise prefers to be barefoot (or in sandals or slippers if necessary).


Father Domm and Finn
Mother Hett and Wyxis
Brother(s) Grexx, Juf, Araman, Not, Theg
Sister(s) Pell, Daq’ra, Anaas, Daitt
Other Family Grandparents: Lom, Trobb, Warr, Kenondra, Binis, Cheg, Zafe, Vrirs
Various aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, nieces, nephews

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kind, generous, warm-hearted, and occasionally flamboyant. A hard-working officer who believes in doing more than his fair share… which includes sharing his advice and observations freely, including on non-departmental topics. Kole will speak his mind and offer his opinions and insights to anyone who will listen. Like most Bolians he sees this as being of service to others and not as being rude.
Strengths & Weaknesses (+) Supportive and encouraging
(+) Loving, positive attitude
(+) Persistence and dedication
(+) Driven to get to know others
(-) Seeks and needs approval from others
(-) Difficulty recognizing and acknowledging his own needs
(-) Being perceived as overbearing at times
Ambitions Kole’s driving ambition is to always be of service to his family, his crew, and his community. This includes doing his current job to the best of his ability, and continually learning more. He strives for advancement to prove to himself and others that he is making a difference.
Hobbies & Interests Swimming, Sailing, Surfing; Theater; Socializing; Studying
Enjoys the cozy mystery genre of holonovels and is writing a program of his own.

Personal History Kole was born and raised on Bolarus IX, the 5th of ten children. He grew up loving his family and loving the sea, at one point considering a career in marine biology to study the oceans of other planets. His interests eventually turned to computers, but the desire to explore remained. This led him to choose Starfleet, and his skills and work ethic led him to focus on Operations.

His drive for success in Starfleet has been fueled by a desire to be of service to his community, along with a desire to make his family proud. Kole’s choice to not pursue a biological family of his own has led him to project an expectation of personal excellence onto his parents that is perhaps not there. No matter his achievements, he never feels he is good enough, and will unconsciously seek praise and validation from those around him.

Some of that validation is achieved through the dramatic arts. He has loved theater since his childhood and was even able to assemble an amateur dramatic group aboard the Solstice that would entertain the crew, and the occasional guest. He makes it a mission to make friends of every shipmate, but he does respect boundaries – Kole would settle for making acquaintances if that’s preferred.
Service Record 2385-2389: Starfleet Academy
2389-2390: USS Madrid, Operations Officer
2391-2394: USS Wasp, Helm/Ops Officer
2395-2397: USS Solstice, Assistant Chief Operations Officer
2397-Present: USS Phoenix, Chief Operations Officer