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Hunting for the Past

Posted on 11 May 2024 @ 12:43pm by Lieutenant Mat'tew el-Altaa & Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Commander Aiden MacMahon & Crewman Sizia Sh'velihr

1,456 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: USS Phoenix, Phaser Qualification Range
Timeline: Tbd

One of the things that Mat'tew had decided to do, after getting his department running how he wanted it, was to verify every member of the crew was up to date on their various weapons qualifications.

After looking at everyone's personnel files, the only ones he found to be fully qualified, were the Marines. So, he decided to start running weapons ranges. He would start with the man leading them all.

"Captain Montoya, this is Lieutenant el-Altaa," he paused after tapping his commbadge.


Returning the tablet to his Yeoman, he answered the hail. "Montoya here, Mr. el-Altaa, what can I do for ya?"

=/\=Captain,=/\= the avianoid's voice came over the commbadge speaker. =/\=I have been going through the personnel files of the crew, and found that nearly all are overdue for their weapons training requalification. Yourself included, Sir. When you have some time, I request that you come see me, and we will get you squared away, Sir."

Rico's head turned to Aiden, with a one-eyed wink so he knew it was time to mess with the Yeoman. He then turned slowly over to Sizia, as yet she hadn't managed to let anything slip by but there had to be a first time for everything.

Repling to his CSEC as he slowly shook his head. "I'll be right down. Get with the XO to make sure everyone needing to be recertified is scheduled as soon as possible."

Mat'tew's voice could be heard replying. =/\=Aye, Captain. When you are available, I will be in Security training suite one, Sir.=/\=

Sizia was blushing with embarrassment turning her cheeks a darker shade of blue.

Smirking Rico shook his head. "How did THAT manage to get passed you?"

She opened her mouth to reply but she had nothing to reply with. She had no answer as to how she had missed keeping the Captains certification current. Her mouth hung open and she felt the eyes on her. "I...."

Chuckling he turned to MacMahon, "What do you think, she we let this go this once?"

"Never Captain," Aiden answered in all seriousness. "You know how it is Captain, you let something small slip and it can lead to bigger issues." Only Rico would know that Aiden was still playing along. "So Yeoman, what do you think the appropriate consequences will be for you?" he asked her.

She looked from the XO the Captain, not knowing how to respond to such a public dressing down. Before she could respond that Captain rose from the command chair and leaned against the console next to the XO.

Rico pulled at his chin with his arm crossed. "You are probably right...first she gets into and involves an officer in a brawl, now she forgets recertification requirements from the train schedule. I mean what will be next forgetting to remind me of my anniversary?

"And that is a court martialable offence for sure," Aiden said.

Now she knew they were teasing her. and she put her fists into sides. "That wasn't very nice Sir."

There was chuckling from the Captain and others around the bridge, but Rico came to her rescue. "Ok ok, that enough, no more teasing her."

Crossing the distance to her. "Sorry it was just too good of an opportunity. And so you don't try to get Heather to get me, why don't I make it up to you." Putting a hand on the back of the command chair he spun it towards her. "Try it out."

Her jaw dropped and he took her by the shoulder and guided her into the center seat. Glancing back to Aiden with a nod he headed to security.

[Deck 5]

Arriving at the training range the Captain found his Chief of Security waiting with multiple phaser types available. "Afternoon Lieutenant. I see you have everything ready, I'm all yours."

Mat'tew dipped his head respectfully as he replied to his Captain. "Yes, Sir. First, we shall begin with the Type One phaser," he said as he indicated the tiny, palm-sized personal weapon. "When you are ready, I shall start the first phase of the qualification. You will have thirty seconds to hit as many targets as possible. The targets will appear in static locations for this phase."

After checking the weapons configuration and settings he took a stance, "Ready."

One by one the targets appeared. The first two took a second shot, until he was once againt accustomed to the small phaser in his hand, but from then on out he hit on target after another until the time ran out and no more targets appeared.

"Very good, Sir," the Betelgeausian stated. "Please take the next weapon in line, and we shall continue. These next targets will be mobile, and only remain visible for three seconds each. Total time for this phase will be forty-five seconds."

Picking up the next weapon he again validated the setting and prepared to begin. The type-II was the type he was most familiar and comfortable with. Placing the phaser in its holster he prepared for first target to appear. When the ball appeared it moved a good but not fast paced but the phaser slipped from the holster and his arm extended leading the target and he fire fired picking it off. Target after target appeared and the more he hit, the faster and more erratic their movements became. Eventually a buzzer sounded letting him know his time was up. and he returned the phaser to its holster.

Mat'tew made a note of how his Captain had fared in the next phase. Looking up, he nodded. "Very good, Sir. You did better than with the Type 1. The final phase will be with the phaser rifle, Sir. Your targets for this phase will be at simulated distances, and some will appear partially hidden behind a hostage target. If you hit any hostage target, or fail to eliminate the hostile before both disappear, you will recieve an automatic fail on this phase and will have to retake the entire qualification in six months. Should you also fail any phase at that point, I would have no choice but to forward your results to Starfleet Prsonnel, where they would determine the next course." He paused to take a breath, then continued.

"I do not say this to worry you, Sir. I am only doing my job."

" stunning both and sorting it out later?"

Mat'tew chuckled, his eating beak clicked a few times. "In real world situations, that could work. However, Sir, in qualifications, no friendly casualties allowed." He grinned slightly.

"Oh very well, precision it is." Running the weapon as well as the scope through a quick check, he readied the rifle to be shouldered as soon as target appeared. The first few were easily taken out but as the distances increased, he employed the scope. In one instance, he had had to take an extra moment to ensure he remained on target. Precise aiming from a standing position could become more difficult the longer one fired from that position. One target was not only at a distance but closely concealed and he had little time.

While remaining on target, he quickly dropped to a knee and maxed out the scope and closed his non-shooting eye. Then, at the end of his breath, he paused and fired. Maintaining his position, he opened his eye, bringing the scope back to its lowest setting, while waiting for any more targets. When none appeared he stood safetying the weapon.

Mat'tew nodded as he compiled the qualification totals for each phase. Finally, he spoke. "Congratulations, Captain, you achieved a total score of ninety-six, well within passing standards for a member of the Fleet. I shall include your new scores in the readiness report that I will send to Headquarters, once everyone in the crew comes through their own qualifications. You are good for another year, Sir."

Handing him the rifle. "Good to hear. Did you want me to send anyone on the bridge down when I return?"

Shaking his head, Mat'tew replied. "No thank you, Sir. I'll be calling the crew down in groups now, based on their last qualification date."

Rico nodded. "Sounds like a plan, but be sure to coordinate with the other departments as not to cause any problems."

Mat'tew nodded respectfully. "Of course, Sir." He then followed his commanding officer out of the training room. "I shall report to the bridge for the rest of my shift once I have finished my reports here, Captain."

"Sounds good. I will see you there." They part ways as Rico headed back to the bridge to check on the status of the Granger's repair.


Captain Ricardo Montoya

Lieutenant Mat'tew El-Altaa


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