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Problematic rendezvous

Posted on 02 Apr 2024 @ 4:59pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & 2nd Lieutenant Emily Spicer & Senior Chief Petty Officer Anita Valentine & EMH Mark IX "Nina" & Lieutenant Commander Aiden MacMahon & Lieutenant Jason Mitchell & Lieutenant Kole & Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome & Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt M.D. & Ensign Tora Zalos & Lieutenant Tavana of the House of Torath
Edited on on 07 Apr 2024 @ 9:29pm

2,491 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future

:: On ::

The call had come in last night that two additional officers had been assign to fill the openings in the Phoenix's crew. While he had wished things had been put in place before they had left DS3, it was better late than never. Rico had just finished his lunch and was just stepping out onto the bridge was they were hailed.

"Sir it's the USS Granger hailing."

"On screen." Glancing to his XO, "The way things have been going they probably are being delayed"

"Yeah, exactly what we all need," Aiden said with a hint of sarcasm as he took his place next to the Captain.

The bridge of the Granger looked a mess, smoke could be seen floating behind the Commander who stood there. His hair looked a mess and he looked tired. "Phoenix, this is Commander Tirado. We need help, the ship got hit by a Quantum Filiment. We've taken heavy damage, Captain Leon is in critical condition and we're losing life support."

"Helm. Alter course to intercept and increase to warp 9! We are on our way Commander."

Turning to his exec...."I want medical away and damage control teams standing by."

"Acknowledged," Aiden said as he went back to his seat to contact the EMH and Lieutenant Mitchell to have teams ready.

[USS Granger]

Jason Rhineholt was finishing his lunch in the guest quarters while on route to his new assignment aboard the Phoenix. Suddenly the ship shuddered so hard it almost knocked him off his feet "That can't be good" he thought glancing out the viewport window noticing the ship had stopped. Moments later he could hear all kinds of alarms going off "That definitely can't be good." Making a quick decision he grabbed his medical case and headed out the door.

Emily was in the gym when the ship lurched violently, sending her crashing into the equipment. The telltale snap and sharp pain made it clear that her arm was broken. Trying to move she was immediately overtaken with a wave of dizziness and she fell again, bumping her broken arm. The resulting flash of pain helped clear her head, but only slightly. Stagering she made it to the doors, that only opened partially, but enough for he to squeeze through. The ship's emergency lighting was the only illumination and that was flickering. She tried to force he mind to focus as she made her way.

Doctor Rhineholt proceeded walking the corridor looking for that elusive lift; although he couldn't see very well through the flickering emergency lighting. Rounding the next area of the corridor Jason finally found his prize; he also saw something he hadn't expected. As he walked closer he realized a young woman was leaning against the bulkhead holding her arm. He quickened his pace and walked up to her "Hi, are you hurt" he inquired not liking the expression on her face.

Emily didn't know were she was just that she was in pain and couldn't seem to move. There was something or someone approaching was it friend or foe. She tried to reach out but he attempt was unsuccessfull and her hand seemed to pass through whoever had approached. She would have recoiled but her knees buckled.

Seeing the women start to go down, Jason tossed his med case onto the deck with a thud and grabbed her by the waist to help her gently sit on the deck; there was no point in the women injuring herself any further. Bending down he opened his case grabbing a hypo and a drug to help clear her head. Afterwards he sat waiting for the drug to do it's job thinking "I should call for a sight-to-sight transport to sick bay but by the looks of things there wouldn't be enough power." A few minutes later she seemed to be coming around somewhat. Sitting on the deck in front of her "Hi there, I'm Doctor Rhineholt; where are you injured" he inquired hoping for a response.

"My...head..feels like it's been cracked open." Reaching up with her hand, wincing as she touched the top. "My left's broken...I think. Where am I?"

Seeing his patient somewhat lucid brought a sense of relief "You're on the Granger; by the way I'm Doctor Rhineholt....well not a doctor here.....I was on route to the Phoenix when things apparently went sideways" he stated while opening the med case gabbing his tri-coder and removing the scanning portion from its holder. Smiling he inquired "And whom might you be" as he started scanning her left arm.

She shook her, which cause a dull pain. "Well, I'm headed to the Phoenix as well, 2nd Lieutenant Emily Spicer. Getting her legs underneath her she stood in the flickering light. "I would say Im surprised to run into but as the gym and guest quarters are on the same deck..." Her combat mindset kicked it as her head continued to clear.

Looking about, "We weren't attacked or there would have been multiple impacts or boarding parties by now. We must have been thrown out of warp by...something. Has there been any communications while I was out of it?. Where is everyone else on this deck?"

"Hi 2nd Lieutenant Emily Spicer nice to meet a future crew mate; by your rank I assume you're Marine. As far as communications I'm not sure. I was in my guest quarters as well when this, whatever this is, happened. I was on my way to the bridge to see if I could help with any medical needs when I ran into you. Now that you mention it this deck is strangly quiet for a ship" Jason explained with a smile "You were right your left arm is fractured" as he reached into his med case grabbing an item "I'd like to put this air cast on your arm to immobilize it which should make it feel better, then I would advise you to go to sick bay; I can escort you if you 'd like just to make sure you get there without passing out alone the way."

"Save the cast, there might be someone else who might be worse off...that is if we can even get off this deck. I had to forc the door a bit to the gym just to get here. If the lifts are out we might have to use the crawlspaces a manually open hatches to get anywhere."

Jason let out a sigh thinking there's nothing worse than a stubborn women "Ok, it's your call but for the record I strongly advise against it" he stated "There's a lift over there so we may as well give it a whirl and see what happens" as he pointed in the general direction.

- Deck - 8

Kole looked up from where he'd landed, on the floor of the other side of the main lounge. Moments before he'd been socializing with some of the Granger's crew. Now? He didn't know what had happened, but he felt something running into his left eye. He reached up to wipe it away and was a bit alarmed when he noticed the hand he'd used was covered in his blood. The air was slowly oxidizing the cobalt and changing the bright blue to a sea green. He glanced around for help but noticed everyone in the room was either staggering, slumped, or still.

There was a pop from behind him that startled anyone who was conscious. A panel on the far side had burst into flame, and the ship's fire suppressents had failed to activate. If he could reach a computer panel behind the bar, he might be able to access the system and force the safeguards to activate... but his vision was starting to blur. They needed help.

He reached for his combadge, but it wasn't there. It must have come off and skidded somewhere when he'd been thrown from his table. He stumbled to the nearest exit, but the doors wouldn't open. "We're trapped!" he heard someone yell from beside him, but he couldn't see who. The air started to fill with smoke as the fire spread.

"No... we're... not..." Kole managed, making it to the compartment alongside the doors. He opened it and retrieved a set of emergency hand actuators. "Here..." he coughed, handing one to the unseen shipmate. "I don't think... I'm strong enough to pull both.... but if we each...."

Whomever it was understood the plan, and they pulled left as Kole pulled right. The billowing smoke spilled out into the corridor, and while the rush of fresh oxygen fueled the flames, a pocket of breathable air had formed along the deck. "Come on everyone!" he shouted to the dark room behind him. "We have to crawl. Help will be on its way, but we have to crawl!"

Once everyone was out the pair resealed the door. Firing being a major danger on a starship most of the material in the lounge was nonflammable, eventually the remaining oxygen in the room to be consumed. Hopefully the bulkhead behind the fire would hold long enough

[USS Phoenix]

Nina watched Anita equip and leave with the last medical team as it headed to thr transporterroom to stand by. As an EMH, and since the Granger was losing power she was stuck on the Phoenix. "Sickbay to bridge."

Rico was at the s ience station as they monitored the region for addtional anomalies. "Montoya here."

"Captain, medical teams are assembled and standing by. I have also activated the auxiliary sickbays and my back up programs are ready to receive any casualties."

"Excellent Doctor. We should be in transporter range in 20 minutes."

"Bridge. Engineeering, Mitchell. We have three teams ready to beam over, standard repair supplies and spare power systems to help bring theirs back up to snuff. Any chance we can get a view into any senor scans you all have to coordinate and plan this better than first-year cadet cluster?" Jason asked while he looked over the selection of gear and staff ready to go over.

Signaling the Ops officer to comply with the request. "Acknowledged. The data is coming your way now."

[USS Granger]

- Deck - 11

Tavana found herself on the floor in her office. She tried to sit up but her head exploded in pain. "Hu-Tegh!" she groaned. She tapped her badge, but it was damaged during the fall. With her hand on her head, which clearly now was bleeding, she pushed herself up and slowly made her out of her office and into the passage. People were running, but Tavana struggled to focus on any of the weird-looking figures. Someone grabbed her arm as she collapsed again. She heard something about an emergency transport to sickbay. The voice was vaguely familiar, but she couldn't place it.

"Lieutenant, do you know who I am?" Kev asked his chief as he lead her deeper into sickbay. "I need a doctor here!" he shouted looking around worriedly.

Tavana lifted her eyes slowly, but only saw the grey colour of his uniform before she threw up all over said uniform. Clumsily she tried to wipe it.

"If you didn't have that hard Klingon head, you could have died!" Kev said concerned.

"Half...." Tavana managed to say before everything went black and she passed out unelegantly.

A short time later emergency teams form the USS Phoenix had arrive shining wrist lights as the moved along scanning as they went. "We got one over here! We are from the Phoenix." Another team member attaching a transponder tag to the injured Klingon, tapping his commbadge. "Team 3 to Phoenix. We have another injury for transport, several concussion."

- Bridge -

Until thirty minutes ago Drevas had been asleep in his bed after a long shift - that is, until the shuddering knocked him clean out of bed, and he faceplanted on the floor. Lovely. When he was done checking that his nose wasn't bleeding he found the time to throw his uniform and make it out the door half asleep...

Walking through the dimly lit corridor Ensign Dobbs was on her way to engineering when she saw someone sitting on the deck leaning against the bulkhead as she approached "Are you hurt Crewman?" The young man looked up, tears streaming down his face "No, I don't think so." As Dobbs bent down on one knee "Good.....why don't you come with me then" she commented. "We're going to die....we all going to die" he kept repeating over and over to the point of hysteria. As much as she hated to do this she slapped him right across his face forcefully and with purpose. Holding the side of his face he snapped out of it "Hey that hurt." Standing Dobbs extended her hand "Get up time to be a little up...that's an order" she stated harshly as he sat looking at her "Don't make me repeat myself!" Moments later the young man took her hand and stood "This way" as the two headed towards engineering.

Commander Tirado coughed on the smoke that filled the bridge. Several consoles chattered away in flames as the medical crews started to attend to the injured. Amongst them was the Grangers Captain.

Captain Haruk Leon, a joined Trill had been hit by the full blast of the tactical console. He had been there moments before the Granger ran into the Quantum filliment. He had been seriously injured and several of the Grangers medical staff were attempting to keep him alive.

Doctor Rhineholt exited the lift, after a very slow ride to the bridge, but at least he had made it. Looking around at the mess Jason noticed the medical staff working feverishly on an officer laying on the deck...the captain...and a trill. Rather than making himself known Jason opted to help the rest of the bridge crew where he could.

"Doctor!" One of the medical staff called out. "I could use your help with the Captain. We're losing him. The Symbiot too!"

Hearing the urgency in her voice, Jason grabbed his med pack and ran over to the Captain. Scanning the gentleman quickly "They're not doing well at all" he stated " Give him 20cc's of quadroline.....that should stabilize them for now.....we need to get them to a sick bay like yesterday" thinking the Captain was marginal at best but hopefully the Symbiont was stronger.

At that Anita hailed the Phoenix...

:: OFF ::

USS Granger Crew Played by:
Lt. Urushi Yaotome
Ens. Tora Zalos

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Lt. Cmdr Aiden MacMahon

Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt, M.D.

Lieutenant Tavana Kelan of the House of Torath
CIO USS Grange/CSOO USS Phoenix

Lt. James Mitchell

Nina - EMH
NPC played by Capt. Montoya

SCPO Anita Valentine
NPC played by Capt. Montoya

2nd Lt. Emily Spicer
NPC played by Capt. Montoya

Lr. Kole
Chief of Operations


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