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Saving a slug - Part 1

Posted on 07 Apr 2024 @ 9:30pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Senior Chief Petty Officer Anita Valentine & EMH Mark IX "Nina" & Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome & Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt M.D.

1,799 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: USS Phoenix - Sickbay

[USS Granger - Bridge]

Anita was with her team on the Grangers bridge aiding the Grangers medical teams. They had been trying desperately to stabilize him enough for transport but the situation was dire. Tapping her commbadge. "Away team to Captain Montoya. Captain Leon and his symbiote is stable enough for transport, but just barely. If he lose the host we will probably lose the symbiote as well. We will need transport directly to sickbay."

=^= Understood. Prepare for transport. =^=

[USS Phoenix - Bridge]

Rico nodded to the officer manning Ops to handle the transport before glancing to the science station and Lt. Yaotome. "Bridge to Sickbay. Prepare for and emergency transport. Trill host in critical condition."

Urushi's ears pricked up. She swung around in her chair. "Captain..." she said simply. She locked eyes with him, it was obvious she wanted to know more.

He understood her concerns but they weren't there yet, nor would he force her into any action, should it com to that. Easy Lieutenant. Let's let Nina do her job first."


Nina, the EMH was dealing with the other casualties that had already been beamed over, but replied without stopping her current task, stepping back after closing the current surgical patient. "Understood Captain. The surgical bay is being cleared as we speak." It took only a few seconds for the medical staff to remove the casualty from the surgical bay and begin moving the woman to a recovery area.

"Ready Captain."

The only sound was that of the transported as the Captain materialized on the bed and she got to work. The sickbays computers fed the injured Trill's vitals directly to her and her subroutines immediately processed the information.

A few minutes later the Jason materialized in sick bay with a few of the injured bridge crew from the Granger. Looking around he saw a medic "Excuse me, I'm Doctor Rhineholt, could you see to these folks; their injuries are not critical" he stated "Where is the Captain from the Granger at."

"Yes, right away Doctor" as he motioned for a few nurses to place the injured in appropriate places then turned to Jason "The Captain is in surgical bay two" the medic stated.

Giving a nod of gratitude, Jason made his way to the surgical ward. Entering he walked through the sterilizing field and directly to bay two noticing, what appeared to be, am EMH busy working on her patient "Hi, I'm Doctor Jason Rhineholt, where can I help" he inquired letting the EMH take the lead since technically he hadn't been cleared for duty on the Phoenix yet.

Nina looked to the doctor now opposite her. "Thank you Doctor.." Before she continued she looked to the rest of the bay filled with various members of the Granger's crew all looking in her direction anxious to know the condition of their Captain. Nina looked back with a subtle shake of her head. "...but we have to concentrate on the symbiote. We can keep him on life support but without the neural activity from the host the symbiote won't last."

Jason looked down at the man lying on the table not very hopeful at this point, then back to Nina "Agreed, but unless you have another host available, the symbiote will have to go into stasis to keep it alive" Jason replied "And even that may not give us much time for a replant."

"If we weren't out here in the middle of nowhere, and closer to other Federation facilites we might have a few options. But out here we can't even temporarily implant the symbiote into another species. There is really only one option."

Stepping away she looked to the Granger crew. "I'm sorry, but your Captain isn't going to survive, but we may be able to save the symbiote. If you would like to say your goodbyes, he is unconscious, but you may.

"Captain Montoya, Lieutenant Yaotome, please report to sickbay immediately."


Hearing the summons Rico looked to his Science Chief. It sounded as if the the worst had happened and some difficult choices were about to be made. "On our way Doctor."

Urushi felt an overwhelming wave of concern and worry. It seemed natural, especially when in regards to a Trill symbiote. She didn't hesitate to join the captain.

He was surprised at her lack of hesitancy. Given the situation he was pretty sure why they were being called to sickbay and normally she wasn't this...assertive. Instead of speculating he did bring up what he assumed was about to occur. They rode the lift in silence until the doors opened and he stepped out to begin the walk towards sickbay.

Urushi was a little quicker on her feet, overtaking the captain with a very brisk walking speed. It was almost like she needed to be there, as if something was driving her to arrive first.

Again he was surprised by her actions. He had half expected her to stop and not want to face what could be coming but instead she was assertive, almost rushing ahead either ready to face whatever was to come. He stretched out his own stride in order to catch and keep up with her.


When the doors opened there were unfamiliar teary faces leaving the areas and still other making there way to and from the man laying in the surgical bay.

The flow of wounded had diminished to a trickle of mostly minor injuries and Nina looked up from her current patient as the Captain and the ships only Trill crewman entered.

"Lieutenant. We have a critical situation. Captain Leon was a joined Trill and he essentially brain dead. We have him on life support and are artificially stimulating neural activity but if we don't implant the symbiote into a new host soon we will lose it as well.

"I don't need to explain too you the implications of what's needed but the choice is up to you."

This was a big decision and Rico put a hand on the little Trills shoulder. "How much time does she have?"

"Under normal circumstance a few hours but due to the injuries sustained by both Host and hour most likely less."

"An hour?!" Urushi said in disbelief. She stood there and fidgeted nervously as she processed the information. "Usually a host would undergo months of training and rituals to be joined. The joining commission only choose the very best of the best." she explained to them all. "I'm no where near as qualified as other candidates in the queue. Some hosts wait their entire lives to have a symbiote and some never get one..."

Nina stepped closer, her compassion subroutines guiding her through a compassionate response. "We know that under normal circumstance the Symbiosis Commission would have selected a host but we are in a dire situation..."

Rico moved around to face her. "Lieutenant you may have not gone through the Commissions screening but you have been tested and screened to be here on this ship. It may not be the same but I no doubt in my mind that you are qualified."

Looking to the EMH. "What are the risks to her?"

"Minimal Captain. While the symbiote did take some injuries they were not sever. Lt. Yaotome is in perfect health but if she does consent to the joining she will need to remain in sickbay. The symbiote will need her help to recover so I would recommend a medically induced coma to allow the symbiote to recover and the joining to proceed uninterrupted.

"The decision is yours, but there isn't much time. Would you like to talk to the counselor first..."

Urushi pondered for a few moments. She looked down at the floor for a few moment and then up at the injured captain. There was several thoughts racing through her mind as she considered all the options. Eventually after a few long moments she spoke. "I'll take the symbiote. My entire culture is built around ensuring that the symbiote live on. They collect several lifetimes of memories and knowledge. I can't let this one die, especially when I'm right here."

Rico gave her a bump on her shoulder and he felt pride in her self-sacrifice. "Keep me informed."

Nina nodded to the Captain. "Yes sir."

"Doctor Rhineholt, would you like to assist?"

"Yes, of course I'll assist. You're going to need all the help you can get with the procedure" Jason replied wanting to save at least one of the patients.

The EMH and Dr. Rhineholt saw to the transfer of Captain Leon to the surgical ward as the delicacy of the procedure required more isolation and privacy and the main sickbay could offer. As the did that one of the nursing staff wrapped an arm around Urushi's shoulder. "Lets get you ready."

[Surgical Ward]

Being a hologram there was no need for her to 'prep' for the surgery and while Rhineholt got ready Nina look over both their patients. Captain Leon's body was still on support and the symbiotes life signs were lower but holding. Anita had returned from the Granger earlier and as prepped and laying out everything they needed to remove the symbiote from the Captain.

Walking into the surgical ward Rhineholt was ready for a very delicate and precise procedure. Placing himself in the appropriate position, beside of Nina, he stated in a low voice "Let's do this."

Turning around to Lieutenant Yaotome's bed behind her she leaned on the bed looking down at her. "Before we begin we're going to put you into a medical coma. It will steady your systems so that you and the symbiote can join without any external stressors. we will also keep you under until the symbiote's vital have risen to proper levels. Okay?"

Urushi laid there and looked up at the hologram. She nodded simply.

Brushing the hair back as she put her hand on the woman's forehead. "Okay." Looking up to Dr. Rhineholt who was now on the opposite site of her surgical bed, and simply nodded.

Looking down at his newest patient Jason smiled "I'm Doctor Rhineholt, we're going to take good care of you" he stated as he placed a small neurological device on her forehead. Reaching to the stand beside her bed he grabbed the medical coma inducing drugs and administered the appropriate amounts; shortly the Lieutenant was under.

Glancing at the monitor at the head of the bed everything was looking good. Picking up a laser scalpel Jason carefully opened up her abdominal cavity, then proceeded to form a pouch which the symbiote would reside in which took quite a few minutes to get it done correctly. When finished he turned looking towards Nina "Everything is all set when you're ready."



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