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Departure...with a twist

Posted on 23 Oct 2018 @ 12:25am by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Gunnery Sergeant James Wickman & Klingon Lt Commander Kreval of the House of Torath & Lieutenant Commander Cevel Th'raran & Lieutenant Marion Kent & Admiral Ayana Varon & Lieutenant Alora Leysen & Cadet Senior Grade Ryth Th'Vhaanneth & Cadet Senior Grade Nassie Essu

1,901 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet
Location: Bridge


While their departure was just a tad behind schedule they were still behind schedule. Rico looked about the bridge as the officers went about their duties or stood at the ready nearby.

It was time to get to work.

Turning his chair towards his Exec, "Commander, would you agree it's time to get going?"

Cevel nodded, "Aye sir; seems to me that we have been idle for a bit too long."

Rico couldn't agree more. "Well then Commander, get us underway."

"Aye sir." Cevel said as he flipped his comm button on his arm console, "All department heads report in and prepare for departure."

Ayana couldn't help feeling a little excited that they were finally on their way. She checked comms and ops and made sure all was running to spec.

"Security teams are ready, tactical systems at standby." Alora said from her station.

Eyes closing as he interfaced with his console, Ryth took a deep breath and sat back in his chair. "Inertial dampeners operational and all systems ready for impulse flight, Sir."

Kreval turned and stepped over to his console. "Station control has cleared our departure. We have a clear path through to our patrol area Commander."

Cevel nodded, "Mr. Th'Vanneth, take us out, one-quarter impulse. Nice and easy."

"Aye, Sir," Ryth nodded, the ship beginning to accelerate. "One quarter-Impulse."

Kent was at his Station on the Bridge; having transferred the Main control panel to the Bridge. "Power levels all in the Green.” Kent reported. "Impulse is answering Bells and Warp Drive is on Stand-By at your Command." his fingers danced over the panel.

Glancing from station to station and back to the main view screen Rico watch with pride as the ship pulled away from the station and into open space. ~Here we go~, he thought to himself.

[Deep Space 5 - Transporter Rm 53]

Nassie was a little confused where to go? She wondered what brilliant Starfleet bureaucrat that it was a good idea for a Cadet to report to a ship at a space station, and then drop her off nowhere near the USS Phoenix. The place was a maze, and there was too many turbolifts and corridors that she had to go through. She had a feeling that she was going to miss her departure.

This was not the way she wanted to meet the crew of the USS Phoenix. She was starting to panic a little as she finally made her way to the transporter padd, but once she got there, the transporter chief did not have her request orders to leave the planet. She was most annoyed.

After a few minutes, they managed to clear up the nonsense, however the USS Phoenix, had already left orbit over the planet. The Chief felt bad, but he told her that the USS Phoenix, left before she ever arrived, it was probably the reason he did not have her orders. They assumed she beamed aboard already.

Nassie was annoyed. She knew she was going to get a lot of grief over this, she asked the Chief to hail the USS Phoenix. She needed to reach out to Captain Montoya and the USS Phoenix. She needed them to turn around, or dispatch a shuttle to pick her up.

[USS Phoenix - Bridge]

The ship had been underway for some time as it cruised through Deep Space 5's traffic control area Kreval was attentively monitoring the surrounding activity, especially considering the recent events by extremists in the area. The rest of the bridge crew was going about their duties.

Rico handed a PADD of to the crewman. "Helm, Prepare to go to warp."

It was then Kreval's station sounded. "Belay that. Captain, you will want to see this."

Rising from his chair Rico moved to join his Strategic Operations officer. "What the hell is going on?!" Looking over the communication he huffed, the Captain of the Woodrow was probably getting back at his for stealing one of his Cadets. Either way... they were just out of transporter range to.

Letting out a frustrated breath he shrugged. "Helm come about."

"Aye, Sir," Ryth replied, his head tilting slight to the side as the ship began to bank and turn, "coming about."

Looking to his two senior officers. “Commander, as soon as we are within range beam that Cadet aboard, then resume course. Mr. Kreval, how would you like to escort our lost lamb to my Ready Room?"

Krevel understood his intent and smiled with a toothy grin. "It would be my honor Captain."

Watching the Captain depart for his office he turned to the XO waiting for the doors to close. "Do they still use keel hauling on human vessels?"

Cevel shook his head slightly, "Aye, sir." Turning to Kreval he said, "I don't believe it's an appropriate punishment anymore, but with the Captain's permission.... perhaps."

"I've got three cases of compression rifles in the armory that need to be recalibrated. Is that still a good punishment?" Alora chimed in.

"Maybe we could send him down to Engineering to scrub the transporter relays or any other various tedious tasks." Cevel commented with a smirk.

The Gunny had listened to the banter as he stopped to deliver the status report on the Marine detachment and was reminded of a traditional chore given to hapless new joins. "How about sending the kid to the quartermaster for a box of grid squares?"

Tag - bridge crew (bridge banter)

[Transporter Room 2]

Kreval had just arrived and the Petty Officer manning the room reported. DS5 is standing by for transport sir."


Nassie beamed over to the USS Phoenix, she noticed a Klingon officer, greeting her. He looked a little intimidating. "Cadet Senior Grade Nassie Essu, requesting permission to board sir." She said, as she snapped to the position of attention.

Krevel simply raised a brow to the young cadet. Had this been a Klingon ship she would be in serious trouble, regardless of the reason. He gave her a brief once over before speaking, "Come with me."

Leading the way he did not bother the see if she was behind him as he could hear her trying to keep pace with his long stride.

Nassie grabbed her bag, and quickly followed after Kreval, making sure to say, "Yes sir." As she did her best to keep pace with him, she could tell that he was annoyed. Did it have to do with her tardiness or was it something else?

Entering the turbo lift he announced their destination. "Being late for an assignment and causing the diverting of a starship is not the way to impress your superiors cadet."

"No its not sir, I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused you or the rest of the crew." She said, trying to sound all professional, but feeling horrible inside. She did her best, to keep herself collected.

"There is no inconvenience in doing one's duty cadet; inconvenience comes when others fail to do theirs. Fortunately for you we were just outside transporter range so all that was needed was a loop in our flight path." While her tardiness had caused only a minor delay it was still a delay. Her fate would hang on the severity the Captain placed on that delay. He took notice that she did not try to offer any excuses or to deflect. Very honorable...though whether she was going to do the same when in front of the Captain remained to be seen.

The lift doors parted and instead of turning to the left and taking her to the main entry to the ready room, he led her forward and through the doors to the bridge for further effect. Stopping in front of the door he turned to face the cadet, brushing off and squaring up her shoulders.

Satisfied with the quick inspection he opened the door and allowed her to enter first. "Captain."

"Thank you Commander, that will be all."

Nassie snapped to the position of attention, after walking into his room. She went over to the front of his desk. She expected a lecture from the captain. "Cadet Nassie Essu reporting for duty sir." She said, trying to sound professional, and keeping her emotions in check.

Normally he only saw the department heads when new crew reported aboard but this was a special situation to say the least. He left the Cadet at attention, "Forget to set your alarm this morning?"

"Sorry about that sir, it will not happen again." She said in a professional tone. She did not make any excuses why she was late. She was ready to face any punishment the captain was ready to give her. But deep down inside, she was pissed off at herself. This was not the way she wanted to meet the captain.

Leaning back in his chair Rico laced his fingers together and stared at the cadet silently for a moment. She didn't try to offer an excuse or blame circumstances; instead she stood there seemingly ready to accept whatever was handed out. After a few moments he spoke. "Well Cadet, this did cause us a minor delay but nothing that can't be overcome. That and you just gave me your word...and I always accept the word of my officers. At ease."

Nassie went from the position of attention, to parade rest, as she called out in a professional tone. "Aye Sir." She said, waiting for the Captain to continue on. She was not sure if she was going punished, but at the moment she needed to check in with the Captain. And it was clear they were doing that.

Activating his holomonitor he looked up the cadet's file. "Course study in starship operation; well your department head, Lieutenant Varon, is on the bridge. Check in with her and see if she wants to get you settled and on a duty rotation or delegate that to someone else in the department. Any questions?"

"No sir, I look forward to meeting Lieutenant Varon." She said in a professional tone. She was doing her best to keep her composure. She was relieved that the Captain was not ripping her a new one for being late or making the USS Phoenix turn around to get her. She did not deny the possibility; he was not done chewing her ass off.

"Well then, like I told our other cadet. Things on a starship are a lot different than in a classroom...screw up out here and people can get hurt or worse. Dismissed.

"Understood, and thank you Sir for the opportunity." She said, as she snapped to the position, and did a direct about face to walk out of the room. She was relieved that the Captain did not rip her ear off. She knew she needed to be on her best behavior around him and the crew. This was not the way she wanted to meet the crew of the USS Phoenix, and her captain.

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Lieutenant Command Cevel Th'raran

Cadet Senior Grade Nassie Essu
Operations Officer

Cadet Senior Grade Ryth Th'Vhaaneth
Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant Ayana Varon
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Alora Leysen
Chief Security / Tactical Officer

Lt. Commander Kreval of the House of Torath
Strategic Operations Officer
NPC’d by Rico

Gunnery Sergeant James Wickman
Platoon Sergeant
NPC’d by Rico


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