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23 Oct 2018 @ 12:25am

Lieutenant Alora Leysen

Name Alora Leysen

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human / Vulcan
Age 30
Languages Federation Standard

Physical Appearance

Height 1.65 m
Weight 65 kg
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Alora is slimmed but toned, the one quarter Vulcan heritage is barely visible in her ears, and lacking from her personality.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Willem Leysen, Colonial Govenor - Valdora Colony (Human)
Mother Shelana Leysen, Architect (Human/Vulcan)
Brother(s) Commander Altors Leysen - Executive Officer USS Hibernia (Galaxy-class)
Sister(s) Doctor Andreana Leysen - General Practitioner - Valdora Colony

Prefect Aberina Leysen - District Prefect - Bayone District, Valdora Colony

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Highly motivated and duty oriented she has an excellent tactical mind and is a proven investigator. Her technical and scientific aptitudes are thoroughly average, but she maintains passable qualification for Operations.

Ambitions She has considered pursuing Command, but a part of her wants to settle down and raise a family.
Hobbies & Interests Reading mystery novels, hiking, yoga, rock and mountain climbing.

Personal History Alora was born in 2364, the fourth child of Willem and Shelana on Valdora Colony. The Colony, a developed cosmopolitan world that had been an Betazoid colony before the formation of the Federation. Her father recently elected to the Deputy Governors Office, and her mother a prominent Architect raised the children in the affluent suburbs of the Capital.

In her early teens, while her eldest sister displayed a keen scientific mind, her other sister already following in her father's political foot steps and her brothers athletic prowess was interesting major sporting team scouts, Alora was overtly average. She did well in school, but not as well as her siblings, and she lacked "direction" in life, as her father frequently reminded her.

When she graduated High School she applied to academy not expecting to ba accepted, however she was accepted, and while her moderate success in academia continued she excelled in tactical studies, and earned top marks in her investigation program.

She graduated and was posted Starbase 416 the smallish station had become a busy hub as trade routes opened in the sector meaning her post as an Security Investigator kept her quite busy. In just over a year she was made the Assistant Chief Security and both the Security Chief and Station Commander commended her on her service.

A year later she was promoted to Lieutenant JG and assigned as Chief Tactical Officer aboard the Defiant-class USS Orion. The ship was assigned to Starfleet efforts along the Klingon boarder. The Orion on more than one occasion was forced to engage the Klingons, usually small boarder skirmishes.

In 2390 she was reassigned to Intrepid-Class USS Koan'ner, named for an Andorian explorer, the ship was deployed on 16 month survey mission in the Gamma Quadrant. Her tenure as Sec-Tac Chief was rather uneventful but she impressed the XO, Lieutenant C onommander Annalise Hellerford. In mid-2391 Hellerford took over as the Chief of Staff as Starfleet was setting up an embassy on Avvorn III, she brought Alora along as Security Advisor.

Her service although bureaucratic earned her promotion to full Lieutenant and assigned as the Chief Security and Tactical Officer aboard the USS Hibernia a Galaxy-class ship posted on a deep space exploration mission in the Beta Quadrant.

In 2394 while the Hibernia went in for refit she requested reassignment and was posted to the USS Phoenix.
Service Record 2382-2386 Starfleet Academy

2386-2387 Security Investigation Officer - Starbase 416
2387-2388 Assistant Chief Security Officer - Starbase 416

Lieutenant JG
2388-2390 Chief Tactical Officer - USS Orion NCC-76219 (Defiant-class)
2390-2391 Chief Security Tactical Officer - USS Koan'ner (Intrepid-class)
2391-2392 Security Advisor - Federation Embassy Avvorn III

2392-2394 Chief Security Tactical Officer - USS Hibernia (Galaxy-class)
2394-Pres Chief Security Tactical Officer - USS Phoenix (Prometheus-class)