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21 Dec 2018 @ 4:11pm

Cadet Senior Grade Ryth Th'Vhaanneth

Name Ryth Th'Vhaanneth

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Cadet Senior Grade

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Aenar
Age 23
Languages Federation Standard, Andorii

Physical Appearance

Height 2m
Weight 65 Kg
Hair Color White
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description Shorter than the average Aenar and Andorian, Ryth is just barely 2 meters tall. A bit thin and somewhat lanky. His grey eyes are nearly sightless, and he can sense his surroundings through his antennae, which are round and slightly shorter than other Aenar due to his young age.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Akyhr Th'vhaanneth (46) & Erebiar Ch'vhaanneth(45)
Mother Othreshiath Zh'vhaanneth (43) & Esymesh Sh'vhaanneth (47)
Sister(s) Temo Zh'vhaanneth (14)
Sattao Sh'vhaanneth (20)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Due to his family's exclusive use of telepathy in his formative years, Ryth has a difficult time verbalizing his thoughts. Because of this, his speech is slightly clumsy and awkward. Still, he's a determined and singularly focused individual, and does his best to not let his awkwardness hinder his duties.
Strengths & Weaknesses Telepathy
Due to the requirement of needing a Telepresence device attached to the Conn Console of any ship he is piloting, he doesn't have to manually input commands, he simply thinks and the computer responds. Thus, he has a quicker reaction time than normal pilots.

Socially awkward
Unable to fly without some sort of telepresence device which includes a telepresence headband.
Ambitions He feels like he needs to provide an excellent example for his younger sisters and as such chose Conn. He wants his sisters to know that no matter what disadvantage you may have, it can't stop you from achieving what you push for.
Hobbies & Interests Flying vintage WWI biplanes

Personal History Born in 2371 on Andoria, Ryth grew up the oldest of three children. He strove to provide a good example for his sisters when they were born. He made excellent marks in school and decided to join Starfleet at 18. His chosen path was counseling, but changed track to flight control three months in when he was informed that it would be harder for him to fly a ship due to his blindness.
He worked hard to make up for the lost time from changing tracks and graduated in the standard four years.
During his cadet cruise he was assigned to the USS Woodrow as a shuttle pilot. He finished his cruise with high marks and was assigned to the Woodrow for another six months. Ryth was on a fast track to Flight Control Officer when orders came in to be transferred to the USS Phoenix.

Service Record 2389 - Entered Academy
2393 - Graduation and Cadet cruise - USS Woodrow
2394 - Transfer to the USS Phoenix