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So much for plans

Posted on 24 Oct 2018 @ 1:50am by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya

580 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet
Location: USS Phoenix
Timeline: 0630

[Captain's Quarters]

Things were moving along without a hitch and everyone was getting used to the routine. They had finally arrived and assumed their patrol route just outside explored space. Sensors where working overtime as they scanned and mapped the area.

Rico and Heather were sitting together enjoying a breakfast together before their shifts started. Putting down his coffee he looked across the table. "You know I was thinking of implementing as Captain's Mess schedule. Sort of a way for me to get to know the crew. What do you think?"

Heather nodded putting her fork down and pausing to chew and swallow before she replied. "Could be intimitating for some but you wouldn't be the first Captain to do something similar. Where you thinking of having it here or..."

She was interupted as the comm sounded. "Bridge to the Captain."

Tapping his commbadge Rico replied, =^= Montoya here. What is it? =^=

"Sir, we are receiving a transmission from Starfleet Command."

=^= Route it to me here. =^= Closing the channel Rico rose from the table and moved to his desk even as the holo-monitor activation.

Standing in front of his desk he turned the display to face him. "Open channel."

As the Federation emblem faded to be replaced by Fleet Admiral Rittenhouse. "Admiral. Condratulations on your promotion."

"Thank you Captain," seeing that the area behind him looked like he was in his quarter, "I'm not interrrupting anything am I?"

"Not at all sir. Just finishing breakfast."

"I see. Well, Captain we have a situation in the Tarelis System. Seems the first contact mission with the Incesra has gone south in a big way. I want you to get your ship there immediately and resolve the situation."

"Tarelis? It'll take us days just to get there. Surely there is someone closer."

"There is but I need you there. I'm transmitting you the background information, full details, and complete orders; you will see why you are being sent once you review the data."


"Good luck Captain."

As the channel closed Rico contacted the bridge. "Montoya to Bridge. Have we recieved the data stream from command?"

=^= Yes sir. =^=

"Good, I'll be up there shortly. Alter course to the Teralis system; warp 8."

Picking up his uniform jacket he pulled it on and headed towards the door. Turning back, Heather was already up and moving towards him. Placing her hands on his chest. "The burdens of command."

Looking up at him. "See you for lunch?"

He raised an eyebrow, "As long as there are no more surprises."

Heather smiled, "No promises."

[Ready Room]

Rico had decoded the packet and began reviewing the data; the messege from the Incersa, the Teralian governing body, his instructions, and the reasons he was selected for this assignment. A minor note made in those reasons made his blood begin to boil. He had bent, even cracked a few orders in the past but he had never blatently refused an order.

Further into his read, it bacame clear that there were several reasons for the unusual order. Either way it was disturbing that Starfleet would stoop to such a tactic. With a huff he loaded the packet to a PADD for later use and set the comm for a shipwide broadcast.

The shrill whistle of the all hail sounded throughout the ship, followed by the Captain's voice. =^= Senior officers report to the observation lounge by 0700. =^=

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya
Operation Office

Admiral Rittenhouse
NPC - played by Rico


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