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21 Dec 2018 @ 4:11pm

Lieutenant Marion Kent

Name Marion Russell (Russ) Kent

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 31
Languages Federation, Binar,

Physical Appearance

Height 6 ft
Weight 192 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description
Kent is a handsome sort with the contrasting Black hair and blue eyes; eyes that are said to be ‘piercing’ if looked in the correct manner. His physique is that of an athlete, he is a not bulky but still well defines. He tends to keep the physique covered and his hair neat.

He has some hair line; nearly unnoticeable unless one knows to look at it, at the base of his skull and down his back along the spinal cord. Under the hair is more scarring but not able to be seen. He wears gloves and sometime sports stylish sunglasses


Spouse Fiance' Jillian Peters
Father Roland
Mother Dianah

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kent has no recollection of what he was like prior to his accident; he is in the midst of rediscovering himself in many ways. He is willing to try anything once as he is not sure really what he likes? He tends to be more physical in his efforts; his past had an athletic background.
He is a more humorous person to break tensions; he has a tendency to watch what goes on around him for the most part. When he concentrates and his reflexes take over he resembles the automated robotic style motions. His expressions are less when stressed and not under duress he is quite ‘normal’ in his emotional state. He does have a tendency to not wish to be around those that knew him well before the accident; a self-conscious fear those will want to treat him like his ‘old self’ rather than accept the new.
One common note between his prior and post-accident persona, he does not like his first name of Marion and can be impulsive when that name is used. He does not understand why he dislikes but still prefers to be called Russell. He still believes that ‘Marion’ is just a name on paper and will not readily answer to it, could be some part of mental block?

He appears sometimes to withdraw; being constantly bombarded by his sensory awareness he would seek time to meditate and slow the input. Outside highly dexterous situations or his own desire to ‘feel’ he wears gloves to contain the over stimulation.
Kent has no recollection of what he was like prior to his accident; he is in the midst of rediscovering himself in many ways. He is willing to try anything once as he is not sure really what he likes? He tends to be more physical in his efforts; his past had an athletic background.
He is a more humorous person to break tensions; he has a tendency to watch what goes on around him for the most part. When he concentrates and his reflexes take over he resembles the automated robotic style motions. His expressions are less when stressed and not under duress he is quite ‘normal’ in his emotional state. He does have a tendency to not wish to be around those that knew him well before the accident; a self-conscious fear those will want to treat him like his ‘old self’ rather than accept the new.
One common note between his prior and post-accident persona, he does not like his first name of Marion and can be impulsive when that name is used. He does not understand why he dislikes but still prefers to be called Russell. He still believes that ‘Marion’ is just a name on paper and will not readily answer to it, could be some part of mental block?

He appears sometimes to withdraw; being constantly bombarded by his sensory awareness he would seek time to meditate and slow the input. Outside highly dexterous situations or his own desire to ‘feel’ he wears gloves to contain the over stimulation.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
He has Photographic memory
An Artificial Spinal column for maximum efficiency
Full use of senses (Can use all 5)
Maximum Human agility/ Reflexes
creative thinker


Tramatic Amniesia from accident
Flashbacks from ordeal
Sensory overload from constantly using all senses
Has reactions like a syntax error of a system
Can seem Mechanical to observer when using his full potential
Has a rule against associating with past friends and ect.
Ambitions To head up an R& D section of Star Fleet.
Hobbies & Interests Painting scenes that he visualizes in his head (repressed memories).
Study Historical events.
He swims a lot.
He portrays an ageless duelist on a dwindling forum.
Internal combustion

Forgotten Hobbies
He likes Boxing
He likes Fencing
Martial Arts.
Portrays a Pirate on Holodeck.

Personal History Previous Historical data on Russell.

Kent was the younger of two children; his older sister Lori was nearly a decade older than him. By the time Kent reached nine he seemed an only child. His father had raised the family on a star ship, being an Engineer he took his son around with him on the odd jobs repairing the merchant ship that he worked on for nearly thirty years.

The young Kent took to the training from his father and worked hard to learn. He also had lots of time on his hands so he turned to any kind of physical activity that he could get the unoccupied area or even Holodeck time to take up boxing and swimming then for a flair he dabbled in Fencing. While he was athletic he had a slight temper problem with his first name; he got into several fights over it and started being called Russell, even in official places he would use his middle name over his given first name whenever possible.

Being schooled on the ship was strictly followed by his mother and he graduate the required curriculum to be legally able to enter Star Fleet. The moment he entered had to be among his most proud moments and he took it to heart. The training became a part of him; he quickly excelled at his Engineering Training. The long hours of studying not only his lessons but what his father did had an impact on his skill base. Kent had a knack for the Engineering and while growing up could crawl into places his larger father found difficult, ths young Kent discovered the true amount of support machinery that propels a starship. He had a few near misses that also taught him respect for the ‘power’ that a ship has coursing through it.

Never one to be idle Kent would be seen all over the ship when not in ’class’ and blew through his homework so to have time to do more on the ship. He tended to keep a good focus on his duties as well as studies. He read all the manuals he could get his hands up so his knowledge grew and he tok on pet projects. He had a great color scheme awareness and his mother discovered the Artistic side f him, he was urged to paint. The child was not a prodigy but very talented making extra ‘spending money’ through his art.

Passng his courses on the ship based education system and being of age he earned a slot in the Star Fleet academy. While being high mars in his projects his social interactions were not as skilled; he had a serious degree of focus and tended to neglect to watch his back and became brunt of jokes. That coupled with his aversion to his given name had him as a steady member of the Discipline Committee; but his skill in Engineering far over shadowed his ‘impulsive’ nature.

It was during this time he got assigned to a Damage Control Crew early as a cadet; he found a major conduit was near rupture by tracking the stress points of that damaged section and head it off before rupturing and causing more damage. He was given an accommodation and transferred to another command as a Damage Control Team Lead.
On the USS Terra he was made the Damage Control Chief during Combat working closely with the Assistant Chief of Operations as a liaison between Engineering and OPS. During a sneak attack the Damage Control Crew were fighting the growing Battle Damage, the Rupture of coolant lines to the Warp Core needed repair or the ship would lose valuable power and possibility of a Core Breech. Kent took the incisive to go into the damaged area in a protective suit despite the better advice of fellow team members. He rerouted the lines enough to effect a patch to restore coolant lines. Taking some plasma burns in the process he did recover and was transferred to a Command in desperate need of an Assistant Engineer.

In his regular duties on the Minnesota that a fusion reactor broke loose during a high stress maneuver and the fated Girder that snapped struck Kent in the spine and base of the skull throwing him aside like a tennis ball hit by a racket. The damage was luckily localized by snapping his spine and partly crushing a skull but a major concussion from the rough inner edge of the skull did damage to the brain itself and he was in a coma for a time while ship went under major repairs.

Kent’s Current Historical facts.

Kent woke with a strange sensation; he knew his name and some basic facts but little more than that after the surgery. Two people that claimed to be his parents; he did not recognize them but had a feeling they were not as stranger as he wanted to believe. Some data on them seemed to be available like reading a report in his head.

His recovery began with the noticing of the texture of food and the variances in a surface consistency to his touch. He became more aware of what things felt like, tasted and could distinguish readily between the scents of the room His eyes also tended t take in more; most eyesight is focus on a small portion of the vision and the rest is dwindling on way out his eyes felt more like a camera he could pan and take in the full screen of view with equal detail.

There was a year spent n rehabilitation and retraining; he had to integrate his mind and body with the new systems. The evaluations were epic and it was found; or was thought to e, a system glitch. He was in testing asto how well he could return to duty, it was as an Assistant Engineer; he seemed to be able to function in the Damage Control aspects of his training. HE was assigned to a shift in the Engineering Section as routine and there was an apparent system crash; he was without use of the motor skills and the spinal relays were not working. After rushing him to Sick Bay an Engineer and a Doctor each had a tricorder in hand with no success in finding the error.

The modifications appeared to be functioning perfectly as he went through testing of the system physically. He was again assigned a shift in the Engineering section and when at the door the system crashed again; or o they thought, it was again with no apparent reason forfailure, the Counselor suggested having Kent go through damge area all around ship and then need to repair something in Engineering? During testing all other sections of ship were easy and when running to aid Engineering his system failed again. It was then that his deep rooted traatic memories; even repressed, sht down Kent, not the system.

The decision came to a vote and Operations gained another Damage Control Specialist in their ranks. It too the last half of his rehabilitation year to learn the intricacies of OPS versus Engineering. The memories of being a liaison were not readily available but his same ‘reflex knowledge remained intact, only now heightened reflexes to full Human potential.

The tests of the systems showed that he had mastered integration of the spinal and the Brain Implants. He was given a position as a Damage Control Lead on an Akira Class vessel patrolling the Pirate boarders of the Bad Lands. The ship suffered from many sneak attacks and his skills came into constant use. The ship faced numerous engagements on the patrol, his skills and reflexes brought him to the notice of the Command Chain. The Edo came under attack by a formation of Pirate ships that were trying to end the patrol, a showing of power. While the battle was a victory the damage sustained force the objective of the Pirates; the Edo had to reach dry dock for major repairs and refitting. During the time of the return to Base Kent worked double shifts and was pushing himself to make repairs; the Medical Staff were instructed to let him ‘work until he drops’ and only then could they do anything.

At the Space Dock the Medical personnel gave him a thorough check as well as a member from Daystrome who made a special trip to be on station for the return of the Edo. The physical and mental testing showed a dedication to duty and the body capable to follow that will.

Kent was reassigned to another command.

He was an Engineer on the USS Edo as Damage Control Specialist under the Operations until an accident wounded the Chief Engineer. Having to get past his fears and the memories that were more 'Physical manifestations' he was assigned as Chief Engineer pending transfer after mission. The Edo was not to be repaired after her combat and the crew summarily transferred to Star Base 80 where Kent became the Research and Development Chief. During a terrorist attack on the station Kent's 'Department of Tricks' had several inventions under prototype that came of use to the damage control and rebuilding of the station. He was also rebuilding a 2260's era Romulan Warbird to be fitted with Nacelles and upgraded impulse and to use an actual Romulan Singularity Power plant.

The need for crew facilitated his transfer to the USS Phoenix as Chief Engineer.

WIth him comes his Fiance Jillian Peters; a Flight COntrol Officer.
Service Record Cadet cruise USS Wasp
Engineering Officer USS Moscow
Damage Control Lead USS Terra
Assistant Engineer USS Minnesota
Year for rehabilitation
USS Edo Damage Control Specialist/ Chief Engineer
Star Base 80 Chief Research and Development
USS Phoenix as Chief Engineer.