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Baiting the hook

Posted on 20 Oct 2018 @ 11:51pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya

953 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet
Location: Deep Space 5

Tomorrow morning was the big day and Rico and Heather had decided to have dinner on the station. The Stations promenade was still damaged in placed for the incidents that had occurred during their shakedown and stations security was a visible presence.

Rico was still in his uniform but Heather had changed in to nice boot outfit with forming pants and a long sleeve sweater top that came down to almost mid-thigh. The pair was walking arm in arm as they tried to decide where to eat.

"So where did you wanna eat?"

"Well you remember that dress?"

Rico laughed. "How could I forget..."

"Well the shop I got it from was remodeling, I heard they now have a very popular little bistro."

"Sounds like a plan to me...lead on."

Taking a lift to the appropriate level of the promenade they finally arrived. Heather hadn't been kidding about it being a popular place. Several tables lined the edge of the promenade in front of the shop and a roped area guided those customers waiting to be seated. Behind the two rows of tables was a series of shop continuing down the promenade...essentially three shops in one.

With a disappointed expression Heather looked at the crowd. "How long do you think the wait is...?"

From inside the nearest entrance came a voice she had heard before; "For you, none!" Turning she saw a familiar face; the same face that had seen to the alteration of her dress.

Stepping out from the shop at a quick pace he took the familiar redheads hand kissing it with a show. "Xaetia! An extra table for my special guests!"

Staff member appeared immediately with a spare table away from everyone else and a crisp new table cloth was unfurled with a snap as place settings and two chairs were placed. Rico was impressed at the speed at which everything was set but uncomfortable with jumping in front of those that had already been waiting to be seated. "Thank you sir but these other people..."

"Will be seated as soon as a regular table becomes available. You are the Captain of a starship and I will not have it said I had one of Starfleet’s finest get called back to his ship with an empty stomach. And if you will permit me I will have something special prepared for you both."

Rico graciously acquiesced and took a seat but hesitated at the idea of someone just bringing him food that he had never met. But before he could reply their host continued.

"Captain Montoya, as I told Commander Soran. I pride myself with being able judge my customers." placing a finger over his lips as he appeared to think. "You are not only human, but a human raised on Earth, yes?"


Geral narrowed his eyes. "de Espana?"

Either this guy was good or he had done his homework; and he was leaning towards the later so he probably already knew the answer but he replied anyway. "Si"

"Perfect we just got in some Ivorian prawns...perfect for Gambas Ajillo..."

Regardless of his hesitations, he was really impressed now. "I haven't had real Gambas Ajillo in years..."

Then this will be a special treat. I will get things started. In the meantime fresh bread and wine sent out."

Heather had been smirking the whole time watching Rico's expressions shift from suspicion to anticipation, but she had to interject. "No wine for me Mr. Lasuma."

"Geral...please. No wine?"

"Unless you have a synthahol." Placing a hand over her abdomen.

Geral needed no further clues as he clasped his hands together then placed a hand on each of their shoulders. "CONGRATULATIONS! I guess that dress work in more ways than one. This is fabulous news! And in that case...No wine for you my dear."

With a snap of his fingers their waitress was back to see to their needs as Geral excused himself. Once back inside Dorian was at his side.

"Playing it a little thick there weren't you?"

Handing off the order for the chef to get to work. " 'To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose'. Now I am completely burned into their memory. If they find any commercial needs I want them to think of me. When they return to the station I want the here talking about the things they've found. Have gift basket prepared for me to give them in honor of her pregnancy."

After their Dinner Rico sat back in the chair utterly satisfied. If it hadn't been for the noise of the promenade he would have thought he had just eaten some of his grandmothers cooking. He was definitely going to have to keep this place in mind, too bad all they had were replicators on the Phoenix.

Geral returned as the wait staff was clearing the table and the Captain looked up to greet him. "You know I might have to steal your chef."

Grinning Geral placed a hand on the big human's shoulder. "He's the best in three sectors without a doubt. I could be persuaded to have a few of his specialties scanned and transmitted to you for replication. As long as you give me your word those scans never leave your database and I would request to see any, unclassified, reports of the places you encounter...for business opportunities."

There it was. Rico had wondered why all the special treatment and the shoe had finally dropped. Looking up at the audacious businessman he raised a brow and shook his head as he chuckled.

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya
Operation Officer

Geral Lasuma
Owner - Lasuma Enterprises


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