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On the road again... - Part 2

Posted on 18 Apr 2015 @ 10:59pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Commander Fanvo Adtanis & Lieutenant Commander Alorha Grange & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Lieutenant Elas Vonti & Major Richard Sharpe & Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu & Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert & Lieutenant JG Tobias Todd & Lieutenant JG Alana Tambor & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan
Edited on on 18 Apr 2015 @ 11:02pm

1,729 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: USS Achilles

[Counselors Office]

Elas hated the room. It was off color and meant to be soothing, but the pastels only irritated him. It occurred to him the medication suppressing his telepathic abilities were likely affecting his emotions. His office was a well appointed lounge for people to relax and feel at home, but all of this was too soft for him, his new found abilities and traumas in inflicting them had reformed Elas into a harder man. All of this would have to change, Counseling wasn't going to be optional on this voyage, and he was damned certain not going to let it be seen that way.=/\= Counseling reporting in as ready XO.

He hadn't noticed the antechamber, it was filled with all manner of recuperative and relaxation accommodations. Bio-beds, warm rocks, mud pools, it was a veritable spa. Elas slowed his eyes and wished for it to go away, but the lavender fragrances remained and he knew this was going to be a long trip.

[Primary Armory-Achilles]

"If you stack the Modulation chambers for the Breen Rifle, they will have quantum shear between one another, use the heat stacks to separate them."

Suteyo was scrutinizing the inventory for the armory, it was a sampling of everything the Alpha Quadrant had to offer for fire-power and sheer offensive might. He referred to the Ensign checking them in, and watched the young man ably perform the antigrav lift. Seeing this as a done deal, the next item on his check-list was the ablative diffraction index. They were attuned to standard Romulan/Klingon Disruptor patterns, but the Achilles was not likely to run into Alpha Quadrant opposition so far in the Gamma Quadrant. He had submitted the request to Engineering to shift the plates and index for Dominion counter weapons tactics, but Engineering was understaffed. This would have to wait until DS9.

Though he didn't see them on the manifest, it somehow made sense when one more anti-grav came in, loaded to bursting with Klingon metal. Suteyo hoped to get to use some of the me'k'leth and d'ktahg against the Klingon members of the Crew. Maybe the Commodore would take him up on a bout, though the Kligat was no sparring device. For a moment Suteyo considered the life he was leaving behind, he knew he would never see the Alpha Quadrant again if this mission went as planned. He would miss Capella but there was nothing more for him there. This was his life now and he would be present for it, every moment of it.

=/\= LT Commander Lindert, Armory reserve stocked and secured. Ready for send-off.

[Intelligece Offices]

Cammy took one last look at her department PADD to ensure everything was squared away. This whole management ordeal was still very foreign, and she was feeling the pressure. She quickly ran down her checklist, hoping it covered everything. ~Analysts say everything checks out, field equipment secured, all personnel accounted for, the pre-deployment intelligence estimate is...~ she stopped, her eyes darting around the PADD's screen. ~The intel estimate "Ugh, where is thah bloody thing?" She asked aloud, her accent sneaking through.

"What bloody thing?" one of the analysts asked.

"The mission's intelligence estimate."

"It's on your desk, ma'am." he replied. He kept his face and voice neutral, but Cammy could feel a Look behind his visage.

She let out an annoyed sigh. "Thank, Ensign." ~Way to look like a prat!~ she thought to herself. After she ensured the estimate was on her desk, she tapped her commbadge. =^=Valentine to Bridge, The Intelligence Department is ready for departure. =^=

[Shuttle Bay]

Looking out over the bay the Chief of the deck nodded as he got thumbs up from the various personnel. What needed to be locked down was locked down and all the shuttles, fighters, and other craft where either in their berths, below in the storage/maintenance bay, or at the ready in the bay spreading out before him. The CAG would normally be the one to talk to the bridge, but with CAG and a lot of the pilots being picked up at DS9 he took the initiative. Tapping his badge. =^= Shuttle bay to bridge. Ready to go here. =^=

[Marine Country]

The feeling of anticipation was palatable; every Marine from boot private to highest ranking officer...especially once word got out of their new vehicles and weapons. Even with this they were all doing the jobs they had at hand. Velez looked up from the duty report and looked to Captain Sharpe. "Sir all hands and equipment accounted for, security details have been assigned and patrols are on duty."

Sharpe stood impassive in the center of marine operations, as they went through their pre-departure checks. "Thank you Sergeant Major, prepare the detachment for departure." With that instruction issued, he tapped his comm badge. "Sharpe to bridge, marine detachment ready for departure."

[Bridge - Main Science Station]

Streams of numbers and Diagrams were running over Tobias' screen declaring all systems online and ready. The rigorous tests of the last few days had paid of. A distant sense of adventure settled deep in his thoughts and could not be dismissed. While still scanning the screens and without turning he declared

"All science stations and systems functioning at expected parameters and awaiting orders."

[Bridge - Ops station]

"Operations reports all is good sire" replied Himars from his station

[Diplomatic wing]

It was the first day as official Federation Ambassador, which was Ayren's dream job since she was a little girl. As a teenager, after her father and herself returned to the Federation from living on Q'onoS for a few years, and her troubled cousin, X'aedell came to live with them, she turned her focus to helping people and that steered her to study to become a counselor. However, she did her post graduate studies in Federation politics. The combination of psychology and politics had served her well in the past and it still did.

Her aide stood up as she walked through the door to her reception area, but she waved him down. "No need to stand Kala," she said warmly. The young eager Bolian sank back into his chair smiling widely, a little uncomfortable. She was beautiful indeed. "The bridge needs a status update..." he said, certain he was turning a darker shade of blue.

"Thank you," Ayren said, smiling inwardly, as she sensed his discomfort. He would settle down soon..

"=^= Kelan to the Bridge, we are a go,=^=" Ayren said after opening her console and entering her codes.

[Hangar Deck]

The technicians submitted their reports on craft and munitions to the officer overseeing the starfighter wing and related operations, and he quickly checked over the list of pilots who checked it to make sure all were present. Satisfied that all was squared away, he tapped his commbadge. =^= Hangar Deck to bridge, all craft and personnel are accounted for. Fighters and transports passed inspection, and we are ready for departure. =^=

[Combat Information Center]

Strategic operations was still considerably understaffed, most notably missing their department head. Luckily they were supposed to be picking up that officer at DS9. For now they didn't have anyone to report to nor was their trip to Bajor going to need them for anything.
Picking up his PADD and leaning back in his chair as he tapped his commbadge. =^= Strat Ops to bridge. We are a go. =^=

[Bridge T-14:17]

The helmsman turned from his station. "Commander, dock control report our that our flight path has been cleared of all traffic and is standing by to release moorings."

"Good Lieutenant. We're just a bit ahead, so get everything ready. I steal the Commodore's thunder in being able to set us off, he'd probably take my head off for it." Travis noted. 75 year trip, long way from home. Would it be worthwhile in the end?

Da`nal emerged from his ready room and made his way to the command chair. "Have all departments reported?"

"Commodore on deck!" Travis called out as he stood from the command chair and moved to the XO's. "All departments have checked in, we're still awaiting the final manning at DS9. All systems are functional, and install, so no waiting for a Tuesday this time." He said to Da'nal with a slight grin of historical humor

Taking his seat Da`nal looked at the view screen. All the preparation was nearly complete and they could finally begin their journey. "Helm; Clear all moorings."

"Aye sir." His hands moved over the holo-console and he watched as the dock control acknowledged. "Moorings and all umbilicals retracting, thrusters are at station keeping. Impulse power engines standing by."

As many time as he had given similar orders on other ships nothing compared to this moment. However he looked to his right and passed that honor to another. "Commander; I believe we are expected at Deep Space Nine."

Travis nodded to Da'nal and stood up. He'd have to look into replacing the chair the XO used, it was far too comfortable and lacked support. "Helm, ahead maneuvering thrusters until we pass the beacon, then bring us up to full impulse nice and slow. Once we get the second beacon, take us to Warp One. We'll run the tests on the engines as we build up speed. Engage."

Looking at the view screen he frowned slightly, ~So much for impulse out of the gate.~ "Aye sir." His hands moved over his console and slowly the massive ship slipped out of the docking frame. Once clear of the frame the bow reached the first beacon and he engaged the impulse engines and increased speed steadily to full impulse.

Upon reaching the second marker he disengaged the impulse engines and took one last look at the familiar stars and constellations before they became streaked as the ship jumped to warp and their journey had finally begun.

Commodore Da`nal - CO

Commander Travis Stone - XO

Lt Cmdr Alorha Grange - CMO

Ayren Kelan - Federation Ambassador

Ens Cammy Valentine - Infiltration Specialist

Lt. Kordah Himars - COPs

Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert - Chief Sec/Tac

Lt. Cmdr Fanvo Adtanis - CENG

Lt. Elas Vonti - CCO

Lt Jg. Tobias Todd - CSO

Capt. Richard Sharpe - MCO

Sgt. Maj. Arcenio Velez - SNCO

Lt JG Suteyo Alahanu -Sec Officer

Lt JG Tyce Backo - ACENG

Lt JG Alana Tambor - Med Officer


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