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On the road again... - Part 1

Posted on 18 Apr 2015 @ 10:41pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Commander Fanvo Adtanis & Lieutenant Commander Alorha Grange & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Lieutenant Elas Vonti & Major Richard Sharpe & Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu & Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert & Lieutenant JG Tobias Todd & Lieutenant JG Alana Tambor & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan

1,446 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New

Now that the rush was over and the first part of their preparations complete Da`nal stepped out onto the bridge. "XO."

"Commodore on the bridge!" Travis called out as he heard the door hiss open, and was already standing to the side of the chair in case Da'nal wanted to take it. "We're ready to depart when you give the order. Departments are a little slower in reporting, but not too far off, Commodore. No further messages have been logged from the Fleet or the Base."

"Pass the word. Have ALL department report their status...We depart within the hour." With that order he stepped off the bridge to see to what was going on with the escort ship as he had yet to hear from the Starfleet or the CO and he didn't want to get delayed once they go to Deep Space 9.



Alorha had barely signed into her consoles at sickbay and was still trying to sort out her transfer and her authorization codes. For the most part Starfleet was very efficient, but when something did go wrong, it would be a mission to sort it out. "No.... Grange...G R A N G E..." she said to the computer.

"There is no Lieutenant commander Grange on board"

"But I am here!" Alorha said irate by now. She had to be able to access the internal communication system to respond to the requested status report, but her authorization codes were not accepted.

Alorha went to her console again, and there it stood: 'Welcome Lieutenant Commander Grange', but on the ship's computer she was Lieutenant Commander Ganger. "Release main console access authorization Gamma 28912 Delta 0Z89" she tried again, using her old code.

The ship's computer took a few moments and the responded. "Main console access released to lieutenant Grange, medical officer."

"WHATEVER!" she said and requested new codes from Starfleet medical ...again. She also sent a quick report to the XO. As long as it worked and she was in. All systems were operational and she was awaiting new codes from Starfleet Medical.

Alana stood quietly, as a mute species was wont to do. Alorha was having computer issues, but it was amusing and her rage was superficial at best. Venting emotions and catharsis was its own analgesic. She took a seat outside the infirmary ward in the cavernous sickbay. It was truly large, two EMH assistants ready with 500 person capacity each for the overflow and triage wards adjacent to this one. The Surgical ward looked truly impressive, state of the art bio-beds, sleek surfaces and polished recessed panels filled with various tools for ready access. This was less of a sickbay and more of a general hospital; the differences were startling, and very telling in the coming expectations of the mission.

The movement attracted Alorha's attention and she turned towards Alana. "Apologies...' she said grimacing. "My temper and my mouth run away with me at times..." she said. "Please let me know if I offend you... I can be quite obtuse..." she added. Having noticed Alana surveying the sickbay she viewed it too. "Looks like we are going to be busy...."

[Operation Center]

Minus the standard run around of nearly all operational officer and enlisted personnel, the Warrior Bajoran, was hard at working, reviewing data of ship function. As for as he knew, minus the engineers, the ship was tip top shape. Minus a few odds and ends of repairs, when someone did an PMCS on their equipment and called in to have it further looked at. Krodah, realize, the Operations was more along the line of Mechanics, then Engineer. Some of his staff, we're specialist in certain fields of engineer, science, medical, and whatever else the ship needed.

However, the warrior sat reviewed data upon a screen and made an report for the captain, when word came down from the bridge, that departure was in an hour. He sighed, as he looked at the data pads upon his desk. Yet, he knew that most of the issues, that filter his way, would be looked at and most of the issues were small and easily taken care on the fly to next port of call. The Bajoran warrior sent his latest reports of operations.

[Bridge T-43:27]

Giada was working on setting up the conference room when the request came in for a status report from all sections. Aside from the fact half her staff to be picked up on DS9, there were no major complaints about the security/tactical systems.

"Lt Lindert here. The Conference room is being set up and Lt Alahanu is finalizing security plan for the meeting. All weapons and defensive systems are functioning within normal perimeters. I will run a second test prior to our arrival at DS9."

Considering it was a new starship, Giada wanted to ensure there were no glitches.

Elsewhere on the large Bridge, Suteyo sent the final details of the mission itinerary to Lt. Lindert for her approval. He made sure the section outlining the two Cardassian question marks that were accompanying the Cardasian Envoy was highlighted.

[Engineering- Matter Antimatter reaction Chamber]

Tyce gritted his teeth in exertion, the damned seals on the intermix chamber were factory fresh and tight. Even with his hyper spanner set to full torque he felt closer to flinging himself across engineering them turning the release valve. It was hours until Launch and the Chief Engineer had only just gotten on board. Tyce had learned much about the ships systems in the last weeks, pouring over the data and dreaming of the possibilities. Now he was simply pissed at the over eager workman who felt the intermix chamber needed to be sealed off for all eternity. His inspection was taking forever, and there was little time left before DS9.

"Factory Fresh Seal eh?" Tyce let the spanner go and turned to his superior with as little sarcasm as he could.

"Yes, I've just about graduated to plasma cutting." Tyce was a big man, his strength rarely failed him, and this was a rare moment for him to be caught totally powerless.

"Oh, no no no, not these engines... you scratch the polish I'll have you buffing the core containment unit during its operational phase. Did you try the Houlehoff meter to check the lateral pressures?"

Tyce hated being micromanaged, Fanvo had managed to complete the inspections, process the duty reports and still had time to breathe down his neck. He had checked all the safety settings and was certain the seal was tight only due to an overzealous spanner from a rookie Engineer who felt the tighter the better.

"Yes sir, the Ferrous demaligning is null, we've got a case of elbow grease here I am afraid."

Fanvo grabbed the spanner, still stuck in the leveraged position and tugged it. It didn't twitch. Tyce had already put his full effort into it; Fanvo decided that was a fair amount more than he was personally capable of. Rather than both of them exhaust themselves on an analog solution Fanvo took the time to practice working smarter not harder. His tricorder revealed microdyne fractures surrounding the seal, likely cause from the brutish ACEO attempts to pry it open. a .04 micrometer variance was actually damned impressive, an Android would be hard pressed to move this thing, much less a human being.

"Ah, Mr. Backo... set the intermix safeties to diagnostic 4-b, and cycle up the auxiliary safeties just in case. Then process a seventeen terajoule surge through the thrust assembly in junction 5 and seven. NOT 6."

Tyce tried to figure out the commands but was clueless what they were going to accomplish. Skipping a relay and surging tow others would create a magnetic field inside the engine, it would... Tyce nearly let his jaw hit the floor at the brilliance of Fanvo's solution. The pressure imbalance would create a null spot, the safeties would keep it still right over their present opening, the intermix chamber.

Fanvo walked back over to the simple tube extension from one leg of the crystalline lattice, he removed the spanner. Tyce would later realize Fanvo was deliberately using both hands to unscrew the lid to spare the feelings of the poor ACEO. Fanvo could have spun it off with a finger.

"Well Mr Backo, I'd say this is a clean and ready intermix chamber. be sure to test the final cap strength after you're done."

Fanvo walked away, leaving Tyce confused, and a little bewildered.

=/\= Commander Atanis to Bridge, Engineering is ready, though we will need some help at DS9 with the final bits and pieces. I'll send you the status report, out.



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