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Posted on 27 Dec 2014 @ 3:49am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Robert Williams & Civilian Reva Madhava & Ensign Jessica Logan (PNPC) & Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Major Richard Sharpe & Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu & Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius & Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert & Ensign Karrak

1,797 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Starfleet Headquarters
Timeline: Prologue

Da`nal nodded his headed as he was dismissed from the tribunal after being questioned again and giving his final statement. He turned and moved to leave the hall and was flanked by two security officers that escorted him to his quarters to await the results of the tribunal's deliberations. While they made their way his thought recalled the events that had unfolded.

...Looking up from the surface of his home world as the debris of his ship and his families ship yard rained down across the planets atmosphere.

...Beaming down to the High Council chambers as Toran tried to convince them that now was time to strike the Romulans. Grinning at Toran's shock at seeing the man that was supposed to be dead flanked by Klingons, Federation Officers, and several Romulans...all united.

...Looking down at the lifeless bodies of Toran and his Cha'Dich following his claiming the Rite of Vengence for his father's murder and the surprise of being awarded the holdings of the House of Toran as compensation for his treachery against the House of Varal and the Empire.

...Appointing his long time friend, Charghwl'IH as steward of the House of Varal as he surrendered himself to Federation custody. As the head of a Klingon House he could have resigned his commission and hidden behind diplomatic immunity but that smacked of dishonor and he was never one to hide.

...Smirking as three Federation starships flew formation around the old D7 Isha had returned to him as they escorted him and his crew back to Earth.

Testimony had been given, witness called and statement given and while he faced to most serious charges his XO was facing the fire as well. Now they were to waited. As the doors closed behind him he sensed a presence without having to call for the lights.

"I was wondering when you were going to show."

A female voice called out from the shadows, "Lights. Well Admiral...did you expect me NOT to take advantage of your situation? I can't make this all go away but I can certainly lessen the consequence you and your crew will face. How does..."

"You would barter with sound like a Ferengi! What do you want?!" Da`nal interrupted.

"You know what I want. I know you are willing to face whatever the tribunal decides, but are you going to let your officers suffer the consequences for their loyalty to you?"

Da`nal had known that that particular bit of information would come in handy. Thus the only two things he had recovered was the bat'leth given to him by his father and the padd containing the records of a particular Section 31 agent...records that he had stumbled upon when researching his first mate's father's sudden xenophobia. He stood there taking several breaths. For years they had hounded him, maneuvered against him, and even infiltrated his ship to try and get to their hands on the information but he had always managed to stay a step ahead of them. "Very long as I have your WORD that he will make no more move to get to my children."

She let out a breath with slow satisfaction. "Agreed. Now where is it, it's not in here...I know."

"Captain Franklin of the USS Bradbury has it. She is expecting you..."

While she wasn't completely surprised never the less there was still enough to cause a reply. "Expecting?"

"Like I said; I knew you'd show eventually."

Standing she walked passed Da`nal. "I guess it was a good thing you still had that chip in the game huh?" She didn't bother waiting for a reply as she double clicked her commbadge and a transporter beam took hold...even through the security field making sure he didn't go anywhere.

[Hearing Room - Next morning]

Da`nal was led in to the room and stood before the tribunal. Behind them the gallery was filled with members of his crew and other spectators. He had expected that the rest of his fellow mutineers would be facing the fire with him but his saw them sitting in the gallery.

"Rear-Admiral Da`nal, you and your officers you have created quite a mess. The charges range from assault on Federation personnel, Conspiracy, Kidnapping, Theft of Federation property...namely the the lower section of the USS Achilles, Destruction of the USS Achilles, finally and even thought they participated willingly; your action led to the injury of Federation personnel. It is only a miracle that no one was killed.

"Now, do to certain...extenuating circumstance provided by Starfleet intelligence all charges against everyone but Rear-Admiral Da`nal are dismissed. Rear-Admiral Da`nal; just because you are Klingon, just because you are a flag officer you DO NOT have the right to act on your own nor use a starship for personal gain. Do you dispute this?"

"No Sir."

"So noted. It is the ruling of this tribunal that you are to be stripped of your command of Task Force 47, You are hereby reduced in rank to that of Commodore and you will be transferred to another fleet. The former crew members of the USS Achilles will be given other postings and the chance to redeem themselves as those assignments become available."

Striking the bell on the table before the tribunal, "This hearing is closed."

The members of the tribunal all stood filing out and Da`nal turned seeing his crew standing there.

His children moved to his side and looked up, "Whats going to happen now father?"

"We will have to see..."

Karrak looked on as he was in the gallery. His first ship and already he was to be reassigned. He had just met Da'nal and respected him. What would his hero J'onn Wayne do in this situation? He stood there looking to his Commander.

While sympathizing with Da`nal's situation, Giada couldn't agree with the way in which his plan was carried out. She had gone on one or two unofficial missions herself while with the MACO, but had never directly put unwilling participants at risk. When the initial reports of the theft came in, she had drawn up plans to retake the lower third of the ship by force. Thankfully those plans were not needed. The tribunal's ruling was unclear as to the fate of those who were innocent of wrongdoing. For the moment, her future once again was to be determined by faceless Brass behind a desk somewhere.

Sharpe made his way down to the floor of the tribunal, and approached Da'nal. "I'm sorry they had to strip you of your command, Admiral." The marine said, in a heartfelt gesture. "I enjoyed serving at your side."

"It was an honor, " he said without bothering to correct his use of his former rank. "But if there is one constant in any bureaucracy, it's that one hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing. I will have to take some leave and let the dust settle and see what my options are."

Karrak was the next to approach the Commodore. "I regret I never had the honor of sserving under you, ssir. I hope I can do sso ssoon."

Kassi was there, though she hadn't figured out why yet. Having not exactly been overly thrilled with everything that had gone down. She had at least tried to look at things from his point of view and though she could in a way understand why he'd did what he'd done. He was Klingon after all, she was more curious as to what made the others follow him instead of following protocol like had so been ingrained in her head. She supposed though, the why's would be something she'd learn eventually... Either way, he had been her Commanding officer and with that came respect and, from the few times she'd met the man, he'd seemed nice enough.

"It was an honor getting to serve under you... Commodore." Kassi said shyly with a warm smile to the Klingon.

Dr. Wallace stepped through the crowd and offered the Klingon his hand. "It's been a pleasure sir. I hate to spoil the mood but has there been any word on Lieutenant Vonti?"

Shaking his head as he shook the Doctor's hand. "As you know his injuries were sever, and he is still being treated at Starfleet medical. That will be my next stop actually."

Suteyo made his way to the Commodore next, "Commodore!" When he had the Klingons attention Suteyo lowered his voice. "Sir, I'm glad you are still in Starfleet, I'd hate to think your conspirators had gotten their wish. I've been chasing down some leads... when you have a free moment there are a few things we should discuss." He held out a data chip for Da'nal to see, "I'll leave this in your wardroom."

Da`nal took the chip. "Thank you."

Jason looked to Lt. Madhava and MCPO Nelson. "You guys got any plans?"


"Was going to grab one of my Marines and head to back up to that D7 we arrived on."

Reva was puzzled as other members of the crew made their way to say good bye, but Lance cocked an eyebrow. "Was there one aboard?

Jason shrugged; "Don't know...but it IS from the right era."

Now Reva was really confused and she looked to the two enlisted men as the spoke. "Are you two going to tell me what going on?"

Grinning Lance nodded towards the Commodore. "Say your farewells and meet us back at that rust bucket of a ship in...20 minutes."

He knew what to except, there was no love lose with his removal of position. All this was excepted. However, Krodah, merely nodded his head, stated "yes sir" when needed and then departed with the others. He stood by the Commodore, strain face, with his hands clasped behind his back. He made an oath to the Admiral and he was going to stick with it, to the bitter end.

Once the rest of the crew had made their farewells to the Commodore, Travis made his way over. "Commodore, farewells are not my best area, so I'll keep this short. Due to my own choices, I'm not going back to the Academy, they put me on leave for a bit while they figure out where to stick me next. Your choices were your business, and whether right or wrong, I hope the end result is worth it to you. See you around, sir."

After nodding to the Commander Da`nal glanced around as his former crew mingled and said their farewells to him and each other. What he hadn't notice was that an Admiral had been watching the proceedings and the aftermath.


OOC - Get your additions in ASAP


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