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The Hunt Begins

Posted on 15 Dec 2014 @ 9:43pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Commander Anien Cre & Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius

1,717 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: USS Achilles & USS Bradbury

[USS Achilles - Lower Stardrive Section]

Da`nal paused slightly after giving his instructions, "Execute."

On his command the main warp core was separated and a micro second afterwards the propulsion systems for the upper sections of the Achilles went offline and the upper nacelles went dark. Unseen to the eye was the fact that all external sensors, weapon, and communication systems went offline as well.

The lower dive section slipped away from the rest of the ship and warped towards Romulan space.

[USS Bradbury]

Captain Franklin was snapped from a sound sleep by sound of her ship going to Red Alert. In blind instinct her hand came down on the comm panel next to her bed. "REPORT?!"

"Captain the the Achilles is adrift and someone has commandeered the lower drive section. No answers to our hails; sensors show most all their major systems are offline."

Already out of bed, she was jumping into her uniform. "Go to Yellow alert. Have the XO and Cre lead away teams to the Achilles now."

Anien heard the red alert klaxon. She rolled from her side to her knees and then rocked to her feet. In two strides she reached the closet and was pulling her uniform pants over slender, shapely legs. Next came the uniform undershirt and jacket. It was mere seconds later that the call came over the intercom. "On my way now," she replied calmly. She walked out of the room and down the corridor. She zipped her jacket as she entered the turbolift. "Transporter room one."

She emerged from the turbolift and walked the three or four meters to the transporter room. White hair streamed behind her with the speed of her pace. She rounded the corner, barely giving the doors time to open ahead of her. A gold uniformed man already stood behind the transporter console. She stepped onto the transporter pad.

[Cloaked Federation ship]

The door parted and little spilled onto her face as her guard and aide reported. "We have a situation! The lower section of the Achilles just warped away leaving the rest of the ship adrift! Sensors show Da`nal was aboard."

Reynolds propped herself up on her elbow with a smirk. "That was unexpected. Track that section of the Achilles; I what to see what he's up to."


[USS Achilles]

"Lieutenant Denterius? Ma'am.... Lieutenant... Are you there? This is Ensign Davis, we have an issue..."

Rolling over, Kassi blindly reached for her comm badge and half muttered as she tried to wake up a bit more. This was a bad dream right? After all, she wasn't the Chief, she didn't even have to act like it anymore, so why was anyone telling her about some issue? "This better be good Ensign." She said as she rolled out of bed and started moving around to get dressed without even bothering to look at the time or bothering with the little things, she tied her hair up in a messy bun and headed out the door. Frowning a little as she stopped and looked around as she started getting that somethings off feeling.

Travis was not happy one bit. The sudden cutting out of the noise of the propulsion system went through him like a shock, and one well ingrained from a combat reflex. Leaping out of the bed, he grabbed his commbadge and the uniform, tapping it while rapidly dressing. "Bridge, Commander Stone. Full systems update, what just happened to the propulsion system?"

Having hit the deck in a sudden sprint to the bridge, she quickly was given the report from Davis. "Locate all available operation officers and get to work getting as much back online as we can and get to work." Kassi said as she started running some more scans to find out just what the hell had gone done, shaking her head with a mutter of a few choice words under her breath as she frowned and thought of Kordah and Richard a fleeting moment.

"Lieutenant Jg Denterius here" Kassi said as a hand quickly brushed against her commbadge in responce to Travis's questions. "Someone decided it would be fun to take the lower half of us and leave us sitting ducks Sir. Propulsion systems aren't the only thing offline. We are working on getting things back up."

"Thank you Lieutenant. I'm heading to the computer core to start checking things there. I need a status update on all senior officers and their locations, as well as the location. Start getting a headcount as well. Priority is to be to propulsion and sensor systems. Soon as we have an update, let me know. Stone out." He was feeling slightly played now, and had a good idea that most of the Marines, Security, and the more vocal crew about his actions would be missing.

Anien materialized on Achilles' transporter pad and immediately stepped down. There was an engineer digging in the wall-panel beside the transporter console. "Are communications active?" she asked. He paused, looked at the pips that gleamed in the dull back-up lighting, then nodded. He mumbled something to the effect of, "Yes." She walked out of the room. The door was already open. The corridors were lit only dimly by the yellow-hued emergency lighting.

She pulled the tricorder from her belt and brought up a deck-by-deck schematic of the Prometheus class. She located the remaining bridges and started making her way there immediately. As she walked she tapped her communicator, "Lieutenant Commander Cre to Admiral Da'nal." There was no response, "Lieutenant Commander Cre to Commander Stone."

Since he had a good idea that Da'nal had done this to the ship, just not entirely sure how, he had decided to head to the computer core and have a look. The roving security teams were being sent out, and every last person had been ordered to keep their eyes open, and then his comm went off. "Stone. Identify your position Lieutenant Commander. I'm in the computer core attempting to keep things coordinated. "

"I am currently on deck six near the security offices. I will make my way to you, Commander." She followed the schematics until she reached the computer core. Although the core technically stretched over several decks, there was only one room that was referred to as the core. It was the direct access point for control of the ship's computer. Of course, it was the secondary core that the commander had referred to. The primary computer core was gone with the saucer portion of the ship.

When she walked through the open doors, she could tell immediately who Stone was. "Commander," she said briskly, "Lieutenant Commander Anien Cre from Bradbury. I've been sent to investigate and assist where necessary."

Travis was in the middle of the room, with static maps of the ship laid out. Marks had been made over each, showing what had been done or checked so far. Soon as Anien called out, he looked up to face her. "Commander, my regrets you are here under these conditions, and we'll handle the more formal introductions later. For the moment, if you could assist with the Security crews in determining personnel accountability and internal sensors, that would be the best help at the moment."


OOC - we'll keep the efforts to restore systems above here with those efforts to fail until everything just comes back on by itself...below we can jump ahead a bit.

[USS Bradbury - Readyroom]

Franklin was looking over the report of what had happened. "So the Counselor reinstated the Admiral's command authorizations and he took off with a third of his ship, leaving everyone else in the dark...literally. That about sum it up?"

"Yes," Anien said simply. There was a bit more to it, but the summary carried all the major points. From everything she had seen aboard Achilles, there was a lot of sympathy for Admiral Da'nal, even if they had chosen to obey regulations.

Travis was doing his best to avoid turning bright red. He had expect some kind of reprisal by the crew, but this exceeded it. On the other hand, he really couldn't blame the crew for acting out. There was still going to have to be some kind of investigation into this. "That's accurate Captain. We'll have all systems on the two remaining sections back up in a couple of hours. This was rather expertly done."

Franklin nodded and kept her smile off of her face, she lifted a padd. "I also see that you a missing a few crew members. In addition every Marine and the other crew members berthed in that section you cannot locate Admiral Da`nal, Dr. Wallace, Lieutenants Himars, Vonti, Alahanu, Todd, Lieutenant Junior Grade Madhava, Ensigns Logan, Dardos, and even your lounge manager one Mr. Jothy. Is that also correct?"

"That would also be correct Captain. Are we going to engage in the "I told you so's" now?" Travis had to ask. He was no empath, but Franklin was giving off that body language that screamed amusement.

Anien was somewhat shocked. The sarcasm more than bordered on disrespect. She refrained from saying anything to either of the senior officers. Instead, she maintained a placid expression, waiting for the hammer to drop.

Deciding he would have a hard enough time down the road she let his comment slide "Well we will hold everything here, I will notify Starfleet Command of the situation. Take Lieutenant Commander Cre here, the rest of the Achilles and bring them all back."

"Aye, Captain. More than likely we'll have to head into both Klingon and Reman/Romulan space. Usual diplomatic channels or silent?" Travis needed to establish what his parameters they would be operating under for this unusual mission. In the back of his mind, he did wonder if the crew would be up to 'forcing' the other section of the Achilles back if they resisted.

She let out a slow breath, with the relief effort going on Romulan space wasn't going to be an issues...Klingon space on the other had give the recent tensions could be another matter. After a moment pause she replied; "You are pursuing a fugitive. I will start send notification to the Klingon government. You can proceed at your discretion...just don't start a war."


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