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For Duty...Part 2

Posted on 25 Oct 2014 @ 10:28pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Civilian Reva Madhava & Lieutenant Caleb Gray & Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert
Edited on on 25 Oct 2014 @ 10:29pm

1,299 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Timeline: MD 6 - 0625

[IKV Hed'not]

They all stared at the monitor as the Federation ship closed on their position. "Have you identified that ship?"

"Yes My Lord it is the USS Achilles, commanded by Rear Admiral Da`nal...of the House of Varal!"

Toran spun out of his chair, "WHAT! Order the fleet to hold here and bring Lord Ralnath to me NOW!"

[IKV San'naS]

Ralnath sat with his elbow on his knee as the image of his son's ship grew larger on the screen. He didn't know how he had learned of this or what he intended. His thoughts were interrupted by his first officer. "My Lord, Lord Toran demands your presence."

Rising from his chair he moved to the door as his escort fell in behinds him.

[IKV Hed'not]

It was only moments later that the fleet sat in space with the lone Federation ship closing on them as the head of the House of Varal was non to respectfully escorted from the transporter to the bridge. Ralnath's personal escort had been held and sent back to the San'naS and he stood alone. "You summoned me Lord Toran?"

Toran didn't even turn to face Ralnath as he waved angrily at the view screen. "You will explain this!

"I cannot. My son's actions are his own. I have not spoken with him in sometime..."

The discussion was interrupted buy one of Toran's officers. "My Lord, we are being hailed."

[USS Achilles]

When the comm light flared up, Kordah, spoke up and informed the Admiral of the transmission. When given the word or in this case, gesture toward the main screen. Himars, switched the display from space to the bridge of the Klingon vessel.

As the channel opened, the screen shifted to the view of the bridge of the Hed'Not. Before him was Lord Toran of the House of Moqrhat and his own father. "Lord Toran, we are tracking a ship suspected of destroying a Federation refugee camp as well as raiding it and possibly other camps as well. That ship is in your formation."

==What no greeting for your own father?==

Da`nal looked to his father and nodded, "Father".

The slow nod that was returned to him everything he needed to know, ==My son...==.

==There, isn't that better...==

"Lord Toran. You will surrender the vessel responsible."

Toran leaned confidently forward. ==YOU do not give ME orders Admiral! Especially since your House is sworn to serve mine!==

"Lord Toran, let’s put everything out on the table. I know one of your ships, if not others, have been raiding the Federation refugee camps along the Romulan-Klingon border. I also know that your formation is not out on a training exercise and that you intend to attack the Romulan Empire in search for personal glory! You would risk open war with both the Romulans and the that you can have one last chance at battle?"

Toran was incensed. ~How did it get out!? How dare this pup defy him openly!?~ ==The Romulan's are WEAK and the Empire is becoming a nest for bureaucrats! I will return the Klingon Empire to the ways of honor and glory by showing them that the time to strike is NOW! The Federation will do nothing! They will let the Romulans fall so save their own skins and to keep the peace! You will stand aside or I will destroy your ship while your father watches!==

[Intelligence Department]

Caleb hated Red Alert. He hated being in the hands of some bridge officer whose diplomatic skills could mean the difference between life and death for hundreds of people. Including himself. Much easier to work alone. At least then you can make your own mistakes and not have to worry about the mistakes of others. Still, he couldn't change much now. The die was cast as they say. The agent wasn't exactly sure who 'they' were, but he was quickly learning to dislike them for saying so many things. Regardless, it wasn't like he was helpless in this situation. He had plenty of access to information and information was often the difference between having an advantage or completely busting. "Alright computer, we have lots to do and very little time to do it, so none of that smart ass attitude you give people because of logic. And don't answer me that stream of consciousness." The spook began running his hands across the LCARS to bring up information. "Alright, let's see whose out there..." he mumbled as he tapped into the ship's sensors. "Well look at that. Klingons off the starboard bow," Caleb mused as an old song jingled through his mind for a second, "Okay technically it's on the Port side, but that's not important right now. Let's see if we can't identify you... Hmmm...." Caleb's face soured as the name of the ship came into view. This was what he had been worried about. This was what Starfleet was worried about.

Caleb quickly made his way over to his desk and grabbed two things. Two things he always considered essential in his line of work. A phaser and his long coat. Donning both, he couldn't help but feel the gravity of the situation. This could be it. The end of his story. Damn Klingons... he mentally mumbled at the situation. Without even looking to see who was in the room with him, he said bluntly, "I want everything Starfleet has on that ship and it's crew. Everything. You can start with a man named Toran. I want weaknesses, exploits anything you can find. Check the latest data on Klingon Fleet movement in this sector. I want all names of all ships and which houses they belong to. Send the information to the bridge as it comes in. That's where I'll be."

Riva looked up and nodded even as her palms began to sweat. ~This was going to get bad quick~ she thought to herself.


Da`nal stood and walked forward to stand between Lucas and Kordah. "We will not move, and if needed our deaths will be honorable..." nodding to his father, "...what more could a father ask for?! If we die you will still fail," returning to his chair, "you no longer have the element of surprise. The Romulans have ships gathering at the border and I have ordered Federation re-enforcements to the area. You will die without honor and your name will be forgotten."

Toran was already enraged and his knuckles were white as he clenched his fists. The only way he could succeed inspiring the Empire and convincing the High Council to act was to be decisively victorious. That was lost now there was no way he would get the victory he needed...but there was a way to gain at least a measure of satisfaction and not come away empty handed. ==No Admiral. My name will not be forgotten...but yours will.==

Toran glanced to his aid who pulled a device from his pocket and activated it.

Outside the Klingon formation moved as ships pulled away from other and ships began to explode one after another; everyone of them belonging to the House of Varal.

Giada scanned her console to ensure what her gut was telling her. A quick cross reference with the science and ops departments served as confirmation. "Sir, we did not fire on the vessels. They have exploded from the inside."

Before Da`nal could reply to the report he watched as another officer on Toran's bridge drove his blade into the back of Da`nal's father, and he watched as his father fell lifeless to the deck.

Reaching down Toran drew the blade, wiping the blood off on his sleeve and held the blade out as it was taken by it's owner.



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