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Posted on 12 Dec 2014 @ 4:09am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Robert Williams & Civilian Reva Madhava & Ensign Jessica Logan (PNPC) & Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson & Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Lieutenant Elas Vonti & Major Richard Sharpe & Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu & Lieutenant JG Tobias Todd & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Civilian Capim Jothy
Edited on on 05 Jan 2015 @ 12:17am

2,589 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: USS Achilles
Timeline: 0130

Jason and his team made and his team were making their way through the jefferies tube that ran under the Counselor's quarters. Exiting the tubes they emerged only two units from their goal. Checking the corridor, Jason signaled and everyone moved taking positions to cover as Jason unlocked and entered with everyone following and resealing the door.

Dawn quickly took up a defensive position. Covering Jason and everyone else behind her as they exited the Jefferies Tube.

They moved into position and stood over the Counselor as he slept. Jason clapped a hand over the Counselor's mouth, "Make a sound your try any mental tricks and my friends here will introduce to the butt of his rifle!" He said quietly but there no mistaking his sincerity. "Just nod."

Elas practiced the age old technique to avoid doing something stupid, he took a deep breath before acting. Nodding, would dismiss the danger as well as expedite the matter. There was no loss to his ego in this, though the proud bastard deep down inside would not shut up. A simple up and down, deliberate and steady with his eyes locked on Staff Sgt. Frey was all he gave. However, this bully wasn't about to dictate the terms of this home invasion.

The moment the pressure lifted from his mouth Elas spat in a furious whisper, " The Admiral could have simply called, I am in fact the Counselor. Take me to ... him" What Frey wasn't aware of was that Elas very nearly said what he was really thinking about. Ayren .

Shaking his head. "All I need you to do is reinstate the Admiral's command authorizations and then you are going to take a little nap."

Elas managed to restrain his sarcastic reply given the rifle trained on him, Oh I would imagine that is how you would like it to go he thought to himself. Wisely he said nothing, and sat up against Frey's hovering presence and asked for the space to do so, "Please?" Frey was still very close, the threat and menace radiating from him. In the brief moment he considered using the duress code for exactly this situation. It would restore the Admirals Command codes but in a way that marked it as illegal. The acting Captain could then use that to their advantage by overriding commands... but Elas had other priorities.

"I will not. I am no soft target for you to threaten. The second your skin touched mine you opened yourself up for assault but here we are talking, like civilized people do. Shoot me and this little action of yours is over. I doubt Commander Myles has restored the codes or you wouldn't be here... trying to scare me into compliance." Elas fixed a steady gaze on Frey, his abilities didn't range past half a meter or so with any efficacy, but after his recent episodes, his abilities had been surfacing with terrifying ease. Elas felt ready to reduce Frey to his teenage years by the time the other man fired.

"If I were you. I wouldn't screw with us. I in particular am not in the mood. So I suggest you do as we say." Dawn glared at Elas. She may be short and small, but Dawn was not one to be messed with.

This was not how things were supposed to go down and was definitely a wrinkle that the Admiral didn't need. Jason thought for a quick second then stood. "We take him with us. The Admiral will know what to do....lets move."

Dawn nodded, "Let's go." she spoke firmly, as they started to move.

Elas was thrilled, for this would be the impetus to start over, as his career was effectively over. He took one moment to look around, considering if he should grab anything. There was nothing from this life he would take with him he decided in an instant. This was his new life, and it was starting right damn now. He pulled his uniform on for one last stroll aboard the ship.

Once back in the jefferies tubes the team began to hook up to the lines hanging from their current position, through the open panels, all the way to deck ten. Their descent was going to be a rapid one.

[Marine CO's Office]

Velez was getting himself a fresh cup of coffee as he checked the time wouldn't be long now. "Think our new Recon CO will go along with things or not?"

"He's a marine, he'll follow orders." Sharpe said, as he watched the chrono tick away. "But all the same, keep an eye on him and anyone else you think might be an issue. If necessary, you have my authorization to relieve him of duty." Sharpe instructed, concerned where this new path was taking them.

This was a touch situation and there were bound to be those caught up in the section of the ship that objected to what was about to go down, they had that right. He nodded sharply, "Roger that."

"Captain Bishop, report to the MCO's office." Sharpe instructed.

[Before arriving to Deck 10 - Bridge to the lower stardrive section]

Kordah knew the risk, in which he was about to undertake for both his career and possible lead to restoring his parents and himself back into his house. However, he had nothing truly to lose at this point in his life. For he had no house, nor anyone to care for. He was, what the earth soldiers of old, would call an Ronin and what he saw moments earlier demanded his out right support for the admiral, despite what the rules and regs of the Starfleet stated.

However, there was one person on the ship, he trusted and would say cared for and that was Kassi. She had an strong head on her shoulders and informed her of his choice in aiding the Admiral. Plus, her insight in the matter was warranted, but, like he reminded his friend of his plan to write an opera and use this moment to add credit to himself and those that are to head into battle. he wondered again, if Kassi was the woman he saw earlier in near death moment and she was his anchor to the prophets.

'When I get back and out of the brig, I'll talk to her about this' he thought as he walked the corridor to were the others were heading too.

Which unlike the others, he merely voiced his thought at the time and played on the side of the capital, when he took over. But, with in the next few moments afterwards, he found out were to go and meet them at, without drawing attention to himself.

Suteyo watched bio-signs for a living, and his investigators perspective gave him insight enough to know there was a gathering in the lower star drive command deck. Marine Geo-Tags, Klingon bio-signatures, there was a natural flow of people throughout the whole deck but there was an accumulation of more and more people in the bridge. Chief Lindert wasn't on duty, and Suteyo was almost off duty though he yearned to join the Admiral he knew this was where he needed to be. He tapped a console command to add a maintenance log and Marine training requisition for the Lower Command deck in preparation for the imminent conflict. His last act was to add a subroutine, one that would prevent the MVAM clamps from being force-sealed by plasma bolts before he saw the turbolift bringing the early morning relief.

"Anything to report sir?" The young ensign was literally wet behind the ears as he had rushed from his morning swim to duty uniform. Suteyo looked with disdain at the pale Terran, and signed out of the console, the actions he had programmed left pending for when Ensign Richards logged on.

"Nothing worth mentioning. You need to arrive dressed and ready Ensign, I'll man the post, you report to the B-deck Armory and I'll spare the report this time. I expect you to file the duty logs to current by the end of your shift, all of them, meta-data tags and all. Dismissed!" The chore would keep him busy for his whole shift, more than his shift most likely as with the recent drama on board administration had seen a slight dip in efficiency. Now he would be at the board for the next eight hours, if they made their move he would be ready to help.

[Deck 10 - Bridge to the lower stardrive section]

Da`nal sat in the command chair, no longer in uniform as he had left his Admiral's bars in his quarters, waiting. Before him we several of the officers that were supporting him in his effort to save his House and his family. they were all waiting on the signal from a small team of Marines that would signal that all was ready...if they failed they all failed.

Kordah knew the risk, in which he was about to undertake for both his career and possible lead to restoring his parents and himself back into his house, he was an Ronin warrior at this point in his life. However, he did, stop at his quarters to grab a few things that might be useful for the admiral, himself, and the others. He entered the Bridge, wearing his starfleet uniform, devoid of rank and combadge. Hanging on his side, was a bag. He looked to the admiral. Said nothing as he stepped up to him after opening the bag and handed him his blade.

Looking up ant the a man who had only just been added to the crew after surviving the attack on the camp. "Thank you."

Krodah merely nodded his head and took his station. He began to check the readiness of the ship and made sure, not to draw attention to what was about to take place. An moment later, he looked from his station towards the center seat.

"Duj SuH, joH" (the ship is ready, my lord) stated Krodah, foregoing the use of Federation Common.

Da`nal was about to reply when the lift opened and Frey and his team entered, shoving Elas on the bridge. Da’nal was clearly displeased, and though Elas scowled at the rough treatment he promptly turned his attention to Da’nal.

Jason knew what he was thinking, but replied to the unspoken dissatisfaction. "Sorry sir, we hit a snag and had to adapt."

Growling slightly he looked to the officers and other assembled. "You have all honored me by helping me get to this point. However from here on out this is something I must do alone, I cannot ask any of you to face death needlessly to save my House and Children.

Kordah, clasped his hands behind him as he arched his brow. He was a born into the Klingon way of life, trained as a warrior, and held an high standard for himself and those around him, even when his bajoran side steps in to and cracks a joke to help lighten the mood.

"Of course, you have to do this on your own, my lord" Kordah return "What that peta'Q did before you, me, and the others on the bridge, was an dishonorable act of cowardliness. It warrants swift justice. However, this mission warrants protection for you as well. You can not fight the whole forces that surround the peta'Q. I surely do not have anything to lose, but, my honor as an what the ancient Japanese Samurai warrior would call an Ronin. I am just an warrior with no house, sir. I saw this act and I refuse to let it go uncalled, sir. I shall fight beside you, even place my life to protect you. My blade and my honor are at your command"

Da`nal nodded and grinned as he thought, ~...perhaps; but now is not the time~. "Stations."

Taking the silence of the others as an agreement with those sentiments he turned to the Counselor. "Dr. I need one thing from you right now. I need you to re-instate my command authorization. Commander Stone left that loop-hole in his statement to the computer. This has nothing to do undermining orders or protocol, my House, my families live are in your hands."

For Elas there was a tightrope path to walk, he teetered on the brink between total reckless self-destruction and exploitative ambition. He didn’t hesitate.

“Computer: By personal Authorization Charlie-0-4-4 X-ray- Vonti: The Chief Counselor USS Achilles is hereby imposing an official review for acting CO Travis Stone’s decisions citing numerous breaches to the protocol of Regulation 619 to be determined by hearing. Regulation 619 shall be abated and all proper duties and privileges are hereby reinstated pending the final determination of Starfleet Command. Effective Immediately.”

Elas felt himself shaking as he spoke the words, he had chosen them deliberately. By citing infractions it made rescinding the command codes slightly harder, as Travis would lose the impartiality on the claim. It gave them a few extra minutes at most, but it gave them time. After the window elapsed Starfleet Command would enforce its opinion on the situation. This also meant the end to a lifetime, a career, and his professional license. For his crimes against Alana Tambor and Ayren the beloved of Admiral once-again Da’nal; he would not be welcomed back on Ullia. For reinstating Da'nal's Command and thusly enabling his theft of a Starfleet Vessel he would be found complicit and at the minimum lose his license and be discharged.

“Admiral... I don't wish to use your need to save your family as leverage for my position, however you must know that I have just ended my life with Starfleet, my career and license -"

Da`nal raised a hand to hold of the Counselor. He needed to move quickly before someone noticed the change. "Computer, prepare to separate the lower drive section. Upon separation take all propulsion, weapons, communications and external sensors of the remaining sections of the Achilles offline and lock out those systems for one hour. Authorization: Da`nal omega-2-3-7-9-batlh-wej."

"Authorization accepted."

Looking to Kordah. "On my mark, separate the section and set course 322 mark 017, warp 7."

Sharpe entered the Battle Bridge of the Lower Section at this point, nodding to Frey who stood to the side. "Admiral, marine section is ready. I've posted guards on key areas, just in case."

The Bajoran Klingon Ronin nodded his head, as he waited for the word to separate the section, plot the course into the ship's nav system, and set curse control to warp seven.

"Ready here, my lord" Krodah said, keeping to the old Klingon term of addressing the captain

Elas silently finished his lament, aware that this wasn't the time. Elas had been about to say his career and license was going to be revoked the moment they broke for Klingon space. He idly watched as they warped to Klingon space thinking to himself I have no home, no career, all I have is this Klingon now, and he hates me. For what I've done he has every right to...Ayren Her name created a pain in his heart. He would do anything to wake her, to tell her he was sorry and had never meant to hurt her. This was his anything, and he would kill for the chance to save her.

Da`nal paused slightly after giving his instructions, "Execute."



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