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Meet the Boss

Posted on 08 Dec 2014 @ 5:09am by Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert & Ensign Karrak

1,407 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Office: Chief of Security
Timeline: 10:00 hrs day 6


With all the Brass aboard the vessel, Giada sequestered herself in her office. The walls were adorned with patches from the various MACO units and ships she had been attached with, as well as the awards she received during her time in service. On the wall facing the door, she strategically placed a framed copy of her diploma from modern day Starfleet Academy, mainly as a silent message to those who may question her standing with Starfleet.

Between the Klingons and the still unresolved internal situation, Giada remained armed with her standard load-out. In addition, a rifle was leaned into a corner should the need arise. She was reviewing the latest intel reports, when the door chime rang.

"Enter." She called out as she rose to meet whoever was on the other side of the door.

The door swished open, and framed in the doorway was a large Gorn. He entered and said "Enssign Karrak reporting for duty, Lieutenant." He didn't know what to expect, so he handed her the PADD with his orders.

She vaguely remembered a copy of some transfer orders that came across her desk, but with the recent excitement who knew where the paperwork was currently located. Looking at enormous reptilian Ensign in-front of her, he was almost a good 2 feet taller, Giada was glad they were on the same side.

"Please, take a seat Ensign. Always glad to have another addition to the Security department. I see you've made quite a name for yourself already. How did you find the Academy?"

"The Academy was a learning experience for me." said Karrak, as he sat down. "My universse has gotten bigger, as I have found many new things." He had never heard of his hero J'onn Wayne before he came to the Academy, and he hoped to be as great a warrior as he was. "I am happy to be here."

"The Academy has a habit of opening one's horizons. Especially for those of us with a different perspective than the standard population. What are some of the new things you discovered?"

Giada would get to rules and expectations, but first wanted to learn more about her new charge.

"There were two important thingss among many." said Karrak. "One, wass about humanss. We already knew how ressourceful humanss were after my grandfather fought Captain Kirk. He would never give up, but found a way to defeat my grandfather. I was ssurprised to know that the battle iss sstill a training exercise at the Academy. But I learned more, our hisstories are more alike than I realized. The only difference is we Gorn are what you would be if your dinossaurs had not have become extinct. One sstray asteroid made the difference.

I found out why humanss are alwayss getting in trouble out there in sspace, due to their inssatiable curiossity, you can't leave anything alone, but that has been the drive for you to find out good and remarkable thingss, sso it evens out.

The ssecond iss what I learned about mysself. I had been running away from my own k'nar, my own desstiny, and found there that I couldn't run from it, it would alwayss catch up with me. When I finally accepted that, that was the beginning of everything for me. Sstarfleet iss watching me, as they think I am the key to opening relations between the Federation and the Gorn. We have been issolated for far too long. We are not alone in thinking we are the only oness out there. That thinking iss common to all peopless."

Glancing at the Ensign's file, Giada saw he was the first and only Gorn in Starfleet. It appeared that decision was largely due to the influence of the powers that be in Starfleet, which likely meant his every action would be subject to review and criticism. Deciding to worry later about the possible implications of being his direct CO, Giada focused on his evaluation of his destiny.

"I wouldn't worry too much about Starfleet looking over your shoulder. If you do your job, and do it well, they should have no reason to doubt your motives. Trust me on this, because in one form or another, I've been in that same boat for the past four and a half years. Perhaps you will be the one to thaw relations between the Federation and the Gorn, perhaps not. Learn what Starfleet and life have to teach you, and maybe down the line you can use some of that to help out your people."

"I will remember that, Ma'am." said Karrak.

"Starfleet may label the Prometheus class as a heavy cruiser, but she's essentially a warship. Whatever you classify it as, the Achilles has the ability to split into three independent sections. It doesn't happen in every combat situation, but is something to keep in mind when manning the tactical station."

Giada was still getting used to the concept herself, but was confident it would soon become second nature.

"It goes without saying that a ship like the Achilles is likely to see more combat than say an Intrepid class. We also have a contingent of Marines aboard. As such, our role in combat actions off the ship is limited. We will still accompany away teams to ensure their safety, and in every day shipboard operations we have priority. Any questions so far?"

"None, Ma'am." said Karrak. "I am a warrior, of a line of warriors from far back, and I will not sshrink from what you ssay. And aboard sship, I will do my duty." He had not heard before that the ship could split into three independent stations, but he would adapt.

"Yes in a way we are warriors, but we're more than that. Sometimes we are required to play Sherlock Holmes and figure out the details of a crime. While not as frequent, there are times when Security is dispatched to deal with domestic issues, or diplomatic incidents. In both of those a bit more restraint is required than other situations. Of course there are the standard escort missions, which your response will vary greatly depending on the situation and the skills and personalities of those around you. Sometimes though, you do get to play the part of the Cavalry riding in for the rescue."

Like all new security personnel and Marines, that was something Karrak would have to learn on the job. However, Giada wanted him to understand there was more to the job than shooting the bad guys.

"Undersstood, Lieutenant." said Karrak. "That is what they tried to teach me in the Academy. I will review what I have learned. Ssherlock Holmes? I will have to look him up."

"Sherlock Holmes is a famous fictional detective from the 18th century. Much like John Wayne has come to symbolize Cowboys or Captain Kirk is considered one of the best Starfleet Captains, Sherlock Holmes is the quintessential representation of a private eye."

She almost didn't throw in the part about Captain Kirk but thought Karrak would be more familiar with him than John Wayne.

"The three." said Karrak. "I am named after Captain Kirk. My grandfather inssisted I be named after him, as he deeply resspected Kirk. And Wayne iss my warrior hero, one of the greatesst Terran warriorss. Holmess is the only one missing, and I will look him up."

"Sherlock Holmes exists in just about any medium possible, so you have plenty of choices to pick from."

Giada picked up a PADD from the corner of her desk.
"Take this to Petty Officer Ahriman at the armory and he'll get you set up with a phaser. If there are other weapons you wish to carry, or wish to make slight modifications to your phaser, talk to Ahriman and we'll see what we can do. Any last questions Ensign?"

"No questions, Ma'am." said Karrak. "I look forward to sserving here."

"I look forward to having you Ensign. Welcome to the team."

Karrak took the PADD and waited to be dismissed. He thought of some weapons in addition to the phaser. But he would speak to Petty Officer Ahriman about it.

It took Giada a few seconds to realize the Ensign was awaiting further instruction.
"That's all I have, you're dismissed."

Karrak nodded and left. It would be a profitable tour of duty here.



Ensign Karrak
Security/Tactical Officer


Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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