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New Crew and Achilles Alum mixer - Part 1

Posted on 20 Mar 2014 @ 12:04am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan & Lieutenant Elas Vonti & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu & Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius & 2nd Lieutenant Zak Keevon & Civilian Capim Jothy

1,679 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: USS Achilles
Timeline: Nightshift 2100

[The Poisoned Arrow]

Capim polished the tables, his lounge finally getting arranged correctly, the main lounge was exquisite at this point, each holo-emitter triple stacked and able to manipulate every grain of light in the room. Deciding to show off the colors and definition in his program he had the setting sun as seen from the deck of a ship at sea. The lounge was converted to the lavish deck of a posh naval vessel, complete with real leather straps, taut ancient ropes and sea salt, and the smell of freedom; it was the perfect theme for explorers. He decided to put San Francisco on the starboard side at the far horizon

His attention was drawn to the aft lounge, deck 14. He frowned as all requests to install his equipment had been denied thus far; the Marines liked their lounge as it was so Capim would make do. They had to have something to celebrate coming up, he saw various landmark occasions births, marriages, new family born.. New Crew! The idea shot through him, they were taking on quite a few new people. He would break the ice with them for sure, it would be grand, the perfect cure after this trial was over. He composed a message to the Marine CO, Rebecca Post, and her second, Sgt Major Velez, along with other senior staff and department heads to gain their permissions.

"In recognition of the honored service, and tireless dedications of the Achilles crew, and in recognition of the brave new Starfleet officers and Marines joining us; Capim Jothy of the Poisoned Arrow lounge humbly offers his services to make the occasion a special one. Among other services you can expect a dais of honored members, accolades and awards, promotions and updates on those moved on, a gala to be remembered. Please come to the Lounge at 2100 for this welcome aboard event,

Salutations and farewell for now,

Capim Jothy"

[Crews Quarters]

Cammy's computer terminal let out a ping, breaking the soothing calm of meditation exercises. She got up and checks what the message was. A quick glance over the screen brought a smile to her face. ~Oh you Marines...however do you stay fighting fit with all the parties you throw? ~ She replied to the message and started getting ready.

Elas stretched as the comm sounded an inbound message. he asked the computer to read it, and grinned slightly. A drink would be delightful, after the trial and trials of the recent days. He responded with an RSVP +1. He'd figure that part out before tonight.

Sharpe received the message, and decided 'What the heck', and decided he'd go along. If only for the novel fact of seeing his peers getting blindingly drunk.

When Rebecca received the message she wasn't particularly happy, although she had managed to get planet side to see her father in person she was still grieving and didn't really feel up to going. However, as a department head she was expected to at least turn up, to make an effort, even if she didn't stay for long. So she made the decision to go, even if she wasn't going to be the life and soul of this particular party.

Elas had bribed Capim with Tranya to let him test the EMH in the triple stacked emitters, as it would allow the EMH a full chance to interact with real flesh and blood. He walked in the room, impressed at the simulacrum of a Naval ship and found a quiet corner booth he could work from. He wanted to watch Crewman "John" at play. "Computer activate EMH, program Vonti-Turing 002." The computer chimed at him, "Use of the EMH is advised for emergency medical situations, usage in the forward lounge has been restricted by Lt. Commander Lantiq Ryal." Elas swore under his breath, he had to find the XO.

Kassi looked at the message that she'd received and started weighing the pro's and cons. Surely there was work that she could be doing... then again, it would likely be good for her to mix and mingle and get to know more people. She sighed and moved about her quarters as she tried to figure out if she wanted to go or not, meeting people off duty all at once really wasn't her thing... she'd either get to shy to talk or she'd ramble. "Oh fudge it." She said softly as she stopped by her computer double checked things and decided to go. It would be good for her... right?

Zak read the invitation and sighed. "Great, just what I need, social nonsense right after arriving" He shook his head, but knew he didn't have much choice. It wouldn't do to skip something like this in his first week aboard, so he might as well at least try to get a little enjoyment out of it, unlikely as that might be. He spent a few minutes checking over his dress uniform, making sure it was ready for wear, and checked with the computer for the location of this lounge.

Suteyo wasn't one for socializing, but this invitation seemed to offer a diversion. He decided on Capellan Red robes, the stitching and designs were hand woven and intricate. It felt nice to leave the cabin for a non-duty reason, though his tactical belt was still beneath his robes. It was a brief trip to the lounge, but he had gotten more than a few envious looks. Capellan fabrics and fashion was appreciated as an art form for his people. When he arrived the party had only just begun, so Suteyo set to the bar, hoping to find some real alcohol.


Capim had only just finished a table custom order, when Arran returned with two more orders. One of them was a request for Vulcan Spring Ale garnished with Kava, the other a Terellian Sunset which meant pyrotechnics were needed. The food he had ordered a few minutes ago had finished its synthesizing and appeared in the slot as Arran faded into him. As usual Capim felt more alert and faster thinking with Arran inside him; it allowed him to multi-task better. He pulled the food, signaling the waiter for delivery. The Padd chimed he was low on Bloodwine, 'Do these people know there are other drinks?' he thought to himself. He only had so much of the real stuff and he doubted the Klingons on board would appreciate synthetic brew.

"Barman!" A stern voice shook him from his thoughts, but by habit he sent Arran to fetch the other barrel. As he turned to the overdressed crewman Arran phased into existence a few feet behind him, heading to the wardroom. Capim put on his winning smile and approached the large man. "Welcome to the Poisoned Arrow, name's Capim, what's your pleasure?" He felt Arran pass that Ullian counselor, he was chasing after the Betazoid... but his time to gather further impressions was cut short.

Suteyo had been mildly startled to see the psychic projection phase into being, it was an enviable ability. The barman had a large selection arrayed behind him, many of them new titles he had never seen, and others were definitely familiar. "I want real liquor, got anything Capellan, or maybe some bloodwine?"

Capim sighed inwardly but was a professional to the core, "I don’t have Capellan brands unfortunately, but I do have Xenexian Crop Share, I liken it to rotgut moonshine if that makes the translation." He grabbed the oddly shaped bottle, pouring a half tumbler and pushing it toward Suteyo. If this didn’t hit the nail on the head he had Andorian Fireball He took it and analyzed the slightly yellow libation closely, tossing it all back in a quick swallow. Pride forced him to show no pain, but wisdom allowed him to exhort a loud "whooooo!"

[Admiral's quarters]

Da`nal closed his terminal after speaking with Vice Admiral Rittenhouse and had their new orders. He sent a message to Lance to schedule a meeting of the senior staff after they were underway. Originally he had planned to attend the "mixer" out of uniform but had decided to keep things formal on his part. Entering his bedroom her saw that Ayren had laid out a fresh 'open' styled jacket for him, and he leaned against the doorframe while she continued to get ready. "Your hair is fine...we are going to be late."

"With one side up and the other down?" she asked with a smirk, without looking at him. "And no, there is still enough time for you to dress into something a little less formal... it will be good for the crew to see their captain is not just a uniform," she said as she now fixed the hair so it was in a loose up do, loose curls framing her face. Only then did she turn around. "Come on..." she said and indicated with her eyes to the jacket.

Perhaps he would have change out of uniform if he didn't have official business to conduct. Pulling on his duty jacket, "Well maybe I will change after my presentation." At least he didn't have to wear his whites...

Ayren shook her head. "You people.....It is one thing to say it is an informal thing, but quite another to get people to relax for a change. 'Informal' doesn't mean dress uniform, or duty uniform, it mean what it says, 'informal'," she said with a little sigh, as she eyed him. "I am probably the only one 'not' in uniform tonight" she said, realizing that she was not going change anything tonight. "Let's go... I am capitulating for now... but “she said, wagging her finger playfully under his nose, "it has to change... ...." she giggled, when they walked out the door. "People need to let their hair down... including you Mr. Admiral, Captain, serious Klingon man," she said and pinched him on a ticklish spot right under his butt, grinning and talking his hand.



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