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JDL - COps & Ops - Lt Jsioasi & LtJg Denterius -Checking in

Posted on 13 Mar 2014 @ 7:00pm by Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius & Lieutenant Jsioasi

1,134 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor

After dropping her bag in her quarters, and taking a few minutes to look around at the plain room that was to be her new home. Kassi gave a glance at herself in a mirror. 'Here goes nothing." She said as said as she moved back to dig though her bag. Pulling out a PaDD she skimmed though it a moment before heading out.... it was time to check in.

She'd done at least enough research to get a general idea of the layout on the ship to know where she needed to go, at least she'd hoped she had. Following the quickest path from her quarters to the Ops area. She smiled as she looked as she noticed more of the yellow dressed officers. Yes, she was going in the right direction. Stopping one Ensign to ask where the Chief was, she was quickly pointed in the right direction and with quickened steps she headed there. A deep breath taken as she gave a brush of her hand over the door chime and waited to be let in.

The door slid open to reveal Lieutenant Jsioasi standing in the center of the room. The cyborg regarded her for an instant and then said, "Lieutenant Denterius, I take it you are reporting for duty? Come in." The man knew she had been transferred to the ship, he kept an up to date manifest memorized. He turned towards the replicator as she did so and tapped the controls. "Can I get you something, Lieutenant?"

Stepping in, Kassi gave a glance around the office before she looked to the man that was now her Chief a moment. 'Aye Sir, that would be me. And Iced white tea, please." She said as she shifted slightly in her stance, that PaDD held within one hand as she watched him. She hated the bundle of nerves that was building within her with the meeting of new people, and this time was no different. Yet she worked hard to not let the man see that she was anything but confident and sure of herself as she smiled and worked that PaDD some within her hand.

"Put the PADD on my desk." Two drinks materialized on the replicator's pad and Jsioasi picked one up in each hand, offering her the tea cup with his left. "There you are, lieutenant. Now then, are you settled? You of course have the standard forty-eight hours to settle in before returning to duty." He seemed oblivious to any nervousness she might feel, talking in an almost casual way.

The PaDD gently laid upon his desk before she looked back to him to accept the cup. As fingers wrapped around it she drew it to herself as she watched him. "No, I haven't... I dropped my stuff off and headed here. I prefer to deal with the important things first, like checking in... I can settle in anytime." Lifting the cup up she took a drink finally.

"Very good," he said with a nod, "Currently, some of the officers are undergoing scrutiny concerning their actions in the previous mission. We just need to oversee standard operating procedures for the ship until then. I will assign you to beta shift tomorrow, if you'd like."

"That sounds good to me, the sooner I can get started the better I will feel." Kassi said with that smile of her's. Clearly she enjoyed working and it showed within the glint of her eyes. "Is there anything else I need to know Sir?"

"Nothing," Jsioasi replied, going to his desk and sitting down. "But as I am your superior officer, I would like to talk with you for a short while. Tell me about yourself."

Shifting slightly as she looked to the Cyborg in a fleeting moment of thought. "Not much to tell really, not without sounding like i'm simply reading off what's already in my jacket. Father was a Starfleet Captain, mother a civilian nurse, I have a twin brother. I always enjoyed knowing how things work so growing up I would take things apart to learn and get answers to my curiosity." Of course, one thing that did seem to be showing though was that she rambled at times when nervous. "I had the grades and drive to take after my father so that's why I ended up in Starfleet." Nipping on her lower lip a moment as she took a breath and pondered before continuing. "This will be my second placement, and hopefully I won't have a third for quite a while."

The strange alien man listened in perfect silence as the woman talked. When she had completely finished, he nodded. "What happened to the last assignment?" he wondered, looking at her expectantly for an answer. He knew the technical reason according to her personnel file, but he always found it enlightening to hear these stories from those involved.

That question brought the slightest of frowns from her before she swallowed and tried to remind herself of the plus side of this transfer. "The Sunbird was being retired, so everyone was getting transferred. Didn't really have much of a say in where we were shipped off to, most of us didn't even know it was happening till after we were given our orders."

"Your superiors must have been impressed by your performance to transfer you to a flagship."

"I did what I had to do, proved myself many times Sir. I can't speak for my superiors, but I'm sure my records speak for myself." Kassi said with a bit of confidence. One that said she wasn't bragging, but knew she was good enough to be on this Ship.

Jsioasi studied her for a moment, thoughtful. He recognized the subtleties of her voice, the grounded confidence that seemed to match her personality profile. "I have no doubt that is the case, Lieutenant. I look forward to working with you."

"As I look forward to working more with you, Sir." Kassi said with that smile of her's as she shifted slightly in her stance. Her gaze never leaving the man before her, learning him just as he was studying her.

He paused for a moment, and then said suddenly, "Yes, well, I believe I've kept you long enough, Lieutenant. Do please come again." He smiled and rose in an almost ceremonial fashion, graciously indicating that she should leave, no explaination given for his sudden shift in interest.

There was a fleeting look of confusion with the sudden change in the man, yet either way she had been dismissed. "Aye, Sir, Thank you and was good meeting you Lieutentant." Kassi said with that smile of her's before she turned and exited the office. There were still many things she had to check out and see while she had a few hours.


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