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New Crew and Achilles Alum mixer - Part 2

Posted on 20 Mar 2014 @ 12:06am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Elas Vonti

1,357 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: USS Achilles
Timeline: 2100


Lantiq sat quietly in the command chair, not really doing anything except actively finding a way to avoid hobnobbing with a bunch of brass. He read the shift report, twice. He'd tun through the list of new personnel. Then checked the orbit, three times, and even reviewed the latest download of Starfleet regulation updates. He was now idly wondering if he could opt for an unannounced inspection of security patrols by joining them for a full tour of the ship, which should take an hour or two, when Van Berg came on to the Bridge and walked up to his chair.

"Vik" he nodded to the Chief.

"It's hanging by your door" She announced with a smile

"Eh? What is?" Lantiq asked

"Your dress uniform and you're going to be late!" Van Berg said knowingly

"Yeah, well I'm duty Bridge officer and ...-"

"No, Lieutenant Brandt is the scheduled Officer and you sent him back to Engineering" Van Berg interrupted "He told me and he's coming back. Go get changed!"

"Hey, I was going to skip it and..... "

Van Berg said nothing but gave him a certain look, one usually reserved for crewmen who were about to get a serious chat about discipline.

Lantiq surrendered and held up his hands "Ok ok... I'm going I'm going"

"Good, you'll enjoy it!" Van Berg smiled and watched him all the way to the Bridge turbo lift

As the doors shut she heard Lantiq mutter "Nag nag nag....."

[CMO's Office]

The chime of a new message broke Atri from her trance-like survey of the crew's records. She leaned forward in her chair and set the PADD down, bringing up the new message on the desk's console.

~Poisoned Arrow?~ She cringed slightly, adding aloud, "Quite the name."

She leaned back in her chair and sighed. The PADD sat motionless on her desk, more records than she'd care to think about still lying in wait.

~It would definitely be better to get to know the crew socially... rather than by how many bones they've broken... where they've had rashes...~

She swung back upright and replied to affirm her attendance. She stood up and stretched her back before making her way to the door, then stopped to take a glance back at the PADD on the desk. After a brief pause, she walked back to grab the PADD, then proceeded to her quarters to get her dress uniform ready - continuing to go over records as she went.

[The Poisoned Arrow]

The crew had mostly arrived, others would hear of the wondrous events. He had but one chance to prove his tech was able to fulfill any desires. He had a dais of speakers coming, and the Chief Counselor had managed to sneak him some Tranya! How he had pulled that off Capim would never be able to guess, the stuff was worth more than latinum. The old naval vessel currently being shown shimmered away, the tables looking like tables and the walls returning to normal. The Gulls cries faded, the rocking of the waves ceased, there were moans of disappointment. Slowly but surely, everything began to fade. Soon, glowing outlines on the furniture were the only obstruction to an unrivaled view of Earth spinning beneath them. The hull rendered transparent by illusion of the holo-stacks and fed by the sensors, this was a live view.

They were all standing on open air, seemingly in orbit without a ship around them and convenient tables for drinks. The effect was mesmerizing, not even Risan cruises could do this.

Each table had a replicator pad in the middle, and from them various champagnes began to issue out. Servers brought them to everyone waiting and people were ushered from the central floor. The dais where the panel would sit materialized on the Horizon, a faint outline allowing for the illusion of everyone suspended in space. Arran could get very loud, his psychic projection was dressed to the nines, but bellowed in classic barman call, "Please everyone take your seats, our honored guests have arrived!"

Waves of golden curls rippled along her back as she moved and took a seat at one of the tables towards the back. It was safer back there, less noticeable and made for an easy get away when she'd had enough. Granted, she was slowly getting to know some of the people she worked with, but not enough to feel comfortable to hang out together like this. That would take a bit more time. Fingers curled around the stem of one of the glasses as she looked towards the one speaking up now.

Lantiq arrived, trying not to fidget in his dress tunic and resisting, just, the temptation to tug at the collar. The holographic display in the lounge was even more impressive than the one Jothy had laid on for dinner. A waiter approached and offered him a tall thin glass of champagne. He waved it away and ordered a Bajoran ale. With glass in hand he set off to "mingle"...

Elas cut a path to Ryal, weaving through the crowd in a graceful dance. "Mr. Ryal!" He called out, unsure of how to address him informally. He got close enough to see the man turn and look at him. "XO, sorry to call for you like that, I just need a moment if that's okay?

Lantiq turned to see a male Ullian calling him. Although they had not met, he recognized the lieutenant as the new Counselor "Lieutenant Vonti isnt it? That would be Commander or Mister Lantiq," He explained "Lantiq is my Family name, Ryal is my first name. What can I do for you?"

"Commander it is Mister Lantiq," He grinned at the slight joke. He held out his hand in greeting, "Yes I am Elas Vonti, new to the Achilles. Very nice to meet you. I'm sorry to discuss work at such a gathering but I was wondering if I could get your permission to allow the EMH to "mingle." It was recently given some upgrades and this would be a good testbed, but for some reason use of the EMH is restricted in the lounge?"

Lantiq glanced briefly at Vonti's hand wondering why it was certain species decided to ape the greeting habits of humans and ignored it. "Permission denied Lieutenant. This area is off limits to the EMH, due to Operations department restrictions"

Elas was taken aback by Lantiq's cold treatment. He wondered if the common Federation gesture of goodwill was specifically offensive to Bajorans. He let his hand drop but a small amount of anger found itself stirring in his belly, “Well Mister Lantiq I apologize if I offended you with my pursuit of new life and new understanding of emergent intelligence. Please excuse me." Elas was abrupt and made as if to walk away but stayed in place waiting for Lantiq to dismiss him.

Lantiq was somewhat confused by the response "As you were. Why exactly would I be offended Lieutenant?" he asked "And what is this "new life and emergent intelligence?"

Elas pursed his lips but explained tersely, "The EMH needs to be social for its psych subroutines to be adequately tuned and primed. Plus there were certain markers on its diagnostic showing signs of emergent intelligence. I wanted to give it the chance to expand and learn."

Lantiq smirked, unaware of the extent of the recent modifications. "The EMH is a program, a piece or medical equipment and nothing more. Its place is in sickbay and should be only activated, as its name implies, in an 'emergency'. Computer, deactivate EMH program." With that Lantiq turned to leave the counselor to his fuming.

Elas watched the Bajoran Commander leave, the casual dismissal stinging his pride. He would not let this go, Lantiq had just made an enemy. 'Just doing my job' he thought to himself, but he had already begun to plan for a worthy lesson that might teach the man some manners. He decided it could wait for a few drinks however, the bar looked well stocked.



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