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Posted on 04 Aug 2024 @ 7:45pm by Lieutenant JG Dario Mancini & Lieutenant Commander Aiden MacMahon & Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt M.D.

1,356 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Below Decks
Location: USS Phoenix | Deck 02 | Executive Officer’s Office
Timeline: Need to work on that

Dario Mancini had been serving aboard the USS Granger for two years in the medical department, honorably and with distinction. It was not a decision that he took lightly to request this private meeting with he USS Phoenix's Chief Medical Officer and it's Executive Officer, but Dario had prepared himself. He had rehearsed what he was going to say, acted out the responses to the expected questions, and brushed up on the bullet points of his career so far. Being the nurse in charge of a shift aboard the starship Granger was a career highlight at this point, but Dario was not done. He was not ready to rest on his laurels, to settle. There was so much more for him to do.

Strutting into Sickbay, the young junior medical officer greeted a nurse that shot a smile in his direction as he gave his uniform a swift tug. He wanted to look his best. I need to look presentable he thought to himself. This was important to him after all. He approached the Chief Medical Officer's office. "Thank you for seeing me on short notice" Dario said politely as he entered. He hoped that it wasn't too much of an ask for them.

Finishing up the reports from treating some members of Granger's crew, Doctor Rhineholt look up seeing a young officer standing just inside his door. "Lieutenant please come in and have a seat" Jason commented with a smile "What can I do for you."

"It is more of what you and Commander McMahon can do for me" stated Dario. He proceeded in and took a seat as offered to him by the starship's Chief Physician. "I've been aboard the Granger for a while. It had been a nice place to serve, but I've been thinking about my future lately."

Jason was still a little confused as why this young officer was here as he sat back in his chair "OK....could you please elaborate a little more as to why it involves both the XO and myself?"

"Because I want to be here," prefaced Dario. "I want to be on the Phoenix and stay here. I want to work under you, Doctor Rhineholt."

His request for transfer certainly took Jason by surprise "I can see why you included the Commander in your previous statement; approving a transfer is above my pay grade" Jason replied then tapping his comm "Commander MacMahon, Doctor Rhineholt here; I have an officer from the Granger requesting a transfer. Could we meet in your office."

Aiden was just finishing off an operations briefing with Heather, when the request came through. "Thank you Lieutenant, I think that could work," he said. As she left he tapped his badge. "Of course, you can come right up. I am here," he said.

"We're on our way" Rhineholt replied then looking to Dario "Let's go."

Dario nodded. "Thank you, I appreciate your assistance. I didn't want to just show up requesting to meet with your ship's Executive Officer" explained Dario. He was glad that the Doctor was coming with him.

{XO's Office}

Seeing the door open Jason knocked waiting for recognition by his superior.

Dario took a deep breath. It was a bit unnerving to meet with someone so high up the chain of command, but necessary given the nature of his request.

Aiden looked up from the padd he was perusing while he waited for them. "Please come in," he said as he stood up to greet them. "Doctor, Lieutenant...?" he asked with a friendly smile.

"Sir thank you for seeing us on such short notice. The is Lieutenant JG Darion Mancini from the Granger" Rhineholt stated "I'll let him fill you in on the particulars."

"I welcome the interruption, Doctor," Aiden said pointing his chin slightly in the direction of a pile of padds lying to the side of his table. "Good to meet you Lieutenant," Aiden said as he sat down again. "Please go ahead."

"I'd like to formally request a transfer to the Phoenix if you'll have me" Dario stated. "I believe it would be in my best interest professionally, and there's more opportunities with this transfer if allowed." He was hoping for a yes, but prepared for a no.

Doctor Rhineholt chimed in "Lieutenant if your transfer is approved what capacity would you want to serve in medical" he inquired wanting to know exactly where he expected to fit in.

"Well, aboard the Ganger, I am the Beta Shift Charge Nurse. Naturally, my progression would put me as being qualified as Head Nurse. Though I'm happy to settle into the medical where there's room."

Dario smiled modestly. "Emergency Medicine has been my bread and butter, but I have a bit of a unique skillset."

Rhineholt thought for a few minutes " Lieutenant your rank and present experience would certainly put you in the position for Head Nurse" then he paused addressing both officers "My only concern is for SCPO Valentine. Before my arrival herself as well as the senior Doctors and Nurses kept this department afloat. Commander with respect my suggestion would be to assign her to Secondary Sick Bay and have her oversee that particular area. With the three sick bays to oversee that would be a big help to myself and still give her ample responsibility considering her rank" he concluded.

"And I don't want to step on any toes," Dario added. "Valentine clearly has a wealth of experience and I will gladly welcome that on a staff of nurses."

Jason thought a moment "I really don't see that being a problem, Ms. Valentine is a very professional person" then he paused " So unless the Commander has any objections, I see no reason why you can't transfer to the Phoenix as Head Nurse."

"You two had quite the sales pitch prepared, Doc," Aiden said, leaning back in his chair folding and not revealing his amusement at the said sales pitch. "Born on Altair IV. You had quite the twist in your studies. Tell me about what prompted the change from security to medicine?"

Dario smiled a bit, his mustache enhancing his expression. "You've done a good bit of reading," he commented about the First Officer bringing up that particular question. "It was the academy years. I was still learning who I am then. It involved a little tweak and course adjustment."

He figured that alone wasn't going to suffice. "Helping people, Sir. That's what mattered to me. Studying security initially taught me a great deal of things, but I prefer to think of peaceful means to conflict resolution. I discovered I was a quick study when it came to being a medic in a pinch. So, I switched to pursue nursing. It's where I've been ever since."

It sounded reasonable and sincere. "Obiously you have worked together, so yes, I can approve it," Aiden concluded. Most of the Granger officers were granted permission to request tranfers and the Lieutenant was one of them. "Doctor, which specific position do you have in mind?"

"With the Lieutenant's experience, and his rank, I am going to slide him into the position of Head Nurse" Rhineholt commented "And Nurse Valentine will oversee the day to day operations of the secondary sick bay."

"Very well, Doctor, " Aiden said approving the transfer on a padd and handing it to Dario. "Welcome on board Lieutenant," he said.

"Yes welcome Lieutenant and I look forward working with you" Rhineholt stated then stood "I should be heading back to sick bay" then looking at Aiden "Thank you for your time Commander" as he turned and left the office.

It appeared as though aside from crossing Ts and dotting is, all of the initial work was done. This was going to be approved and Dario could begin settling in as part of the Phoenix crew. "Thank you," he said rising from his seat.

Aiden nodded and watched the young man leave. He was certain that they would need a strong medical team in the time to come.


Lt Cmdr Aiden MacMahon

Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt, M.D.

Lieutenant JG Dario Mancini
Head Nurse


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