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04 Aug 2024 @ 7:45pm

Lieutenant JG Dario Mancini

Name Dario Mancini

Position Head Nurse

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28
Languages Federation Standard, Italian

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Dario Mancini is a 5'7" Human male of Italian ancestry. He has dark brown hair that in his youth, he often grew out. Seeking a more mature look, Dario sports a mustache and maintains shorter hair styles and stubble. He has hazel eyes and bushy expressive eyebrows. He has a rather lean somewhat athletic build.


Personality & Traits

General Overview An initially quiet and shy individual when he first meets you, Dario takes a bit of patience in order to open up. He is kind and considerate though, always presents a pleasant nod when passing you in the corridor or greeting patients with a smile when they walk into sickbay of their own accord. Of course, when there is an emergency or tense situation, he’s laser focused on stabilizing patients and tending to their needs.

He may not be the most excitable or expressive individual, but it is easy to see in his eyes how much he truly cares about others. You’ll never have to worry with Dario whether or not he’s giving you a straight answer or not. He is genuine and truthful, almost always. The only time he will conceal something is when he does not have all the information yet. Initially, thinking about pursuing a Starfleet career in Security & Tactical Operations, it became evident to him during his time at Starfleet Academy that he was not meant for that line of work.

He has a strong heartfelt commitment to ‘doing the right thing’ and advocating for those that are underrepresented or ignored. He believes strongly that all citizens of the Federation from all member worlds and protectorates deserve to have a voice that is meant to be heard. Dario is the type of person to give you the shirt off his back if you need it and expect nothing at all in return. His only hope would be that you end up ‘paying it forward’ sometime in your life.

Though generally shy and docile, Dario comes to life with a spark of energy and enthusiasm when it comes to deep intellectual conversation with others. He enjoys sharing his thoughts and opinions on a wide variety of topics though he will avoid confrontation at all costs. If the conversation ends up getting heated, he will bow out and step away. Otherwise, he’s more than happy pulling back on contributing his own opposing ideas and opinions, and just permitting the more dominant individual to utilize his time as an audience member for their soap box lectures.

Dario lives with a deeply rooted philosophy of diversity, inclusion, and acceptance. He believes strongly that everyone is part of something larger in life. The Federation may be idealistic to some, but to him it is something he holds onto and believes in. The Vulcan belief of infinite diversity in infinite combinations is something that speaks profoundly to him on a personal level.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

Polite - Dario is a calm individual who is softly spoken. He is conscious, alert, and aware of others. He takes their feelings into consideration.

Soothing - With his demeanor and good bedside manner, Dario has a calming effect on others. His mixed academic background blending security procedures with psychology make him decent as conflict resolution and negotiations.

Inquisitive and investigative - Dario loves puzzles and mysteries, his mind is wired towards pattern recognition and problem solving. He likes to examine all options before settling on the route to take.


Drama - He hates overly dramatic people. Though he does not mind listening to their complaints and offering advice, he will try to stay out of their drama.

Impatient - Staying still in one place for a long period of time is not something Dario does well. He is always on a constant move and thinking forward.

Scattered - Dario's mind can go all over the place. He also has the tendency to be a bit disorganized and messy.

Ambitions Dario's fairly content where he is on the nursing path, he has advanced in his career on a professional level to where he is qualified to be a Head Nurse. He is currently studying to attend medical school with ambition to became an actual physician, earning his M.D. He is presently taking distance learning courses with Starfleet Medical to obtain his advanced clinical education and training in order to be certified as a nurse practitioner which would allow him to share many of the same duties as doctors. They would then be able to perform physical exams, diagnose and treat diseases and other health conditions, and prescribe medication to patients without the supervision of a physician. In an emergency capacity or on a small starship, this would permit him to be considered for Acting Chief Medical Officer if need be.

Personal History There’s nothing glamorous or exciting about Dario’s life before joining Starfleet, or at least not much that he cares to mention. He was born on the planet Altair VI, an M class Federation world with two moons and a moderate sized population that is predominately Human and is really only notable for small quirks like having a 22-hour days as opposed to Earth with its 24 hours. Forty percent of the planet’s surface is covered in water and has a gravity of 1.5g. It has a population of less than ten billion.

The most exciting aspect of Altair VI was the civilization that was there prior to Human settlement, the Krell. Archaeology is naturally one of the most significant professions on the planet along with other branches of science. It is located along trade lines and is often a frequent safe harbor or port for Federation starships.

Dario’s parents were average people, a married couple that had no children until having Dario. They had no other children after him as Dario was a bit of an unplanned pregnancy albeit a welcomed one. His mother was an administrative assistant in the Governor’s office, his father was an officer for the Federation Security Agency posted on Altair VI.

Leaving Altair VI was much of a hassle for Dario though he did miss his parents. His grades in school had been reasonable enough for him to apply to Starfleet Academy, and fortunately he performed well enough on the entrance examinations for admittance. During his first two years at Starfleet Academy on Earth, Dario concentrated his studies on security and tactical operations thinking that he would follow in the footsteps of his father albeit with Starfleet rather than the civilian route his father had taken for himself. Dario did well in several aspects of his studies, his mind was wired well for investigative matters, and he excelled in his conflict resolution class. He chose to minor in Psychology finding it to be useful in de-escalation and hostage negotiation.

It took a little while for Dario to find himself and figure out what spoke to him, where he could do the most good. This meant making some significant course adjustments before his third year at the academy and playing catch up during breaks. He kept the psychology minor but pursued medicine through Starfleet Academy’s Nursing program. He took some additional courses on survival that were often taken by those within the security discipline or on the command track, neither of which he was at that point, but he found the courses to be beneficial. When it came to his medical studies, he was most interested in emergency medicine.
Service Record 2397: USS Phoenix | Head Nurse
2395-2397: USS Granger | Beta Shift Charge Nurse
2392-2395: USS Toronto | Nurse
2391-2392 Deep Space 4 | Nurse