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Posted on 07 Aug 2024 @ 2:01pm by Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt M.D. & Ensign Samantha (Sam) Emerson
Edited on on 07 Aug 2024 @ 2:21pm

1,871 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Below Decks
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


Doctor Rhineholt was sitting at his desk in primary sick bay going over some recent files that the Medical Yeoman had placed remotely on his terminal. Bringing up the financials Jason sat looking things over becoming more confused by the minute. Tapping his comm "Ensign Emerson, could you please come to the CMO's office" came the request.

Moments later Jason heard a knock on the door casing as he looked up seeing his Yeoman "Ensign please come in. I have a few questions about the financials you sent me" he commented with a smile.

Sam walked in then pulled a chair up next to Jason's so she could see the terminal "So what do you need to know Doctor" she inquired with a grin.

"I was looking over the financials and quite frankly it didn't make much sense to me. It's a little embarrassing to admit since I can perform complex surgery's but this is a whole other matter" Jason commented with a light chuckle.

"And that's what I'm here for" Sam replied while Jason noticed how lovely her perfume smelled as she moved closer. Looking at Jason "May I" as he sat back giving her access to the screen. "Ok this is the 'end of cycle' report which, as you know, occurs once every six months" as she looked at the screen "I spent a whole afternoon going over this when I realized Star Fleet must have been behind on their reporting and they dumped everything they hadn't processed into this cycle" as she looked at it further" then glanced over at Jason "See here" as she pointed with Jason sitting back up "These items here are before you arrived aboard."

Looking things over they started to make more sense now "I see" then Jason paused "So what can I expect from next month's financials then."

"Next month's should be minimal as far as expenditures. I've taken the liberty of checking with the senior Doctors and Nurses in all three sick bays, and except for some small equipment needs in tertiary sick bay, we're set for awhile; although we'll be needing a drug order sometime next month but that shouldn't be anything too extreme" Sam concluded with a grin.

"It's a good thing I have you as my Yeoman; you certainly have made my job so I can concentrate on being a Doctor and overseeing the three sick bays instead of all this administrative work" Jason stated with sincerity in his voice.

Sam smiled "And that my good Doctor is why I'm here" she replied sort of teasingly." After a couple minutes of award silence "If that's all I should get back to work. I wouldn't want the CMO to get cross with me" as she giggled.

"No I suppose not. I hear he can get kind of cranky at times" Jason replied with a chuckle then he paused for a moment "Sam I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me in the lounge tomorrow night; unless you have other plans of course."

After a brief moment of thought "Why, Doctor Rhineholt are you asking be out on a real date" she inquired already having made up her mind.

"Yes, I guess I am" Jason answered feeling his heart rate increase waiting for an answer.

With a big smile "Yes I would love to have dinner with you under one condition" Sam relied.

"And what might that one condition be" he inquired wondering what she had in mind.

"We wear civilian attire for a change; I need a break from the uniforms for an evening" Sam replied knowing that shouldn't be a problem.

"I think that can be arranged for an evening" then he paused "May I swing by your quarters at eighteen hundred; then we can walk to the Lounge together."

"Yes, I'd like that" Sam answered looking forward to the evening "Now I need to get back to work" as she turned and returned to her office with a grin on her face.

[ Next Night ]

At exactly eighteen hundred Jason walked up to Sam's quarters wearing a nice pair of dress pants, a long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up to three quarter length, and some nice aftershave. Palming the door chime he waited feeling sort of like a school boy on his first date.

Hearing the door Sam tapped the button as the door slid open seeing her date for the evening "Right on time, I like that" she commented "And might I say it's good to see you out of uniform for a change."

Jason smiled "You as well and you look rather lovely this evening" he commented seeing Sam dressed in a black skirt and a rose colored blouse with just a touch of cleavage showing and smelling so good along with a pair of black flats and her blonde hair down and loose. "You ready for dinner?"

"Thank you Jason for noticing and yes I'm famished" Sam answered with a smile.

As they were walking Jason suggested "I thought we might try the Aft Lounge on deck fourteen; it may not be quite so noisy."

"Sounds good to me and I've been wanting to try it out anyway" Sam replied with a smile.

Several minutes later the couple walked into the Lounge as Sam commented "Good call Jason, it seems there are only a few couples here for dinner which is fine by me."

They grabbed their meals, a beverage each along with cutlery as Jason commented "How about that table over there by the viewport."

"That's fine" she replied as Jason led the way. Placing his items on the table, Jason pulled the chair out for Samantha "Please allow me" as she sat with a smile impressed by what he had just done.

Jason sat as well placing the napkin on his lap "This looks good; it's been awhile since lunch, if you can call it that" he commented then placed a forkful of food in his mouth.

"Yes it does look good and speaking of lunch, you need to take more time for that and eat a proper meal" Sam replied as she started to eat as well.

"Yes Nurse" he answered with a grin. The two ate their meals enjoying each other's company avoiding talking shop at all costs. Several minutes later Jason sat looking across the table at Sam.

Noticing his gaze "What? Do I have something stuck in between my teeth" she queried with a grin.

"No not at all. I was just thinking what a beautiful women you are and how fortunate I am that you agreed to have dinner with me this evening" Jason commented hoping he wasn't being too forward.

With a smile "You are quite the charmer Mr. Rhineholt " then she paused "I don't know if I should be flattered or worried" she commented "You keep treating me like I'm something special, I just might get used to it."

"Looking into those gorgeous blue eyes "You are something special" as Jason smiled "But I wouldn't worry if I were you, I'm pretty harmless" came the response wanting very much to hold Sam's hand but decided against it.

"Thank you, you're pretty special as well" as she grinned "I certainly hope you're not harmless; that would be boring" then thinking maybe they should change the subject "Not to talk shop, but I understand we're getting a new Head Nurse soon" as Sam sat back in her chair.

Being a little flustered at the moment Jason quickly composed himself "Ah yes actually. Lieutenant J.G. Dario Mancini has transferred from the Granger to the Phoenix; he'll be starting in a few days after he gets settled in" Jason explained "I'll be meeting with him and explaining our department but please feel free to introduce yourself as well" Jason stated.

"You know me I'm not afraid to let people know who I am and what I do" Sam replied with a grin then she paused 'Would you like to come back to my quarters for a night cap."

"Yes I've noticed you're not the bashful type" as he grinned "And yes I'd like that."

Arriving at Sam's quarters she keyed in her security code and the doors swooshed open. Walking in Jason looked around "Wow you have this place decked out really nicely."

"Thanks. I like having a few frilly girly things around; makes it seem more like my home and not just quarters on a ship" she explained with a smile "A glass of wine ok with you? Make yourself comfortable on the couch and I'll be right back."

"Yes wine would be fine" as Jason sat thinking how warm and inviting this placed seemed. Maybe it's something he should think about for his own quarters; of course more masculine and not frilly girly things.

"Here you go" as Sam handed him one of the two glasses of wine then proceeded to sit quite close to her date. They sipped their wine and talked some more until the wine was gone. Grabbing both glasses, and setting them on the table by the couch, she turned looking at Jason "So what's a girl have to do to get a kiss.'

"Just be your lovely self" as he leaned in and gave Sam a very nice kiss for a few minutes.

After the kiss " I have to say you are getting better at this" she commented teasingly with a grin then leaned in and returned his kiss in kind "Yes much better indeed."

Jason gave a light chuckle "Well I'm glad it meets you approval" he replied.

"Almost" Sam answered as Jason decided to go for broke and gave Sam a very passionate kiss for several minutes "Better?"

A big smile came across Sam's face "Now that's a kiss" as she once again returned his kiss.

Realizing things could get out of hand very quickly Jason stood "Before I do something that we both may regret I should be going; we both need some sleep" he stated with a smile.

Sam stood as well "Yes I suppose so" then she paused "I had a lovely evening so thank you for that and for being such a gentleman" referring to the fact he hadn't pushed the kissing trying to take advantage of the moment.

"You're welcome and thanks for agreeing to having dinner with me" as he paused a moment "Maybe we could do this again in the not to distant future; if you'd like."

"I would like that very much.....and for the record I was hoping you'd ask me out socially" she replied wanting to be truthful
"Rest well Doctor" Sam commented then leaned in and gave Jason a quick peck on the cheek "See you tomorrow at work."

"Yes you have a good nights rest as well and yes see you tomorrow" He replied with a smile then turned to go back to his quarters.

After the doors closed Sam grabbed another glass of wine and sat on the couch playing the evening over in her mind " What a nice sweet man; how did I get so lucky."


Ensign Samantha Emerson
Medical Yeoman/Nurse

Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt, M.D.


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