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Mirror Broken - Part 3

Posted on 10 Jan 2016 @ 7:28pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Nicholas Means & Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Commander Michael Garabaldi & Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Xanth & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Ensign Karrak
Edited on on 10 Jan 2016 @ 7:43pm

1,292 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time

[Alien Vessel]

Karina knew the crew she had managed to safe where now dead; something about the distortion they had passed through had killed them as it had disabled most of her systems. As an AI she could approximate an emotional response but morning her friends not a part of her programming. She had managed to launch defensive probes but those marking on the vessels now surrounding her didn't match those of their original attackers. She only had would wait to see what going on, but with only limited sensors and minimal power there was little she could do.

[USS Achilles]

Without hesitating Da`nal set things into motion as they may have little time before others arrived. "Get a tractor beam on both vessels and hail the Freedom and Berlin."

Himars hands went from one side of his console to another as he targeted the ship the captain wanted with the targeting array of the tractor beam and sent coms to Freedom and Berlin. As the link between the three vessels was made, a lance of energy speared outward and contacted to the hull of both the Terran ship and the unknown vessel.

The screen split as the channel opened. "Commander Montoya, I want you to cloak and maintain a tactical position in the area. You will be our ace in the hole if other ships come through. If we are outnumbered you are to leave this area, contact the Federation warn them of the Terran incursion. We will remain to do whatever damage to their forces we can."

Command Montoya, knew better than to argue and simply acknowledged his orders, he'd be damned if he was going to leave his CO to die. =^=Aye sir. =^=

"Commander Means. I want you Patrol the area with the CAP. Coordinate you efforts with Lt Ogar."

=^=Roger that.=^=

As the channel closed and the view returned to the ships outside he turned to his XO, "I want teams on both ship. Find out what they are doing here and where that other ship came from."

"Setting up away teams. Marines and security, or just one per?" In retrospect, it was a valid question, security wasn't trained fully for boarding operations or heavy fighting that could be expected from the Empire, and the alien ship was just too much an unknown.

"Ops, confirm we have breathable atmosphere on that alien ship." Travis called out.

Looking up to the science station. "Commander Wells..." as he pointed to the anomaly "...I want to know what that is and how to close it."

"Aye, sir," Alanna said. She began to scan the particles, elements and sub-particles in the anomaly to compare to data in the computer in the hopes that she would be able to find something comparable. If not, she would at least have a good foundation to build on.

"Sir, the anomaly was created artificially," Alanna said several minutes later. "I'm not sure how, but there are some very odd radicals that are not natural in and around the anomaly."

"Understood, continue your analysis...use whatever resources you need. Hopefully we can get information from one of those ships that will help."

"Yes, sir." Alanna was curious and hoped she would have the chance to look at the data on the ship's computer to gather more information.

With a whistle as the sensor poured in what made up of the Terran ship, Kordah was impressed with the weapons. "Detecting Atomic multi-range and yields weapons, all sorts of torpedoes, heavy duty phase arrays, not sure what powers this mean looking lady, but, I bet two strips that it's nothing we seen or is a combo or something we already know, sir."

Wrinkling his brow, be repeated the XO's question. "What about the ship atmosphere."

"Unknown, sir" returned Himars in a hint of puzzlement in his voice and he couldn't tell if there was breathable air inside the ship "it's as if the hull is absorbing the signal. Going to try a few readjustments now sir. But, this lady sure as Gre'thor runs silent"

Kordah, drew up a manual looked at it briefly as his fingered danced across the console keys. With each stroke on the panel in front of him, the beam of the sensor narrowed and within a minute’s time, he received readings and stated it aloud.

"Standard atmosphere. Several decks lost gravity plating. Unknown core readings. Gravity plating failure in primary Engineering. Secondary engineering readings, unknown. Bridge has noticeable damage. Secondary bridge intake. No noticeable hull breaches, sir" Himars read and added after a series of sensor readjust "No human or known Life forms detected. There are bodies over there, sir. But, the sensor can't go further."

"Sir, may I make a suggestion" asked Himars

Da`nal glanced to the officer. "Speak up Lieutenant."

"Do not transport to the ship" stated Kordah "I have reason to believe that the Hull coating of this Terran ship is to scatter beams. I had to adjust the sensors beam to the up most maximum setting to even get the information of the inside and at that was all due to coating that absorbs sensor scans. So with that in mind, I formulated that if sensor absorb, I wonder if the coating deflects or scatters transporter beams. Also sir, I think it would be a wise choose we use a shuttle craft and repel down onto the hull, near one of the docking hatches. Just on the off chance of a trap of some sort" Himars offered.

"I agree with the lieutenant, captain," Garibaldi piped in. Send a heavily armed boarding party over in a couple of Wyverns, mixed Marines and Security, and have them maintain communications. If they can't communicate, have them return."

Stepping up to the Ops console he saw for himself that the tractor beam on the Terran ship didn't have a solid lock so there was something to the Lieutenant's concerns, however there was a good lock on the other vessel. He considered the various suggestions and made his decision and turned to face the officers behind him. "Garabaldi, lead the team to the Terran ship. Take two transports with Marines to secure that ship, as well as personnel to investigate. If need be we can use the Wyverns as a conduit for a power transfer to get the computer systems and life-support online. Deploy the transports at your discretion, but do not use the docking ports but lock on and cut through manually. Once aboard, set up transport enhancer sites to facilitate emergency beam outs.

"Number One, take an away team and beam over to the alien vessel."

Garibaldi nodded. "Gimme a minute to put together my team."

"Understood, we’ll mix Marine and Security for this one so plan for two fire teams to come along. Full armor, heavy weapons." Travis said in response first to Da'nal, then to Garibaldi.

"Ssir, I volunteer to go on the away team." said Karrak. He didn't know what he would be putting himself in for or who he would meet, but he was itching for action.

"I'll go wherever you need me," Alanna added. She wanted to get information and right now, her best bet was on one of those ships.

Looking to them both he nodded. "We need to know what brought the Empire into our universe, get over there and get me some answers." His decisions made and his orders issued he turned back to the view screen wondering. ~What were those Terran's up too...~

Commodore Da`nal

Commander Travis Stone

Lt. Kordah Himars
Chief of Operations

Ensign Karrak
Security Officer

Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander Michael Garibaldi
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Xanth
Chief Helm Officer


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