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Mirror Broken - Part 2

Posted on 10 Jan 2016 @ 7:25pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Nicholas Means & Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Robert Williams & Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya & Civilian Reva Madhava & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Commander Michael Garabaldi & Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Xanth & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Ensign Karrak
Edited on on 10 Jan 2016 @ 7:40pm

1,061 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time

[Below Decks]

The entire ship was preparing for battle stations. The promenade had quickly deserted and the huge windows had gone opaque. Every shop was locked down and Riva stepped back into her club as the doors came down and sealed shut.

Marines throughout the ship were filing through their respective armories, gearing up, or reporting to their posts.

Jason and his team were geared and ready. On the previous Achilles they had been tasked with protecting Engineering but now they were tasked with protecting the bridge and they were all sardined into the turbo lift as it sped up to the command level.

For what might have been the first time, Eirias was showing a nervous twitch of his leg. It always came before conflict started, but died down once they got into it. Being pressed into the sides of the lift wasn't helping him though.

Dr. Williams moved quickly into the ships secondary sickbay. He had been moved here by the CMO and while no longer assigned to the ships main medical facility, to be in charge of his own sickbay was a step up. "Ok people lets move with a purpose. I want medical teams read to deploy as needed... No, stage the medical kits by the door so they can be grabbed on the way out..." Slipping on his medical coat he waited for the either the wounded or the order to stand down....hoping for he later.


Da`nal and Stone materialized at the back of the bridge and looked at the two lifeless vessels drifting away from some sort of spacial vortex even as they closed on them. He moved quickly down to the command deck. "STATUS!"

Kordah turned to after the captain and then gave his fellow warrior the status of the ship, what has been done, and what science has detected.

"If you ask me sir" stating at the end "Something doesn't feel right, sir"

"Readings someone. Something more quantifiable than a feeling would be nice." Travis commented as he moved over to the XO's chair and started pulling information up. He'd caught part of Kordah's summation, but was far more interested in detailed information.

[USS Berlin]

Rico sat down into the command seat of his bridge looking from the fiery red hair that was his wife’s sitting at Ops. After picking him up the Berlin had moved to a flanking position; even with only one Terran ship they weren’t taking any chances as those ships were usually armed to the teeth.

Heather didn’t look back but remained focused on her station and the main display. “I’m not detecting any life signs on either ship.”

Rico could hear the change in her voice and could tell she was nervous. “Standard light, Mrs. Montoya. Mr. Robins, keep torpedoes and primary phasers locked on the Terran ship and secondary phasers on our mystery guest.”

As the bridge lighting shifted from the red glow to that of standard his tactical officer reported. “Weapons locked.”

[USS Freedom]

Means pulled at his beard slightly as his ship swung into position. “Any change in sensor readings?”

“No change in life signs but I am picking up power fluctuations on the unidentified vessel.”

“Keep a lock on that ship.” He was still leaning forward with his elbow on his knee as he thought, ~It’s the big man’s show now.~

[USS Achilles]

Seeing the Marines pour onto the bridge and take their covering positions Da`nal replied to Kordah. "It never does Lieutenant. Based on the last reported contact with the Terran Empire they hadn't expanded and any further than the Federation. Neither would a Steamrunner class ship be out here by itself..."

Moving forward Da`nal stood next to the helm. "Mr. Xanth, lower our position along our Z axis and rotate slightly to put the anomaly off our port quarter to bring our ventral phasers to bear."

"Aye sir, executing orders," Xanth replied, his fingers moving slowly across the helm. The ship began to respond, just as slowly rotating and bringing the left and upper portions of the hull to bear along the anomaly. "Reducing speed to 1/3 impulse power."

Turning back to tactical, “Mr. Garabaldi, target an area 400 meters in front of that anomaly with both phasers and the port torpedo launcher."

Garibaldi's fingers danced. In mere seconds, he responded, "Phasers and Photons locked and loaded!"

Karrak came onto the bridge and awaited orders. He had heard of the mirror universe, and wondered if his counterpart was there, and what happened to the Gorn in that universe.

Himars had returned to his station. He made sure, that all systems in the coming battle were kept up. Targeting systems, sensor arrays, and anything that fell into the Operation of the Achilles. The Bajoran/Klingons were moving from one touch screen to another. The warrior knew well enough that the Terran's were foe and were honorless targs in his book. That when he noticed a flashing blue light on his console. He touched the light and brought up the screen to revile a small probe like device on the side and various shades of blue and purple entering into the probe.

"Sir, we have a power draining probe on Starboard side. Shields hold..." he paused and realized what location it was near "...sir, starboard drain in near docking area. No shuttle craft or other boarding vessels detect.... "

As soon as he stated it drain the probe disappeared and the shields returned "This doesn't make any sense. One second the probes were there draining our shields and the next poof. Gone. I can't determine what to make of this captain. Sir, I'm not detecting anything no bits or pieces of anything. Just gone, like someone playing a trick on us"

"Trick, cloak, falsification of data. There's a few possibilities here, and I would very much like it if we figured out which one it is. We know something was there because of the lingering high-energy reading though." Travis commented acidly as he looked over the data. That anomaly was not sitting well with him.

Power-draining probes did not just disappear. Nor did it sound like much of a joke to Alanna. She began to scan for tachyon particles to see if the probe cloaked, or if some other cloaked vessel was responsible.



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