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A Casual Meeting

Posted on 13 Jan 2016 @ 9:54am by Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Commander Michael Garabaldi

567 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Lounge
Timeline: After the trial


Alanna normally spent much of her time in science or on the bridge, but after the trial, she felt the need to relax and let the noise of people talking occupy her thoughts. So she headed for the lounge. She got herself a sandwich and found a table near a viewport and sat to people watch.

Michael Garibaldi didn't consider himself a social butterfly, but every once in a while, he did prefer the company of others. Which explains how he found himself in the lounge. Walking through the door, he looked around, giving the place a once-over.

Alanna noticed the man she met at the trial and nodded in greeting.

Michael smiled, and grabbed a drink from the replicator. Walking over to Alanna's table he gestured to the empty chair. "Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all," she said. "How are you, Mr. Garabaldi?"

"Still getting my sea legs, as it were, but doing okay. Good spot you picked. Easy to surveil the entire room, hard to be surprised. You think like someone who's been in espionage. Yes, that's a compliment," he grinned.

Alanna chuckled. "I think like a people watcher. Better to be out of the way and watch what's going on."

Garibaldi considered for a moment. "I don't necessarily like people-watching, but in my line of work, it's kind of a necessary habit. So what do you think of our current situation?"

"Curious, as in a curiosity," Alanna said. "There are a lot of puzzles and I admit I'm curious to find out what's behind all this."

"He puzzled and puzzled 'til his puzzler was sore," Michael quoted an old children's book. "I'll bet it'll be complicated. Things like this usually are."

"I prefer curiouser and curiouser," Alanna admitted. "From a different children's book."

"Alice in Wonderland. My mom read it to me when I was little." Michael smiled at the fond memory of sitting on his mother's lap as she read aloud with dramatic voices and different characterizations.

"Not as nice a place as Middle Earth, but it has its moments," Alanna replied with a smile.

"Never been there," Michael said. "Maybe I'll visit, if I can find a good guide."

"Avoid Isengard, Orthanc and Mount Doom," she suggested.

Garbaldi chuckled. "You seem to know your way around the place. Maybe you could give me a tour..."

Alanna gave him a sheepish grin. "Well, there is a holodeck program of Middle Earth. You can visit any of the sites from Tolkien's world or any of the stories. The program uses the scenery from the 21st Century movies that were set in New Zealand to visually create the world."

"Well, no time like the present. I'm off for the next little while. Shall we?" He stood, crooking his arm.

That made her smile. "Okay, provided there's an open holodeck." She stood and grabbed her tray in one hand and his arm in the other. "Let me recycle this and we'll have a look."

Garibaldi smiled as she took his arm. They stopped at the recycling station while the replicator broke down the tray and the remnants on it into their basic atoms, storing the matter away for future reconstruction. he then steered her twoard the exit, hoping there was a free holodeck.


Lieutenant Commander Michael Garibaldi
Chief of Security,
USS Achilles

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer


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