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Mirror Broken - Part 1

Posted on 10 Jan 2016 @ 7:21pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Nicholas Means & Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Commander Michael Garabaldi & Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Xanth & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Ensign Karrak
Edited on on 10 Jan 2016 @ 7:29pm

1,187 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time

[Alternate Universe]

The ISS Achilles and its escort vessels had successfully captured a vessel from this Universe and were preparing to head home to their reality and the Empire. The few remaining crew members of their quarry were isolated and the ship locked in a tractor beam.

[Alien Vessel]

All was dark in the ship as it had been powered down to only allow for life support and minimal power. In the command cabin a blue light glowed to life on the main console and scanned the area. Once the scan was complete a beam projected the ships AI; even with the sensor offline she could detect who was aboard, who wasn't, and what was happening to the ship.

There was little time as the massive main enemy ship began opening a vortex not far off. The ship literally had almost no power as the main power core had been deactivated, but the energy beam holding them provided their only chance. Using the little power available and by absorbing the beams energy and routing it to weapons, Karina was able to fire their subspace weapon.

[Primary Universe - USS Berlin]

Heather took full advantage of her husband’s absence to get some bridge time in. It seemed the only time she could get some bridge duty was either when he was called to the Achilles or off duty. Even though she wanted to be on the Achilles to watch him during the trial she enjoyed her time at Ops. She looked over to the helm to answer Greg's question when her panel went crazy.

"Sir, I'm detecting a massive subspace distortion at 283 by 67 distance....2.6 million kilometers."

"On Screen. Magnify." As the sensors zoned in on the newly discovered distortion they watch as two vessels emerged. One was unfamiliar but the other was clearly a Steamrunner Class Starship. Both ships seemed to be a drift as they slowly tumbled away from the anomaly.

"Can you ID that ship?"

Heather shook her head. "No sir. I'm not picking up any ID, power signatures, or life signs for that matter..."

Everyone went silent as the markings on the dorsal side of the saucer came into view showing an image of Earth over a sword; beneath it the name and registry...ISS BERLIN.


-USS Achilles-

Stepping back onto the Bridge, leaving the trail, the Warrior Bajoran Operational chief, he looked from forward as he relieved the officer who currently held the center seat. Once seated, he brought up a small display screen on the Arm rest, check current ship status, which from his stand point was smooth sailing. He gave a few course changes, sensor re-adjustment, and a few other things to maintain ship current course.

"Stay as she..." Stated Himars when the Comm officer spoke aloud

"Sir, I'm receiving a message from the USS Berlin"

"On screen, Mrs. Lipat" returned Himars as he gestured towards the main view screen.

The image on the screen was that of the bridge of the Berlin a glow from the red alert that had been ordered. =^= Lieutenant, we've gone to red alert. We've detected a subspace distortion and a couple of ships a drift. One with markings of the Terran Empire. I suggest you recall the senior officers and go to red alert as well. =^=

"Understood, Berlin. Achilles out" returned Himars as he looked to security and tactical and gestured the duty officer there and then open a channel for a ship wide comms. "All hands report to station. This is not a drill." clear and to the point, then repeated command and request the senior staff to the Bridge.

Alanna arrived shortly after the red alert and took her place at science. She quickly logged in and began to scan the other ship and surrounding area.

Lieutenant Xanth strode quickly onto the bridge almost right on the heels of Wells, nodding briefly and quietly at his superiors. The pilot placed his hand on the shoulder of the officer manning the helm, dismissing him from the post, and slid into the seat. A few quick keystrokes had him logged into the station and a few more seconds checking his scanners gave him the layout of nearby space. Xanth's movements were relaxed, controlled, and not a sign of stress showed on his features even though he could feel the rising tension on board the Achilles.

Garibaldi burst in a moment later and took his station, checking his on-duty personnel, and ensuring that they were still being supplemented by Marines until He had time to sort things out between departments. The sidearm strapped to his hip felt like an old friend. "Security reports ready, skipper."

"Raise shields and ready weapons." stating Kordah for he recalled tales from a few of his friends that served on DS9 who heard encounter doubles from an Alternate universe that had the Terran Empire, but, those tales were of a time where there was no Empire, but an Klingon Cardassian Alliance. This was most puzzling for the Bajoran Klingon, but, until the captain and his house leader came to bridge he was going to make sure, that this Empire was going to stay in their universe for long.

"What you got for us,” stating the Operation chief to Alanna as he looked to the science station "Mr. Wells?"

"I confirm what the Berlin reported," Alanna said. "Running additional scans on the distortion. It looks like an unidentified discharge, probably from one of the vessels, seems to have created the anomaly. It came through a nanosecond before the vortex opened."

"Mr. Garibaldi," stated Himars as he waited for the captain to arrive, "Dispatch Security teams Engineering, Sickbay, Computer cores and secondary bridge. Also lock down all transporter rooms and cargo Transporters. If they beam aboard, let them find another way on."

"Already on it." Garibaldi's fingers flew over the console as he issued electronic dispatches to his teams.

Himars looked Science with an arch brow "Damn. Then we're going to be dealing with some heavy unknowns. Can you tell what weapons they're packing on those Ships, Mr. Wells?" 'This is going to be an odd fight' he thought as he spoke to Xanth "Helm, bless us with your magic piloting.”

"Initiating Tango-4," Xanth replied, voice quiet but not so much that he couldn't be heard. He moved fluidly and slowly, much like the massive ship they rode in. The low vibration of the engines began to pick up around them in both pitch and intensity, though the sheer scale of the Achilles assured that they would still hardly notice it. "Closing the distance between us and the distortion at three-quarters impulse. We should be within weapons range within two minute, Lieutenant."

"No life signs detected," Alanna announced as she continued to sift through the data from the scanners.

"Target shield emitters and drive systems" stating Kordah and he wondered where his Captain was at, but he pushed that thought to the side and kept focus on the battle ahead as the Achilles flew closer and closer to the Imperial Starship.



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