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Trial - Part 1

Posted on 01 Jan 2016 @ 5:47am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Nicholas Means & Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Commander Michael Garabaldi & Lieutenant Commander Alorha Grange & Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells & Major Richard Sharpe & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Ensign Karrak & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan
Edited on on 01 Jan 2016 @ 5:53am

954 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: USS Achilles - Hearing Room

[Hearing Room]

Da`nal and Ayren entered the hearing room and took a seat. He would have suggested she not attend but they had both been called to testify so they took seats and waited.

Ayren would have attended even if she had not been asked to testify, regardless of how hard it would have been. But now she had to be there and her stomach felt as if there were Marhurion bats in it, never mind butterflies. She held her composure though and focused on keeping her mental barriers intact and quieted her breathing. The work out in the holodeck the other day really helped and now that Da'nal knew everything also did. She briefly touched his hand instinctively and unobtrusively.

Ensign Karrak entered, even though he was not involved in the investigation of this case. But he needed to be there, so he took a seat as well.

Alanna knew very little about the trial itself, but being a telepath she was very interested to learn what happened, and, more importantly, why. So she found a seat near the back where she could be an observer.

The daily operations of the ship were well in the hands of those in Himars's department. Ship life hadn't overly changed much over the last few weeks and days that lead up to the trail. Here say and other rumors had popped up with in his section of duty, but the Bajoran Klingon put an quick end to them. The day of the trial however, he accompanied his house leader to the trial. He took an seat behind him and Ayren. He didn't have to be there, but, something told him he should.

'Ever the security guard, eh, Kordah he thought as he waited for the trail to start.

Turning Da`nal nodded to the newest member of his House. "Kordah, I know this is an open proceeding but I who like at least one senior officer on the bridge. You have the bridge Lieutenant."

Himars nodded his head "Of course, sir" He rose up and walked out of the trail to head back to the bridge.

Michael Garibaldi entered the hearing room, located an empty seat near the back, net to a slim but curvaceous blond in a Sciences uniform. He was still a little disoriented, but level-headed enough to absorb what was going on. "Hope I'm not too late," he said to her. "Doesn't look like the show's started. I'm Lieutenant Commander Garibaldi, Security Chief, at your service." He extended his hand.

"Alanna Wells, science," she said, shaking his hand. "Hi."

"So, what do you think about all this?" Michael was trying to get a feel for the general consensus about the court martial, and maybe pick up on some feelings concerning the accused. "Think he did it?"

"I really don't know much," Alanna said. "But he'll have a hard time proving his innocence -- if he even tries."

"I thought it was 'innocent until proven guilty'", he said.

"The evidence in a telepathic violation is ... different ... from a regular case," she said. "There's not just a telepathic marker, there's a lingering psychic echo of the event. He could have a legitimate reason for what happened, and that is what the trial is for."

Garibaldi flinched mentally. "Wouldn't a psychotricorder tell us what we need to know?"

"Yes and no," she said. "It may not pick up extenuating circumstances. And even so, doesn't everyone deserve a trial?"

Garibaldi nodded at the attractive officer. "I suppose you're right. I've just seen too many guilty people go free from legal procedure and 'plea deals'. But you are right, nonetheless. It's not a perfect system, but it's the best Starfleet can come up with.' It looks like they're about to get started," he said, "Thanks for the input."

Alanna nodded and turned her attention to the proceedings.


Commander Mean was still the fresh face around here having only been revived from stasis a few days ago. He went up to the other officers that would be upfront with him during this circus. "Major Sharpe, isn't it?" Offering him his hand.

Sharpe, wearing his Grade A uniform for the trial, turned when he heard his name. "That's right Commander...?" He was stuck, as he had no idea who this guy was.

Seeing his confusion, "I was just recently pulled from stasis as Commander Pikes replacement. This wasn't exactly how I planned to get to meet everyone but all you can do is play the cards you're dealt."

T'Ran was her objective self, ignoring the pleasantries. "It is time we begin," she announced, motioning that at least she was ready to get the proceedings underway.

[Hearing Room]

The doors to the room opened and Rico followed Vonti into the room. He had managed to get the security escort left outside so the appearance of security forces didn't color anyone's opinion. He nodded to Commander Stone as they passed and took their place on the opposite side of the room.

Leaning in toward his 'client' he whispered. "Remember...relax."

"Easier said than done Commander." Vonti replied. Even with the nano-probes inhibiting his abilities he could feel the eyes drilling into him.

Da`nal had seen them enter and took note of how Commander Montoya only looked to Stone and no one else. He didn't look to anyone in the audience at all, as if he didn't even care who was there or what their expressions might be...curious.

Karrak was listening to all that was transpiring. Since it would be a while before they would be in space, he guessed they needed to tie up all loose ends before they were ready for a mission.



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