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A mirror looks back

Posted on 01 Jan 2016 @ 5:38am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Kordah Himars

1,244 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Mirror Universe

Kneeling down upon one knee, the warrior who was known as Kordah, glared with his eye into the flickering ambers of the fire. As the flames flickered and dance with the breeze. He held with in her hand was a large curved blade, known to the those of the Empire as an Bat'leth. While his other held a stick, which he used to poke at the fire. As he looked into the dancing flames, he listened to the sounds his fellow warrior laugh, talk of old tales, but it was as soft as a breeze compare to that of the crackle of the fire, dancing before him. As his mind tried to recalled the last several days of being on this god forsaken frost moon, just to find the right metal to use on for weapons he was designing against the the enemy of the Empire and the Alliance.

Dropping the stick, the warrior, sighed heavily as he felt the pull and call to continue onward to the Romulan mining site. The yanked at his soul, was filled with revenge towards every single man woman and child that called the Romulan Star Empire home. He hated them all, for their values and what they had did to the Empire. He rose up onto his feet and quickly turned on his heels. After signal to his men 'Let's Move’ gesture, they began walking towards the Romulan Mine. He had no knowledge of what or who he would find at the site, but, he knew that he was going to slaughter the ones that resisted and put to work to those that survived his wake of Slaughter.

The pillars of smoke rose high into the blue sky. Fires roared uncheck, as screams and cries of mercy pleaded with those that had taken the mining camp by force. The one eyed Bajoran Klingon, stood over his defeated foe. He looked down and the dying man and snarled at him as he cleaned the tip of his Bat'leth on the clothing of the fallen. Stepping over the man, the warrior began to ordering the warriors of the house of Varal. He gestured to the fallen and gave the order.

"Burn the dead and injured. Ready the ones who surrendered for view of Lord Da'nal" he commanded just before he touched his arm and contacted the Varal fleet as well other Field Marshals on the blue green world, that were attacking Romulan colony world wide.

Krodah watched as his order began and the one eyed warrior grinned as he strapped his Bat'leth to his back.

"This isn't real..." came an voice

"Who said that?" returned Krodah as he turned around to find the voice that spoke to him as he drew out his pistol

"This isn't is a glimpse of what would have been..." came the voice

"Reveal yourself, peta'Q" demanded the one eyed warrior

"This isn't is a glimpse of what would have are of Bajor...we will guide you..."

"How did..."

"Wake up, you damn lazy slave?" stated a voice which was soon followed by an boot to the side

Slowly opening his eye the warrior, looked up at an human. He growled as he shifted up onto his cot, before being handed a tray of food. The Human went passed Krodah as he stared down at his meal as he began to reflex on his dream.

Da`nal walked into the barracks where he and his fellow Klingons or other servant species lived until they were called upon to do some menial task. As he did the human crewman that had been distributing the meal tray to those in the barrack was leaving and the two looked at each other. Before he could do or say anything Da`nal stepped aside and allowed the human to pass.

Picking up his own bowl of stew and a chunk of black bread he leaned on the frame of Kordah's rack. "You had the vision again...didn't you?"

"Indeed, I did." returned Kordah plainly as he ate his stew.

The Bajoran Klingon had told this dream to Da'nal several times before. No detail was was over looked and it was glorious. However, this time around, there was an new element that made no sense to him. He felt stronger then normal and the voice he heard was utterly familiar and it gave him an sense of peace and and possible way from their enslavement.

"This time around, however, it was different, old friend" he looked to Da'nal with his lone eye

Dipping his bread in the broth he ate. Then gesturing with the remaining bread, "Do you believe that this voice is one of these Bajoran 'Prophets' that were rumored to exist before the Terran's regained their empire?"

"I do not know, but it was if I am connected to this voice"; and then he told Da'nal what the pleasant voice stated to him in his dream "What do you think?"

"Well it's good to know I am still a Lord in your vision..." he stated with a grin. "...This voice said you were of Bajor and that they would guide you. It let you know that the vision was not really but what could have been. If they are a god of some kind they can see alternate timelines. Then again, this could all be some twisted experiment by Stone and that witch in medical."

"Yes, my father spoke of these gods, which my mother laughed as any warrior would" stating Himars as he finished his meal "however, it could be a test of that twisted peta'Q Stone and his medical mischief. Indeed, they could be of an alternate universe, but, from what I recall of them the gods are all linked as one or they could be the pah wraiths, the Hur'Q of the Bajoran people."

"I don't see what purpose it would serve Stone, he is more of a kill them now ask questions latter type. But you have a point it could be something that her twisted mind would come up with. All I pass word to keep and eye on you to look for anything strange."

"I am grateful for your help, my friend" returned Kordah with a nod of his head "but, if these are in fact images from the gods of Bajor, then I will proceed forward and free us all from this damn place with Stone's head on a spear"

Da`nal looked about. "Be careful what you speak; even here Stone may have ears." Sitting next to him he whispered in a determined voice. "We will watch and see what happens...when the time come we regain our honor and pave the way to Sto vo Kor with human blood."

Kordah nodded his head, for he knew that Stone had ears and eyes everywhere and the defeated Bajoran Klingon sometimes wonder if that honorless peat'Q had those two items hidden in the every food they ate and pop up with a guard to drag them away. However, Kordah bid his time and kept what he knew to himself until the time came to throw the honorless terran Stone and the rest of his kind into the burning center of Gre'thor.

"I shall, old friend" returned Kordah as he rose up "we best be off to work, before the Terrans drag us there"


Mirror Universe Da`nal
Chief Klingon Servant

Kordah Himars
Klingon Servan


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