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Into the Fold....Part 2

Posted on 30 Sep 2014 @ 11:53pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Travis Stone & Commander Karen Myles & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Captain Darren Bishop & Lieutenant Caleb Gray & Ensign Z'vonty Flugence
Edited on on 30 Sep 2014 @ 11:56pm

1,340 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Medical Briefing Rm/Sick bay

A little longer than 15 minutes later, Travis was making his way through the ship to find where the Admiral was now. The computer had given him the location, but this class of ship was unfamiliar to him, so it might as well had been a maze. Finally, he managed to find the room, and entered, looking around. The color of green that made up his shirt would likely be familiar to some, as it was SFMC green, with a black pant. Both were rather beat up and had a more than a few rips and blood stains, but the way he carried himself would draw more attention to his unshaven face with a partial beard started and his general air of a practiced poise and confidence.

Seeing the officer enter, he hadn't noticed that he was a Marine earlier, but . His rank appeared to have been knocked off his uniform during his time on the surface. is sense of urgency was returning, he knew they were getting closer to their destination and he needed to get to the bridge. "And you are?"

"Commander Travis Stone, Admiral. You did tell the Doctor you wanted me standing in front of you in 15. Before you ask, yes, I am fleet. Started off in the Marines though. I was en-route to Starbase 47 for some shore leave in between assignments when the transport was hijacked by Reman's. Long story short, three members of the crew and myself were brought here, and...questioned. The other three didn't hold out as well, one died inside of the first week, the other two took another 10 days I think, time was harder to tell with the fragmented sleep and light cycles." Subconsciously, he had shifted to a modified attention while giving the barest details possible. Some habits were just too built in to change easily.

Da`nal looked at the man for a long moment as he thought; ~strength of will, the ability to endure, and...~ as recalled his actions in sick bay ~...the ability to do what was needed without hesitation.~ He glanced to the Reman just across the room then returned to the Commander.

"You said you transferred from the Corps to Starfleet. Have you been cleared for this class of vessel?"

"I went through the Academy after I made Sergeant, so I have been in the Fleet a while now. I have been cleared for this class Admiral, required of us as instructors at the Academy for the Command and Tactical sections." Travis responded in a firm, confident tone.

Nodding, he needed a ne XO and right now he needed his other officers where they were. "Good report to the bridge Commander as this ships Exec."

He had to blink at that one. Something must have gone wrong for him to be instantly appointed XO so quickly, but he wasn;t going to step down from the challenge. "Understood, won't be the first time I've been an XO, Admiral."

Looking to the new officers standing before him. Dismissed

Nodding, he quickly exited the room and headed up the bridge. He was still feeling a bit off from the quick treatment the Doctor had given him, but it wasn't enough for him to ask for a break. There was a lot to catch up on to know what was happening on this ship.

With an nod, Krodah reported to the operation station on the bridge and spoke with Ensign Logan.

[Meanwhile - in Sickbay]

Pain, screaming, fires. Those were the last things Darren remembered before he surrendered to unconsciousness. As he pulled himself from oblivion's embrace, he could sense that there was a difference in his surroundings. A gentle humming reminiscent of a ship's engines, the beeps of computers and equipment. Something was different. Slowly, he opened his eyes, blinking as he tried to get accustomed to the brightness of the sickbay and looked around. He was in a Federation ship, that much was certain. He didn't recognize the layout or even the design of the sickbay, but it screamed Federation to him.

She noticed him blink and his eyes begin to take notice of his surroundings. Walking over to him she said. "I am Commander Myles the Chief Medical Officer on the Federation starship Achilles." She stepped closer and added. "Can you tell me your name?" A seemingly mundane question but useful in assessing his memory and mental state. She pulled out a medical tricorder and began to scan him.

"Darren Bishop. Captain, Starfleet Marine Corps." Darren replied raggedly. "What happened? Where are the refugees?"

She glanced up from the tricorder and replied softly. "All survivors are being treated, some have already been released." looking back down at the tricorder she added. "You are suffering the effects of smoke inhalation, dehydration, mild sleep deprivation and a few physical injuries." She looked back up at the Marine and added. "Your treatment has already begun, you should be feeling better shortly and you will make a complete physical recovery." She paused for a moment. "Assuming you take it easy for at least a few hours."

"Vardilan. Did he survive?" Darren asked, his body still too weak to rise.

"I don't know Captain." Karen replied softly. "I have not had any time to review the list of survivors." She took a deep breath. "When I get specific information regarding Vardilan, I will make sure you are informed." In truth so many people had come in and out of the sickbay in the last half hour she could hardly remember their faces never mind names. The sad truth of Doctors were in a crisis patients didn't have names, they didn't have loved ones and they didn't have friends. The only thing that stuck in the doctors mind was the injuries and how to treat them.

Everything else was just information that got in the way. "Excuse me Captain, I need to attend to some other patients, a nurse will be with you shortly." She paused for a moment. "They will bring you some water, take very small sips at first."

"Yes doctor." Darren nodded as he finally brought himself to a sitting position. His chest hurt, in fact a lot of him hurt and he hadn't a clue as to what happened. He looked around the sickbay at the rest of the patients in there, hoping to see a familiar face.

Da`nal was the last to leave the conference room and caught a glance into sick bay and saw the Marine sitting up. Entering sickbay once again, now that things had calmed down. "Marine have you been cleared for duty?"

"No sir. Not yet." Darren replied to the Klingon with Admiral stripes. "I was told to stay put and rest."

"Very well. If that was the good doctor's orders so be it. Your background?

"I was detachment CO to the detachment on Obsidian Colony, ninth division first battalion. Then transferred with the company to the USS Draconis before the crew was reassigned sir. Right now I'm waiting for orders." Darren explained. "I specialize in reconnaissance, skirmishing, and forest operations."

Da`nal nodded approvingly, with what was to come he would need warriors. "Excellent, when cleared report to Captain Sharpe, my MCO as the Recon CO. I will have the orders cut as soon as I each the bridge...don't be surprised if he task you as his XO as an additional duty."

"Yes sir." Darren nodded from his bed. "I'll be ready."

Nodding Da`nal looked further into the room to see Ayren still laying there silently as her monitors blinked away steadily. "If you are like the Marines already aboard this ship I have no doubt of that."

With that he turned and head out and SSgt Frey fell into place and the pair headed down the corridor to the lift.

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Cmdr Travis Stone

Commander Karen Myles, MD
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Caleb Gray
Starfleet Intelligence

Marine Captain Darren Bishop
Recon Officer In Charge

Lt. Kordah Himars

Ens. Z'vonty Flugence

Kiscad A'klaree


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