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"So much for the training cruise..."

Posted on 07 Oct 2014 @ 7:46am by Ensign Karrak & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,033 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: USS Bradbury

Captain Franklin, had just read the padd her XO had handed her. They were supposed to have just delivered personnel and supplies to the refugee camps, and deliver a rather large Ensign to the Achilles, but the communique she had just read changes all that.

"Acknowledge the call and take us to yellow alert. While the last of the supplies are being transferred get engineering on that glitch in the aft torpedo more excuses I want it fixed before we arrive."

"Roger that."

Stopping her XO, "Oh where is our guest?"

"You mean our freshly graduated Gorn...probably somewhere sharpening his claws or..."

Cutting off his litte rant without comment. "Have him report to the ready room. I will fill him in in what going on and that there may be a delay in getting him to the Achilles."

Karrak had made his way to the bridge, and the ready room as quickly as he could. He chimed the door and waited.

He entered, wondering what the Captain wanted of him. He stood at attention. "Ensign Karrak reporting asss ordered, Captain." he said. He had been mostly left alone, some were afraid of him, but others didn't know how to approach the large Gorn. But the few who got to know him found him fearless and as unsure of his surroundings as they were.

Amanda Franklin look up at the Gorn as he ducked to enter her ready room, "That must be getting old," she commented.

"I have gotten ussed to it, Ma'am." said Karrak. "Sstarfleet doors are mosstly made for humanss. I realized early that these are not Gorn sships." He grinned, showing his many sharp teeth.

She swallowed at the site of those teeth. She was well aware of the strength of the Gorn and having one willingly serving I Starfleet was still a little hard to take in. She was beginning to understand what is must have been like for those Ambassador Worf served under in the beginning of his career. "Well I'm sure Federation and Gorn ships differ in more ways than the height of the doors, but that is not why you were called here.

"We received word that the USS Achilles has called for re-enforcements along the Romulan-Klingon border. We will be heading to the border however the Achilles won't be there to meet us. By the report we received the Admiral has gone on to try and stop...or at least slow a Klingon fleet intent on invading Romulan territory."

Karrak was silent for several moments. It would be more time before he came aboard the ship Achilles, which was named after an ancient Terran warrior. It was a Gorn trait that they took some time to make up their minds about anything, but once they did, nothing could deter them from their chosen path. So it was with this Gorn, the first in Starfleet.

"Undersstood, Captain." said Karrak, finally. "If there iss anything I can do here in the meantime, I am ready. My life, my honor, iss in your handss. What are your ordersss?"

"Report to Lt. Comander T'val, my Chief of Security for a duty assignment. Until such time as we either rendezvous with the Achilles or if the Admiral fails to turn them around and we end up engaging the Klingon fleet; you will serve this ship."

The Gorn Ensign snapped to. "Undersstood, Captain." said Karrak. "I will report as ssoon as I leave here."

"Glad to hear it. Dismissed."

Karrak nodded and left.

She watched him leave, as he did her XO entered. "Everything ready Captain."

"Set a course for the coordinates given by the Admiral. Who is the Romulan Governor in the area?

"Thought you might ask that, that would be Isha t'Khellian."

She wrinkled her brow as she thought, "Ambassador t'Khellian?"

He nodded. "The same."

"Great...Who else is joining us?"

"From the Starbase here...3 others with another 2 to follow. When we arrive there should be a total of 9 ships, whatever ships the Romulans send and then the two stragglers here."

"Good...I hope its enough. Get us underway."

The XO turned slightly as he stood in the open doorway and pointed to the helm. Turning back to the Captain, "What do you think the Admiral's chances are?"

She shook her head. "A Klingon fleet, once underway, doesn't get turned back with talk....This is going to get bloody."


Karrak, after he left the ready room, found Lt. Commander T'val. "Commander, Enssign Karrak, temporarily assigned to the Bradbury, reporting for duty and waiting for a duty assignment."

T'val looked up at the Gorn entering the Security office as the ship prepared for possible battle. "You are not a member of my department."

"True, I am on my way to my assignment to the Achilles, Commander, but the Captain ordered me to report to you for assignment until I am transferred to the Achilles." said the Gorn. "If I have no assignment, I will return to my quarterss."

If the Captain had assigned the officer, even temporarily, it would be illogical to second guess her. "Very well Ensign as you assistance was unexpected you will accompany me to the bridge. I have tried to calculated the odds of this ship actually having to engage the Klingons. However as no declaration of war has been issued by the Klingon High Council and the intensions of the Klingon fleets command is unknown; any estimate would be based more on speculation than on fact.

"I will be delegating a portion of my responsibility to you; if we engage the Klingons your assignment is to ensure the Captain's safety in case we are boarded."

"Aye, Commander." said Karrak. This would be his first field job, and he wouldn't let them down. "I will guard her with my life." It would be a great honor to guard the Captain." Of course, Vulcans were cool in the face of this, but he already knew not to underestimate them. He waited at the door for her.

He would follow her to the bridge and do more than what was required. He was the Tra'nark zo-Lazath, after all.

USS Bradbury crew played by Da`nal


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