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12 Dec 2014 @ 4:09am

Captain Darren Bishop

Name Darren Bishop

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 38
Languages Federation Standard, Klingonee, French

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4"
Weight 200lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Darren stands at an imposing 6'4 with broad shoulders that taper down to a narrow waist, with sun weathered features that give his boyish looks a mature edge to them. His body is fit from a life of constant physical training and maintenance. He looks out at the world with intense, yet calculating malachite green eyes and wears his hair short, combed up and away from his face. Though he generally carries a serious look, his smile brightens his features, breaking the facade of a stoic faced warrior and revealing a genuinely caring individual. He usually speaks in a proper English accent, but can fall back into his native Manchester accent when frustrated and angry.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Robert Bishop
Mother Angela Bishop
Brother(s) Peter Bishop
Edward Bishop
William Bishop
Adam Bishop

Personality & Traits

General Overview The middle child of a large family, Darren has always been the quiet one that contemplates events around him. Through near constant competition with his brothers, he has learned to be patient and to remain calm. He ferociously protects those that he cares for and is loyal without question. Often prone to give sage advice when pressed, his usual persona is that of a soldier that follows orders and expects the most from those under his command.
Strengths & Weaknesses A quiet and contemplative man, Darren's chief strength is in his never give up attitude. He pushes himself and by example, others to achieve their potential whatever they are applying themselves to.
Though intense and hardworking, he harbors disdain for those that can't muster up the courage to try. His disdain is unfiltered and he is prone to blistering criticism of those who manage to violate his attitude.
Despite his physical prowess, Darren delved very little into the sciences and engineering during his primary school and academy days and isn't as versed as he likes to be. Though he promises to read up on the newest notes, he often finds himself frustrated at the terminology that all seems foreign to him.
Ambitions Darren seeks to protect the Federation from any threats. As a veteran of the Dominon War, he remembers quite clearly the costs of war in life and material through bad decisions and inept leadership. He strives to be the best leader he can be and to return from a mission, failed or not, with all his men.
Hobbies & Interests Motorcycles, Fencing (English Saber and Florentine Rapier with Main Gauche) , Running, Music (He plays the Piano), Hunting

Personal History Childhood
Darren was born in 2352 in Manchester, England as the middle child among five siblings. As children, the Bishop boys were encouraged to participate in sports and debate, constantly testing each other's resolve, ability to reason and teamwork. The Bishop boys would be known as the 'Troublesome 5' in their native Manchester. Despite this nickname, they all excelled in their studies and sports except Darren, a fact that he has never lived down.. All would go on to be accepted into prestigious institutions except Darren, whom, despite the protests from his family, enlisted with the Star Fleet Marine Corp.

Marine Corps.
Darren was a natural athlete due to his sport background, and found the Marine Corps basic training regiment to be tough and enjoyable. Constantly pushing himself to achieve greater acts of physical and mental achievement. Arms and weapons training proved to be a unique and challenging activity, and Darren threw himself into it, earning his Rifleman certification and eventually moving up to sniping. While at camp, he fast made friends with other recruits and found in them kindred spirits that shared his dedication to hard work. In competition against other Marine groups, Darren's squad was awarded multiple commendation for their bravery and success in war game scenarios. He would go on to compete and complete the President's One Hundred Marksmanship competition, placing 100th among the five hundred winners.

Build up to War

Upon finishing boot camp, Darren was assigned to the Eighth division, Third Battalion Delta Platoon assigned to the USS Devonshire. The assignment was a quiet one considering what would come later in his career. The Devonshire made regular patrols across the Federation, answering calls for help from the Marines whenever requested. Here Darren started to get used to life in the Marines. Though basic had trained him for the eventual deployment as a marines, the companionship with other marines truly allowed him to embrace his chosen path. Darren would earn promotion to Private first class a year out of boot camp and slowly climb the military hierarchy as the years progress. After about three years he found himself a Lance Corporal, leading a squadron of men.
The Dominion War

Darren's first assignment was as squadron leader in the Third battalion of the Eighth Division aboard the USS Devonshire. As a troop transport, was moved from battleground to battle ground and participated in the capture of Aginar V, a major Federation offensive that involved elements of the Marine Corp and Starfleet. Aginar V, a dense jungle world was a bloody test of Federation resolve as the casualty count went into the thousands. Darren led his recon platoon deep into enemy territory to sabotage enemy communications and supply lines. Darren was able to lead his platoon to many important victories, most notably the destruction of San'Too Bridge to prevent Dominion ground based reinforcements.

After Aginar V, the Eighth Division was stationed on Betazed for R&R when Dominion Forces invaded. Taking up arms to defend the planet the 3rd Battalion rallied local forces in defense of the planet. With overwhelming Dominion Forces landing on Planet, the battalion found itself overwhelmed and opted to spread out and conduct guerrilla warfare with occupying forces. Darren's squad would be among the teams that evaded capture during the duration of the occupation working stoically to disrupt communication and supply lines while doing whatever was possible to free prisoners from Dominion Camps. Upon Dominion retreat from Betazed, Bishop's squadron, though missing three members would welcome the Federation liberators. Having suffered many casualties, the Marines Corp, opted to keep Bishop on duty, promoting him to fill the gaps that the war had created among the enlisted command structure. Darren found himself initially promoted to sergeant for his actions on Betazed and then againt to Staff Sergeant later on. Bishop's Pride as his squadron became nicknamed, would take part in the invasion of Cardassia, fighting tirelessly and ferociously with enemy forces.

Post War

The End of the Dominion War and the post war reconstruction period found the newly promoted Gunnery Sergeant Darren Bishop assisting in military action in many theaters. Having been promoted after the end of the War he found himself as First Sergeant to Captain Aric Landag, a grizzled old marine with forty years of experience. Landag encouraged Darren to excel as Marine first sergeant and held high expectation for the young man to succeed with Honor and Valor. Landag would be a major force in Darren's life and he credited Landag's teachings when he was promoted to Master Sergeant.
Landag's Battalion would be assigned to the USS Radson as it made patrols across Federation space, dealing with pirates, revolts or any other situation that required military intervention. His last deployment with the Radson found him knee deep in the Jungles of Quezta III a lush jungle world. The Colonist requested Federation assistance when a previously undiscovered species, Ra'tak, awakened from its one hundred year hibernation cycle. Ra'tak were a strange hybrid of cat and reptile with incredible speed and agility matched only by their ferocity and deadly venom. The colonists and their defenders were overwhelmed by the hostile and predatory creatures.

Landag's Own was dispatched to Quezta III and the marines spent two years defending the population from the creatures while building up a suitable defense perimeter as well as weapon emplacements to keep the population safe. Darren found comfort in the jungles despite the hostile environment that it presented. He personally led a rescue mission for a child missing in the jungle and was able to discover the main hibernation chamber of the Ra'tak creatures that harried the colonists. For his actions, he recieved a commendation for bravery and was given a recommendation for Officer Candidate school. He accepted and began preparing for the aptitude exam required of all candidates.

Officer Candidate School

Having served with distinction during the Dominion War and later at the defense of Quezta III's colonists, Darren was recommended for Officer Candidate School in Quantico. Despite these recommendations, he only barely passed the exam. There he learned how to command a platoon of his own. He excelled in maintaining troop morale and established himself as a leader that led from the front. Throwing himself in the Tactician specialization, he earned a reputation for daring assaults and clever ambushes. He would graduate with honors and be assigned to his first command.

Post Romulus Destruction

The destruction of Romulus created a void in a precariously balanced political game. The Federation, ever the humanitarian organization decided to aid the Romulans in their recovery and dispatched countless aid ships to the ailing empire. When it was discovered that colonies on the borders were attacked by rogue Romulan forces and their supplies stolen, the USS Amanrath and their Marine compliment was assigned to patrol the borders to give aid to colonies that requested it. Darren took to command quickly, organizing and training his men for a myriad of different combat scenarios and establishing unique squad make ups to ensure efficient and effective mobilization of his forces. While he specialized as a commander of recon and stealth attacks, he adjusted quickly towards take and hold as well as defensive operations.

In 2389 the USS Amanrath responded to a distress signal from Qualtris II. The colony suspected possible rogue invaders attacking their resources and outlying facilities and were worried that it was a precursor to a larger attack. The Amanrath dispatched its marines to the planet's surface while patrolling the system. Darren and his marines investigated the attacks as well as bolstered the colony's defenses. The Amanrath was crippled and crashlanded on Qualtris II by an unknown enemy fleet that had entered the system. Darren's defenses proved to be effective as the enemy began landing forces on the planet to raid its resources. Despite having crashed, the Amanrath was able to get out a distress call before all systems were jammed. It was left to Darren and his marines to maintain the colony's security and to retrieve any survivors off of the Amanrath. With transporter inhibitors preventing both sides from transporting troops, Darren led a squad to the location of the Amanrath's crash, leaving his XO behind to lead the defense.

The Amanrath's survivors had found shelter in the nearby mountain range, keeping themselves hidden from the enemy. Darren was able to find them and through absolute cunning and determination, get them back from behind enemy lines and into the colony where they received medical care. The defense of the colony continued for another two weeks before a Federation rescue fleet arrived saving the citizens of Qualtris II. Darren earned a commendation as well as promotion to First Lieutenant for his actions on Qualtris II and was offered command of Marine forces on Obsidian Colony.
Service Record 2370-2371 Enlisted in Starfleet Marine Corp.

-Eighth Division, Third Battalion USS Devonshire
2371-2378 Private Delta Squadron Sniper
-Kintares Incident 2371
Promoted Private First Class
-Vestikan V Action 2372
Promoted Corporal
- Shangsis Peace Keeping
Promoted Lance Corporal
-Battle of Mal'Kinar VIII
-Battle of Aginar V
-Battle of Betazed
Promoted to Sergeant Later to Staff Sergeant
-Battle of Cardassia
Promoted to Gunnery Sergeant

2378-2383 USS Radson
-Defense action of Quetza II
-Promoted to Master Sergeant

2383-2386 Accepted into Officer Candidate School
Promoted to Second Lieutenant

2386-2390 Second Lieutenant Marine CO
- Transfer to Ninth Division USS Amanrath
-Rescue at Qualtris II

2390- First Lieutenant Marine CO
-Transfer to Ninth Division, First Battalion Obsidian Colony
-Promoted Marine Captain
-Transferred to USS Draconis
-Transferred to USS Achilles